Please join us for our annual dog park event!
Saturday, October 15 from 10 am – 1pm at the Grand Ravines Dog Park
We’ve had some challenges with the weather, but we think the third time will be a charm!
We are excited to announce that the Grand Ravines Dog Park will be partnering with GVSU Colleges Against Cancer for a 2-in-1 event supporting the American Cancer Society Relay For Life! Join us for GVSU’s annual Bark for Life and our Dog Days of… Fall celebration.
You’ll be able to enjoy the park, see the renovation progress, and have the opportunity to support both the dog park and the American Cancer Society.
The grand prize is a 50/50 raffle… lots of other prizes and activities will be available! Purple Bark for Life t-shirts and doggie bandannas will also be available.
Special guests include:
• Chow Hound Pet Supplies
• Fancy Pants Paws
• Tyson’s Place Animal Rescue
• Lularoe – Lindsay Gainor
• Kai & Cocoa’s Threads
• The Ella Foundation
Thank you to all of our sponsors, including the Hudsonville-Jenison Community Foundation for their generous donation of $10,000 and the Chow Hound Pet Supplies community who helped contribute a match!
Grand Ravines Dog Park: 3991 Fillmore Street, Jenison, Michigan