
LiveWise Meetings at the Tri-Cities YMCA

submitted by Susan Thorpe

LiveWise meets January 9 – Feb. 27 on Thursdays at the Tri-Cities YMCA, 1 Y Drive, Grand Haven.  LiveWise is a collaboration between the Alzheimer’s Assn. and the YMCA to provide exercise and education for persons in early stages of memory loss or dementia to promote health, socialization and cognitive well being. Pre-assessment is required by calling 800-272-3900 or email

Memory Cafe Meetings at Two Yolks Cafe

submitted by Susan Thorpe

Memory Cafe meets every 2nd Wednesday, 9:30 – 11 AM at Two Yolks Cafe, 949 Robbins Road, Grand Haven.  A social time for anyone with or concerned with memory loss, along with their family, friend or care partner can come together in a safe, supportive and engaging environment to laugh, cry, learn and remain socially active. Registration is required prior to attending first time by calling 800-272-3900 or