A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, June 8, 2020, in the township board room.
Members Present: Heidi Tice, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Greg Hulka, Jeff Jacobs, Terry Knoll, Denise Winebarger
Members Absent: none
At 7:00pm, Heidi Tice opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
Also Present: 6- residents; 1- employees; 1- guests; Director of Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada; Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli.
The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Heidi Tice, was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of May 11, 2020 as presented.
The motion by Heidi Tice, supported by Denise Winebarger, was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented.
1. Brian Michelli reported a slight decrease in responses to COVID related calls; the speed trailer was put on Sheridan Rd in response to speeding/drag racing complaints and received reasonable results showing that speed is not an issue.
2. Steve Biesiada reported that the DPW has seen a surge in water service requests since construction has resumed; the Smiley water tower valve work is due to resume this week; preparation for clean-up days is underway; the water main supplying water from Lake Michigan appears to be stable.
3. Heidi Tice shared that there was no Fruitport Old Fashioned days festivities due to COVID, however there was a small show of support in the form of a short and unexpected parade through the village; there will be no acceptance of hazardous materials (other than oil) during clean-up days; it is unknown at this time if there will be a tire event this year.
20-044 Second Reading: Zoning Map Amendment Ordinance
Jeff Jacobs moved, Greg Hulka seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt ordinance #816 to amend the Township’s zoning map by changing the zoning classification from R-6 Single Family Residential District to R-1 Medium Density Residential for parcel number 61-15-126-100-0005-00 or 6025 Walker Rd., Fruitport, MI 49415 as recommended by the Planning Commission.
At a public hearing on April 21, 2020, the Planning Commission gave the following reason supporting the zone change:
1. The requested rezoning will not result in spot zoning
2. The requested rezoning will not be inconsistent with the surrounding property
3. The property does not have to be rezoned in order to be reasonably used
4. The requested rezoning would have the following effect on surrounding property values: positive
5. The requested rezoning would have the following effect on the market value of the property in question: positive
6. The requested rezoning would be consistent with the general trend of future building and population growth in the area
7. The requested rezoning would be consistent with the Master Plan
This constitutes the second and final reading of Amendment Ordinance No. 816.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Winebarger, Hulka
Nays: None
20-045 Cooley Road street light request
The minimum estimate from Consumers Energy to place a street light at the requested location is $7,800. The board choose not to move forward.
20-046 Fire Department parking lot repaving
The parking lots at both fire stations are in poor condition. The repair for each location was planned for in the current budget. Bids from four companies were presented.
The Public Safety Committee recommends contracting Asphalt Paving, Inc. to repave station #2 at a cost of $21,700.00; Pittman Asphalt Maintenance to fill cracks, repair damaged areas, seal, and stripe station #1 at a cost of $6,275.00; Pittman Asphalt Maintenance to fill cracks, seal, and stripe station #2 at a cost of $3,947.00.
Terry Knoll moved, supported by Jeff Jacobs, MOTION CARRIED, to complete the Fire Department parking lot projects as proposed.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Winebarger, Hulka
Nays: None
20-047 Payment of bills
Terry Knoll moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $22,555.99; Public Safety $32,422.49; Water $38,717.74; Sewer $17,303.67; Street Lights $14,518.61; Trust & Agency $639.00
Totaling: $126,157.50
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Winebarger, Hulka
Nays: none
1. Heidi Tice shared an online educational program offered by Michigan Township Association and would like the board to decide at the next meeting whether to participate or not.
1. Craig Sturtevant and another neighbor from Medema St. shared ongoing troubles they have had with a neighbor who consistently has loud parties causing a neighborhood disturbance.
The motion by Denise Winebarger, supported by Heidi Tice, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 7:56pm.