Monthly Archives: October 2015

Editorial for Fruitport Township Residents

Vote YES on November 3rd to withdraw from MADL. Also vote NO for the MADL tax increase.

The Voters need to correct
With a heavy-handed pitch from the county level, the residents of Fruitport voted to join the Muskegon Area District Library (MADL) about 10 years ago while I was the township supervisor. I had misgivings at that time, but I did not take an active position against it.

Unfortunately, those misgivings have come to pass. We have given it a 10-year try and it has been a problem as the experiences expressed in the 4-page information flyer sent out explains. I believe it will continue to be unfair and problematic for our community and for our taxpayers until our voters vote to withdraw from MADL. It needs to be done now otherwise we will have to suffer through another ten years of injustice and increased taxes.

I believe that the library committee with the oversite of the township board and village council can provide a much better library than we could ever have being part of MADL and for less tax money.

—Previous Twp. Supervisor, Ron Cooper

P.S. The MADL is busy sending out faulty and misleading information. Don’t get taken in by it. If you would like the truth, the committee has the information available at the township hall.

Be a Muskegon STAR!

Anyone can be a Muskegon STAR! in the eyes of stakeholders working on the new community image campaign. A group of campaign coordinators have partnered to produce a new community specialist program called Muskegon STAR! Perception research showed that the majority of West Michigan residents have a lack of knowledge when it comes to Muskegon’s assets. Therefore, this program was launched in conjunction with the Watch Muskegon marketing campaign, to educate the community’s residents, volunteers and front-line employees on the area’s assets and how to sell them.

“Sharing community information effectively with guests and residents creates a positive Muskegon experience,” says Cindy Larsen, President of the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce. “These positive experiences help grow our local economy, enhance pride and increase quality of life.”

Education is one of the three pillars of the community-wide image campaign, along with beautification and marketing. This training program is one of the ways in which area organizations plan to improve the community’s image.

“More than 1.5 million people travel to the Muskegon Lakeshore each year for vacation and it is vitally important that we capture every possible opportunity to make a positive impression,” said Bob Lukens, Community Development Director for Muskegon County. “Having certified Muskegon STARS! will enhance our destination’s reputation for years to come, helping us to attract future visitors, meetings and events.”

This half-day training program kicks off October 19, 2015 and will deliver information about the community’s assets and how to share this information using a variety of customer service skills. At the conclusion of the program, participants are administered a test and then become certified “Muskegon STARS!” Participants will receive an official Muskegon STAR! pin, a certificate of completion, and an “Experience Pass” allowing entry to several Muskegon County attractions to get a hands-on experience of the community’s assets.

“While it’s vitally important to train our community’s frontline selling staff, it’s equally as important to train our community residents and job seekers,” adds Brittany Lenertz, Deputy Director for Michigan Works! Muskegon-Oceana. “With more than 1,000 local jobs to fill, educating job seekers on how to sell the community and providing them with the customer service training to do it, is critical in so many industries across the community.”

The program curriculum has been established over the past several months, with two pilot training sessions held in the last month. “The response to the first couple training sessions has been overwhelming,” adds Larsen. “We have Muskegon STARS! contacting us stating that they have already used what they’ve learned during the training and recognize the value of the content.”

About the Muskegon STAR! Certified Community Specialist Program:

Coordinating Program Partners: Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce and Michigan Works! Muskegon-Oceana.

Additional Partners: Muskegon County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Baker College of Muskegon, United Way of the Lakeshore, Muskegon Area Intermediate School District and the Watch Muskegon Campaign.

Training Dates and Times: The first official training will be held on October 19, 2015 with monthly trainings to follow on November 18, January 20, February 17, and March 16. All trainings take place from 1 – 5pm. Class size is limited to 30 people.

Training Location: All scheduled sessions are held at the Michigan Works! Office at 316 Morris Avenue, Suite 300, inside Terrace Plaza in Downtown Muskegon.

Training Cost: All trainings are currently free, however a nominal fee will apply in the future. Companies interested in having an on-site training with 10+ employees can pay a nominal fee to have the training brought in-house. Those interested in a corporate training, can contact Michigan Works! at 231-332-3926 to schedule.

How to Register: You can register for upcoming trainings at or by contacting the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce at 231-722-3751 or

Continuing to Expose Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Agenda

As the summer has gone on, the controversy has grown over the undercover videos which reveal Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling the organs and body parts of aborted children.

As of September 10, nine videos have now been released. Four of the videos feature meetings with Planned Parenthood officials. Three videos feature a whistle blower formerly employed at StemExpress, a company which purchased organs from Planned Parenthood. The other two videos feature meetings with the leaders of companies which buy the fetal body parts.

These undercover investigations have revealed a number of troubling aspects of Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling the organs and body parts of aborted children. Planned Parenthood officials are willing to change abortion procedures in order to obtain more intact organs, a fact they admitted to in a letter to Congress. There are also the disturbing images of aborted children and revelations of intact children being delivered at abortion clinics.

StemExpress sued in an attempt to prevent the release of the video featuring their CEO. When they learned they were unlikely to win their case, they announced they were cutting ties with Planned Parenthood before the video became public.

Planned Parenthood has responded to the videos by hiring SKDKnickerbocker, a high-priced public relations firm. Various efforts to distract attention away from the videos have included the apparent faking of a web site hack, claiming those who made the videos are violent extremists, claiming the videos are illegal, threatening to sue, and hiring a forensic investigator to release a report which says the full videos are useless as evidence because they don’t include footage of the undercover reporters taking bathroom breaks.

In their letter to Congress, Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards admits that one of their California affiliates receives a “reimbursement of $60 per tissue specimen.” While Richards claims the $60 per tissue is solely a reimbursement, she has not provided any evidence the money they receive for these organs is only a reimbursement for their costs. This is especially troubling considering some videos have shown how the companies that purchase the fetal body parts are directly doing the collection and transportation following the abortion. What is Planned Parenthood being reimbursed for except for allowing the buyers access to babies’ body parts?

To help further educate the public on Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda, prolife people from across Michigan joined others across the United States on August 22 and showed up in large numbers at 14 Planned Parenthood clinics in Michigan. They peacefully protested America’s largest provider and promoter of abortion, and asked government leaders to stop sending their tax dollars to them.

To learn more about Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda and to view the videos which have exposed them, visit

Dr. Universe – Volcano

Dr. Universe: What happens under a volcano? -Graylon W., 6, Milton, Ontario

Dear Graylon,

Your question takes us on a journey deep into the Earth. Figuratively speaking, of course. It’s really hot under Earth’s surface. It’s so hot it can melt rock. This melted rock is known as magma. And anything that erupts magma is a volcano.

Under volcanoes are giant pools filled with piping hot mush. That’s what I learned from my friend John Wolff, a geologist at Washington State University.

“It’s almost like thick oatmeal,” Wolff explained. Thick oatmeal that glows hot orange and sometimes stinks like a burnt match or rotten eggs. The mush is a mixture of rock that is not quite a liquid or a solid. It also has crystals.

In his rock collection, Wolff has a piece of dark grey basalt rock with white crystals. Basalt is one of the oldest, most common kinds of rock we find under volcanoes.

Scientists think crystals in the semi-melted rock help the mush keep its shape for such a long time. If half of the mush is crystals, it will stay mushy. When the mush has less than half crystals, it will start melting into more of a liquid.

“The crystal mush can’t flow,” Wolff said “But when it heats up and melts, all of a sudden it starts to move.”

Hotter magma down below heats up the mush. As it melts, it gets really hot. Since it’s the hottest thing around, it starts rising through a big tube in the volcano.

Until then, the mush just sits and waits. It can sit for tens of thousands of years. Under some volcanoes, the mush columns go all the way down to the top of Earth’s mantle. That’s about 20 miles deep.

Beneath Yellowstone National Park there is enough of this mush to fill about ten Grand Canyons. Yellowstone National Park is actually a super volcano. It stretches through parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. When the volcano blew thousands of years ago, it collapsed into itself. It formed a deep crater called a caldera.

Wolff actually tracks patterns of very hot spots under parts of southern Idaho. Earth’s rocky shell can move around and shift over time. It’s what scientists call plate tectonics. Parts of southern Idaho used to exist right over where Yellowstone National Park is today.

Wolff’s work also helps predict when volcanic eruptions will happen. Scientists don’t think Yellowstone will blow anytime soon. But when it does, the super volcano will create a super eruption.

We might not always think about it, but there are about half a dozen volcanoes erupting almost all the time. That’s a lot of magma spewing out from our planet’s volcanic lakes, oceans, mountains, and calderas.

Wolff says your question about what lies beneath volcanoes is a really good one.

“In one way or another, your question is the one most of us who work on volcanic rocks are trying to study,” he explains.

Graylon, you might just be a future scientist.

Dr. Universe

Have a question? Ask Dr. Universe. You can send her an e-mail at or visit her website at .

Fruitport Charter Township Board of Trustees — September 14, 2015


The regular meeting of the Fruitport Charter Township Board was called to order by Supervisor Brian Werschem at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 2015, in the township board room.

Supervisor Werschem opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.

Members Present: Brian Werschem, Supervisor; Carol Hulka, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Ron Becklin, Dave Markgraf, Marjorie Nash and Chuck Whitlow. Members Absent: No one

Also Present: 0 -township residents; o-employees; Public Safety Director, Doctor; DPW Director, Farrar; Eric Van Dop, Brickley DeLong; and State Representative Holly Hughes.

The board meeting minutes of August 24, 2015—regular meeting—was approved as presented.

The board meeting agenda for September 14, 2015, was approved as presented.


1) Michigan Township Legislative up-dates
2) On August 19,2015, the Muskegon County Road Commission abandoned and discontinued Ellis Road,
between Harvey Street and Quarterline Road, as a County road.
3) Three notices of public hearings for the month September were received from Michigan Gas Utilities




Amendment to Bendzinski and Co. Contract
Ron Becklin moved, seconded by Rose Dillon, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt the amended Bendzinski & Co. contract regarding bonding. In addition to submitting the Township’s Annual Information Statement and Audited Financial Statements to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) through Electronic Municipal Market Access (“EMMA”), Bendzinski & Co. also agrees to submit Fruitport’s portion of the West Michigan Regional Water Authority’s audited financial statements to the MSRB through EMMA.

Ayes: Becklin, Dillon, Nash, Hulka, Markgraf, Whitlow, Werschem        Nays: None

15-088 2014 – 2015 Audit Presentation
Eric Van Dop, CPA and Senior Manager from the firm of Brinkley DeLong, PLC, gave an overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Township for the Fiscal Year ending March 2015. At the end of the analysis of the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year, the governmental funds reported a total General Fund balance of $1,403,026.

The motion by Dave Markgraf, seconded by Marjorie Nash, was Carried Unanimously, to accept the audit presentation and findings for Fiscal Year ending March 2015, and enter these into public record.

15-089 Payment of Bills
Dave Markgraf moved, supported by Carol Hulka, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills for payment in the following amounts: General Fund and Parks: $22,223.59; Public Safety: $13,180.23; Water: $18,549.20; Sewer $24,782.01 Total: $78,735.03

Ayes: Markgraf, Hulka, Dillon, Nash, Whitlow, Becklin, Werschem        Nays: None

Through a grant and efforts of the Fruitport Village Council, Fruitport Village received 16 trees for planting. The Village only needing 6 trees gave 10 trees to the Township that were then planted at the soccer field on Sheringer Road.

Holly Hughes, State Representative in the 91st District, gave an informational overview of the legislative happenings in Lansing.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:35p.m.

CAROL HULKA, CLERK                                                     BRIAN WERSCHEM, SUPERVISOR

The Muskegon Area Arts and Humanities Festival 2015 Has Begun!

 The Muskegon Area Arts and Humanities Festival (ahfest) is back for the whole month of October 2015.  Celebrating the theme of “Myth and Reality”, ahfest, as a month-long “exploration”, brings together over 15 different area arts and humanities groups to examine more closely what the arts and humanities mean to the wider community in Muskegon County.  Events during the month range from art exhibits to theater productions to educational opportunities specifically for kids.  All the events, members, and information on the festival can be found at the festival website,

This year festival offerings cast a wide net through many disciplines in the arts and humanities. They include:

Artists Announced for Art in 8!
Art in 8 will be held Oct. 10 at 9:00 a.m. at the Muskegon Farmer’s Market (Indoor Facility).  Eight artists will have eight hours to create a new piece of art from a variety of known and unknown materials provided for them.  Join us throughout the day and vote for your favorite piece of new art.  The eight artists participating are Mary Jo Westenberg, Kathie Thompson, Jeffery Van Dyke, Ken Foster, Renee Therriault, Sarajane Fellini, Jon Workman and Jessamy Anna Hulings. The winner will be announced during a reception to follow the event at 4:30-6:00 pm.  This event is free and open to the public!

ahfest Film Series
Life of Pi, Oct. 7 at 6:00 p.m. at MCC Room 1100
Birdman, Oct. 14 at 6:00 p.m. at MCC Room 1100
Peaceable Kingdom, Oct. 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Muskegon Museum of Art
Seven Psychopaths, Oct. 28 at 6:00 p.m. at the Muskegon Museum of Art

The Collins Foundation
The Letterman will perform a free concert, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Frauenthal.  Tickets are available beginning on October 5.

Frauenthal Center
The Buster Keaton Film Festival takes place on Oct. 3 at 8:00 p.m.
The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra will perform on Oct. 20 at 7:30.

Lakeshore Museum Center
October Tours of Historic Sites are free for Muskegon residents.
The Lumber Barons’ Ball takes place on Oct 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the Hackley Administration Building.

K-12 Visual Art Teacher Exhibit and Art Contest all month with a reception on Oct 1 at 5:00 p.m. at the Bettye Clark Cannon Gallery at the Frauenthal.

Muskegon Civic Theater
Moonlight and Magnolias will be presented Oct. 1-2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Beardley Theater.
Muskegon Has Talent, Oct. 24 at 6:00 p.m. at Fruitport Golf and Banquet Center.

Muskegon Community College
Art Exhibit: Myth and Reality – Drawings by Patricia Hendricks Constantine at Overbrook Art Gallery. A reception will take place on Oct 14 at 6:00 p.m.
The Play Big Love by Charles L. Mee will be presented Oct. 14-18 at Overbrook Theater.  Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 3:00 p.m. Sunday.
The play The Haunting of Hackley House by Bill Iddings and Teri Nine is presented on Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. at Overbrook Theater.

Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce 
Watch Muskegon Community Image Dialogues will take place on Oct. 13 at 6:00 p.m at the White Lake Community Library and Oct. 20 6:00 p.m. at the Muskegon Community College Blue and Gold Room.
Business for Breakfast is Oct. 23 at 7:30 a.m. at Holiday Inn Downtown.

Muskegon Museum of Art
Doorways: A Passage through the Permanent Collection, through Oct. 11.
Fine Craft from the Permanent Collection, through Oct. 25.
Extreme Fiber: Textile Icons and the New Edge, through Nov 1.
The Art of Gettysburg and the Civil War, through Oct. 25.
Appraisal Fair, Oct. 24.
Freestyle: The Art of the Snowboard, opens Oct. 29.

Muskegon Writers’ Center
Three Fierce, Fun, Female Poets, Oct. 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the Frauenthal.

West Michigan Symphony
The concert season opens with East Meets West on Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Frauenthal.
The Symphony presents Igudesman and Joo – And Now Mozart on Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Frauenthal.
The School For Scandal is presented on Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at The Block.


Celebrating the great offerings in the arts in humanities, the festival began in 2001 under the leadership of Richard Charles Ford, an ardent advocate for recognition of the benefits of having an active arts and humanities community in Muskegon County.  Since 2001, the festival has explored a theme each year chosen by committee; some of which have included Good and Evil (2002), Freedom and Privacy (2004), Tradition and Change (2008), Self (2010) and Home(2011).  The choice of theme is intended to spark creativity in the wider community and inspire us to ask questions and discuss what our lives look like in terms of that particular theme.

ahFest is proud to be continuing the tradition of celebrating and supporting the arts and humanities in Muskegon country and facilitating opportunities for our wider community to come together each year.  All information can be found on the website,

Listen. See. Read. Discuss.
Muskegon Area Arts and Humanities Festival
October 2015

For questions or interviews, please contact:

Sheila Wahamaki, Festival Chair


Muskegon County Calendar of Events 10/05/15-10/11/15

Presented by the Muskegon County Convention & Visitors Bureau

10/05/2015 – 10/09/15 Aladdin
‎Nuveen Theatre Arts Presents ‘Aladdin’!  This workshop and play is for grades K-6.  Auditions are October 5 from 4:00-6:00pm with rehearsals taking place October 6-9 from 4:00-8:15pm.  The show will be October 9 at 3:00pm and 5:00pm at the Howmet Playhouse.  The cost is $40.  Call 231-893-2787 for more information.

10/05/2015 – 10/31/15 October Tours are Free for Muskegon Residents!
October 1-31 is Free Tour Month for Muskegon County Residents at the Hackley & Hume, Firebarn and Scolnik House historic sites!  The sites are open Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am-4:00pm and Sundays from 12:00-4:00pm.  For more information, call 231-722-7578.

10/05/2015 & 10/12/15 – Autumn Lighthouse Tours
October 5 and 12 from 11:00am-3:00pm and every Saturday in October from 3:00-6:00pm, you can tour the South Pier Lighthead at Pere Marquette Beach!  Tour the light and see the shoreline color change from this 48 ft. tower.  Admission is $2-$4.  Children must be 3 ft. tall to climb the tower.  For more information, call 844-654-4487.  To become a Lighthouse Keeper, e-mail

10/06/2015 – Canoeing in Michigan
‎Join us as PBS-featured author and life-long Michigan resident Doc Fletcher presents his hour-long 2014 canoeing and kayaking program, “Canoeing in Michgan”. You don’t have to be a paddling enthusiast to enjoy the program, but you may become one by the time the evening ends. At the end of Doc’s time with us, a free drawing will be held and one person will win a gift certificate good for a free canoe or kayak day trip. The use of the boats and drop-offs/pick-ups are donated by liveries (canoe/kayak rentals) in towns across Michigan. The trip winner will be drawn at random from the other half of tickets handed out to attendees as they arrive
for the program. Canoe/kayak livery brochures & state maps will be made available to assist program attendees in planning river trips. For those interested, Doc will sign and sell copies of his many published books on canoeing and kayaking in Michigan and Wisconsin.

10/06/2015 – White Lake Classical Series
‎As part of the White Lake Classical Series, you’re invited to the Book Nook & Java Shop, Tuesday, October 6 ar 7:00pm for live music from Brian Carter on horn with special guests Sondra Cross, Brian DeYoung and Bryan Uecher.  The cover is $5.  For more information, call 231-894-5333.

10/07/2015 – Greater Muskegon Woman’s Club 125th Anniversary Tea
The Greater Muskegon Woman’s Club invites you to join them for their 125th Anniversary Tea, October 7 at 1:00pm.  Make your reservations by calling 231-788-3050 or e-mail

10/07/2015 – Intermediate Watercolor Seminar
‎The Arts Council of White Lake invites you to an Intermediate Watercolor Seminar to enhance your painting skills with Linda Busse, October 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 5:30-7:00pm at the Nuveen Center.  The cost is $40.  Call 231-894-2787 to reserve your spot.

10/07/2015 – Film: Life of Pi @Muskegon Community College
‎Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee (Rated PG)

Synopsis: A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger.

Each evening will begin with a commentary about the film and director by Mary Tyler, English and film instructor from Muskegon Community College, followed by a viewing of the film, and then a group discussion. These films are only suitable for mature audiences. For more information, call 231-773-9131.

Room 1100. Free popcorn!

10/08/2015 – Brown Bag Film – Craft in America: Threads
‎Thursday, October 8 at 12:15pm, come to the Muskegon Museum of Art for the Brown Bag Film, “Craft in America: Threads.”  (60 mins.) From the beginning, craft has been a combination of function, ornamentation, and message. Threads investigates all of these aspects of the fiber arts with storytelling through textiles that speak to the creativity of the human spirit. Brown Bag film admission is free. Complimentary coffee and cookies are provided. You are welcome to bring your lunch. For more information, call 231-720-2570.

10/08/2015 & 10/11/2015 – Braveheart Raptor Rehabilitation Center Open House
Braveheart Raptor Rehabilitation Center invites you to visit them from 1:00pm-4:00pm to learn all about the facility, the birds, and what they do. Guests will also get to see the permanent resident birds, and touch real artifacts! In addition to the free handouts about preserving the environment for raptors and other conservation information, you can purchase T-shirts, raptor bookmarks, and notecards with photos of their ambassador birds. For more information, call 231-821-9125 or check them out on Facebook!

10/08/2015 – Writers in Resonance Reading
October 8 at 6:00pm, come to the Muskegon Museum of Art for “Writers in Resonance Reading.”   Writers in Resonance, a group of Muskegon area writers that meets as a critique group at the MMA, will host a fun evening of contemporary poetry and writing of all kinds. This FREE public event will feature live readings, including ekphrastic responses to art from the MMA’s permanent collection. Refreshments will be provided as well as a cash bar.  For more information, call 231-720-2570.

10/09/2015 – 10/11/15 Harvest Festival
‎Campers are invited to the Harvest Festival at the Channel Campground inside Muskegon State Park, Friday through Sunday, October 9-11.  There’s a hotdog roast Friday from 6:00pm until all the hotdogs are gone!  Saturday, start with morning coffee followed by two hours of activities for the children including the egg toss, marshmallow eating contest, pumpkin bowling and a parade!  Smokey the Bear will be there for the scavenger hunt, trick or treating and more.  For more information, e-mail Mary Lou at

10/09/2015 – Make It Take It
‎October 9 from 10:00am-3:00pm, come to Michigan’s Heritage Park for “Make It Take It”!  Stick stockades is the theme of this month’s event. Participants will learn about the Civilian Conservation Corps’ role in building the blockhouse and have an opportunity to build their own stockade.  For $5, they may take their stockade home, or leave it for the next visitor.  For more information, call 231-894-0342.

10/09/2015 – 10/31/15 Haunted Hall
Haunted Hall, one of the county’s oldest haunted attractions, is back in 2015, and this year will be bigger and better than ever, featuring the “Murder Castle”, “Cellar of Torture” and “The

Woods”.  This event is not recommended for children under 12.  The horror is happening at the Muskegon County Fairgrounds, 6621 Heights Ravenna Rd. in Fruitport Township, Fridays and Saturdays, October 2-31.  This year’s theme is “The Magnificent Helms Hotel”.  For more ghoulish details, visit

10/09/2015 – Three Fierce, Fun, Female Poets!
‎October 9 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm, come to the Frauenthal Theater for “Three Fierce, Fun, Female Poets!”  Doors open at 6:00pm for book sales, cash bar, and live music. Sharon Olds is the author of eight volumes of poetry.  Her poetry, says Michael Ondaatje, is “pure fire in the hands,” and David Leavitt in the Voice Literary Supplement describes her work as “remarkable for its candor, its eroticism, and its power to move.”  With sensuality, humor, sprung rhythm, and stunning imagery, she expresses truths about domestic and political violence, sexuality, family relationships, love, and the body.  Often compared to “confessional” poets, she has been much praised for the courage, emotional power, and extraordinary physicality of her work.  For mature audiences only.  $10 HS/College Students; $15 All Others – Tickets available at Frauenthal Theater Box Office or 800-585-3737.

10/09/2015 – Performances @The Block: The School for Scandal
Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10 at 7:30pm, come to the Block as West Michigan’s only Shakespearian touring group, Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company, bring a comedy of manners to The Block. The story about the behavior and customs of upper classes, is told through witty dialogue with comic situations that satirize the malicious gossip and hypocrisy in the fashionable society of London in the 1770s. This Restoration period play was first performed in 1777 in Drury Lane Theatre, London. The performances at The Block are a precursor to the WMS concert in November that will feature the 1931 overture of the same name by composer Samuel Barber. Call Rita at 231-726-3231 x223 for tickets and more information. Doors and bar open at 6:30.

10/10/2015 – Hike for the Hungry
October 10, please join the Muskegon Rescue Mission, Love INC and Catholic Charities as they partner together for the 4th Annual Hike for the Hungry at Heritage Landing in downtown Muskegon. This beautiful park features gorgeous water views making it a pleasure for walkers and runners alike. Sign up now and start raising money for a great cause. Come on your own or form a team. Check-in begins at 9:00am at Heritage Landing.

All monies raised help support Muskegon Rescue Mission, Love INC and Catholic Charities in their efforts to feed the hungry in West Michigan.  Whether you sign on as a walker, a donor or both, your participation will help bring relief to your hungry neighbors in Muskegon. 100% of the proceeds raised from this event will stay in Muskegon County. For additional information or to ask questions contact Muskegon Rescue Mission at 231-727-6090 or via email to

10/10/2015 – Fall Pumpkin Fest
Always held on the 2nd Saturday in October, Pumpkinfest features pumpkin pie baking contests, seed spitting contests, pumpkin painting and carving contests and the festival favorite, the Pumkin Roll down Dowling Hill with over 700 contestants of all ages.  Registration for the roll begins at 9:30am.  The White Lake Senior Center will have food specials to go along with vendors selling elephant ears, hot dogs, pizzas, candied apples, etc. For more information, call the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce at 231-893-4585.

10/10/2015 – Depot to Depot Fall Color Tour
Gather your family and friends to experience the vibrant Fall colors at the Depot-to-Depot Fall Color Tour!  This free, self-guided tour happens the first 3 Saturdays in October from 10:00am – 4:00pm.  “Color Tourers” can pick up a map at either the Muskegon County Convention & Visitors Bureau, located in the historic Union Depot at 610 W. Western Ave. in downtown Muskegon, or at the White Lake Area Chamber/CVB at the Whitehall Depot, 124 W. Hanson St. in downtown Whitehall.  Using the map as a guide, you’ll have the opportunity to visit stops along the way to win great prizes! Refreshments will be served at both the Muskegon and Whitehall Depots, and kids will receive a free pumpkin that they can decorate on-the-spot.  For more information, call 231-724-3100.

10/10/2015 – Art in 8
As part of Muskegon Community College’s “Ahfest”, you’re invited to the Muskegon Farmer’s Market October 10 from 10:00am-6:00pm for “Art in 8.” Eight Muskegon area artists will have eight hours to create a new original work of art based on this year’s theme Myth and Reality. The winning work and artist are selected by popular vote and announced at the public reception at the end of the day. Admission is free.

10/10/2015 – Youth Art Fair
The Nuveen Community Center for the Arts is once again offering students aged 8-18 the opportunity to sell their artistic creations at a youth art fair on Saturday, October 10. The art fair, held concurrently with Montague’s famous Pumpkin Roll, will run from 10:00am-1:00pm on Ferry St. Participation is free, but pre-registration is required. Tables will be available on a first come, first served basis. Registration information may be found at or by calling 231-894-2787.

The public is encouraged to stop by the Youth Art Fair during the Pumpkin Roll to browse a wonderful selection of hand-crafted items and support the artistic young entrepreneurs in our community.

10/10/2015 – Extreme Crafts Super Saturday
October 10 from 11:00am-3:00pm, come to the Muskegon Museum of Art for an Extreme Crafts Super Saturday! This Free Family Fun Day is all about crafts and fibers at this Super Saturday!

11:00 am & 1:00 pm Film: Faith Ringgold: The Last Story Quilt (28 mins.)

11:00 am – 1:00 pm Guided Exhibition Tours

Explore Extreme Fibers: Textile Icons and the New Edge with a Museum docent.

11:00 am – 2:00 pm Make & Take

Get inspired by the edgy fiber artists in Extreme Fibers and then try your own hand at making a funky basket by weaving with cool recycled materials.

For more information, call 231-720-2570.

10/10/2015 – City of the Dead
Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation will host their sixth annual City of the Dead walking tour of Muskegon’s historic Evergreen Cemetery, 391 Irwin Ave. on October 10 from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Experience for yourself the romance, tragedy, curiosity and dedication in the story of Muskegon’s citizens from the past as congregation members perform historic re-enactments. Cost is $5 for adults and children under 6 are FREE. For more information, call 231-282-0571.

10/10/2015 – Lumber Baron’s Ball
October 10 from 6:00-10:00pm, you’re invited to the Lumber Baron’s Ball at the Hackley Administration Building. Join the Lakeshore Museum Center as they “Explore a Future that Brings Great Things Together”. Steampunk attire is encouraged. Research at Enjoy live and silent auctions, a wonderful dinner and entertainment. Tickets are $85 for individuals, $170 for couples and corporate sponsorships are also available by calling 231-722-0278. Your support of this year’s event supports the future of history of the Lakeshore Museum Center.

10/10/2015 – Lumberjacks Hockey Home Game!
After finishing second in the chase for the USHL’s top prize – the Clark Cup, the Lumberjacks are back this season again to play tonight against the Madison Capitols. The puck drops at 7:15pm. This will be a “Fozen/Spiderman Night” with team magnet giveaways. Be there to support our hockey. GO JACKS! LC Walker Arena is located at 955 Fourth St., in downtown Muskegon.

10/11/2015/ – Lakeshore Bridal Expo 2015
FREE Admission to the Lakeshore Bridal Expo at the Muskegon Country Club Sunday October 11 from 1:00p4:00pm. This is FREE and open to the public. The country club is located at 2801 Lakeshore Dr. Pre-register at 

Ongoing Events:

Armchair Archeology
‎”Armchair Archaeology: From Hobby to History” is on display at the Lakeshore Museum Center!  The exhibit explores early archaeology practices and philosophies that would be considered controversial today and showcases the local men who did it right.  The exhibit features ten Muskegon residents from the late 1800s to early 1940s who were working in the area to learn about who and what was living here before them.  Artifacts on display from the local digs include pottery shards, arrowheads, projectile points, and tools.  Visitors will have an opportunity to take a seat and spend some time reading books and journal articles written by and about the men featured in the exhibit.

Rootdown Yoga
Rootdown Juice & Greens Bar offers high-energy, heated and music filled Power Vinyasa (flow) Yoga classes every day of the week.  This style of yoga is accessible to everyone regardless of age, ability or experience.  For class times and descriptions, please visit

Myth and Reality: Drawings by Patricia Hendricks Constantine
‎As part of Ahfest, come to Muskegon Community College’s Overbrook Art Gallery for Myth and Reality: Drawings by Patricia Hendricks Constantine” through October 30.  This solo show featuresg recent works on the ahFest theme by Kendall College of Art and Design Professor.  There’ll be a free public reception Wednesday, October 14, 6:00 – 7:30pm, followed by an Artist’s Gallery Talk at 6:30pm.  For more information, call 231-777-0344.

Pennants on Display
Pennants from the collection of Peggy Tully are now on display in the Collectors Corner at the Lakeshore Museum Center. Her collection showcases pennants collected in the late 1940s and early 1950s from all over the United States and Canada. Starting with the collector’s hometown of Marshall, Michigan all the way to the Grand Canyon and beyond. This collection will be on display through the end of February 2016.  The museum is open weekdays from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:00pm.  For more information, call 231-722-0278 or visit

Reading by Any Means Necessary
You’re invited to the James Jackson Museum of African American History for the “Reading…by any means necessary” program, every Monday through Saturday from 2:00-5:30pm.  The museum is located at 7 E. Center St. in Muskegon Heights.  Call 231-739-9500 for more information.

The Art of Gettysburg and the Civil War
Come to the Muskegon Museum of Art, Mondays through October 19 from 6:00-8:00pm for the lecture series, “The Art of Gettysburg and the Civil War.”  Muskegon Community College Art Instructor Tim Norris and History Instructors Kurt Troutman and George Maniates will present a voyage through Civil War American art and history.  A special exhibition of Civil War era and related art will be on display in the Muskegon Museum of Art’s Tuttle Gallery to complement this program. Auditorium doors open at 5:30pm.  The cost is $10 per lecture.  Pay at the door in the MMA Gift Store.  For more information, visit

DOORWAYS: A Passage through the Permanent Collection
As part of Muskegon Community College’s Ahfest, “DOORWAYS: A Passage through the Permanent Collection” is on display at the Muskegon Museum of Art through October 11.  Building exhibitions around works from the permanent collection is a high priority. These study shows are often organized thematically and developed to expand our knowledge and appreciation of artworks in the MMA’s ever-expanding quality holdings. Through a selection of paintings, sculpture, prints, and photographs, Doorways addresses, even challenges, our preconceived notions of doors as common thresholds we cross into our homes and workplaces. For more information, call 231-720-2570.

CHALLENGING TRADITION: Fine Craft from the Permanent Collection
As part of Muskegon Community College’s Ahfest, come to the Muskegon Museum of Art through October 25 for “CHALLENGING TRADITION: Fine Craft from the Permanent Collection”.  This exhibit showcases some of the best contemporary craft works in collection of the Muskegon Museum of Art, including works in fiber, metal, and stone. These artists, as well as many others represented in the show, speak both to the enduring legacies of craft and the continuing innovation and creativity of today’s artists.  For more information, call 231-720-2570.

EXTREME FIBER: Textile Icons and the New Edge
‎”Extreme Fiber: Textile Icons and the New Edge” examines the state of fibers and textiles in the fine art world today. As part of Muskegon Community College’s Ahfest, the artworks on display will reveal the diversity of this fine craft movement, and its transformation into a multi-media and discipline-spanning phenomenon through November 1. Participating artists are well-known visionaries in the field.

Joining the works of these masters will be a group of artworks selected from juried submissions received from artists around the world. Works from new and established artists will thus be seen alongside the contemporary art of the artists that helped to define the movement. The exhibition will include tapestries, quilts, weavings, sculpture, basketry, and a host of other forms, from the functional to the fully-abstracted.

This exhibition has been organized by the Muskegon Museum of Art with guest curator Geary Jones. Underwritten by Bayer CropScience.  For more information, call 231-720-2570.

Muskegon Farmer’s Market
Enjoy their bustling market opening their outdoor season on Saturday, May 2! Hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 6:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Power of Produce will start up again Saturday June 6 – October 31, 2015, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. with activities 10:00 – Noon on Saturdays only. This is a membership club for kids, ages 5 – 12 yrs. They learn about healthy eating and can purchase their own fresh produce.

Muskegon Heights Farmer’s Market
The Muskegon Heights Farmer’s Market will offer a variety of produce along with being a flea market. Starting May 2, the market will be open from 9:00am -1:00pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The market is lcoated on the corner of Baker and East Center Street.

Undiscovered Worlds: The Search Beyond Our Sun
‎With rapidly improving telescope technology, hundreds of planets have been found orbiting stars beyond our solar system. Are any of these exoplanets like Earth? Can they support life? How will this change our view of the universe? These questions will be explored in a NEW planetarium program at Muskegon Community College (room 135, 221 S. Quarterline Rd, Muskegon). No reservations are needed for this free show, which runs August 25 – October 29 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. (doors open by 6:45), and includes a brief planetarium dome demonstration of the current night sky. For more information, or to schedule a private show for groups of 15-44, please call (231) 777-0289 or email

Muskegon City Flea Market
The City Flea Market will open for Wednesday, May 6 from 6:00am-3:00pm. They are located at 700 Yuba Street. There are many booths of products you can only imagine! They are open every Wednesday through October 28.

Open Public Tours at the MMA
‎Thursdays in October from 1:00–3:00pm, the Muskegon Museum of Art is offering Open Public Tours!  Drop in for docent-led tours of the MMA’s major fiber art exhibition and a complementary show of examples of fine studio craft art, drawn from museum holdings.  For more information, visit

APICS-Grand Rapids Professional Development Meeting

APICS-Grand Rapids Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Professional Development Meeting

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN – APICS, the Grand Rapids Chapter, will be hosting the professional development meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at the GVSU University Club, 107C DeVos Center – Building C Grand Valley State University Pew Campus, 401 Fulton Street West, Downtown Grand Rapids. The evening begins at 5:00 PM with registration and networking, dinner at 6:00 PM, and the speaker at 7:00 PM. Carrie Van Daele will present “Are You Struggling to Keep Up with the Demand?”

Reservations must be received by Noon on Friday, October 9th. Cost for APICS members is $28.00; non-members $35.00 and students $7.00. Reservations can be made online at or email to Parking information on our website.

For more information regarding the Chapter’s Professional Development Meetings and speakers, please visit our website at:

6th Annual City of the Dead Walking Tour

Muskegon Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation to hold the 6Th annual City of the Dead walking tour of Muskegon’s historic Evergreen Cemetery.

The HUUC is, again presenting historic re-enactments of City of Muskegon founders and historic figures at their grave sites in historic Evergreen Cemetery. The likes of J. B. McCracken and the “Slave Stealer” Captain Jonathan Walker will be re-enacted at their grave sites in the cemetery. Others portraying historic figures will guide small groups from place to place for reenactments at the grave sites.

City of the Dead

Photography by Jay Luptak –

People experiencing the tour in past years were pleasantly surprised at how informative the reenactments are, and at how much fun it was. Many expressed appreciation for the great research efforts made on the various historic figures and that the re-enactments tell their stories with pride and humor. Many characters represented are former makers of the community of Muskegon. Several additional, colorful and interesting characters are presented.

For example; John, B. McCracken is a readily recognizable name. But did you know that, although he liked to keep his name out of the local paper, he was very proud of the temperance movement he started? This movement included pledging to refrain from consumption of alcohol as well as establishment of Muskegon’s first stage and opera house and a reading room. These gave the lumbermen and river men something to do besides drink their season’s wages away in the many saloons in the rough and tumble early years of Muskegon’s lumber era. McCracken helped to make Muskegon a better place for all citizens and helped to shape Muskegon into what it is today.

There are others, such as Thomas Hume and Captain Jonathan Walker, the “Man With The Branded Hand”. Walker was imprisoned in the South before the Civil War for attempting to steal slaves, wrote a popular journal of his imprisonment and had a popular poem written about him by John Greenleaf Whittier (titled; “The Man With The Branded Hand”). He later settled in Muskegon and after his death over 6,000 people came to Evergreen Cemetery to hear the invocation by Fotius Fisk. Fisk was the chaplain of the US Navy and a friend to Walker, and donated the obelisk that, still, stands at the north entrance to the cemetery.

Some new characters this year include Dr. Lucy Eames, the first woman physician in Muskegon County; Nelson DeLong a prominent lawyer who supported the “10 hours or no sawdust” strike by lumber mill workers and won two terms as mayor of Muskegon; James Snow telling the colorful story of the short man on a white mule riding into town during celebrations of the end of the Civil War and many more.

Visitors taking the tour are in for a real treat. They will learn a great deal about Mr. McCracken and his many peers, having fun while learning that each of the very real persons who helped Muskegon grow had a sense of humor.

The City of the Dead honors those calling Muskegon home long before us. Through very extensive research these very engaging stories have emerged from the record, and are revealed by the reenactments. . Stories of romance, tragedy, and curiosity are told, with a theme running throughout of great dedication by these founders towards making our city a better place.

The event will take place from 5 to 8PM on Saturday, October, 10th 2014 at Evergreen Cemetery 400 Irwin Ave. Muskegon MI 49442.

The cost is $5.00 per participant, children under 6 are free.

Secretary of State Offices Join 25th Annual Harvest Gathering Food Drive

Secretary of State Ruth Johnson promotes participation

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson today encouraged people across the state to participate in the 25th Annual Michigan Harvest Gathering food drive.

Johnson and Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette joined the Food Bank Council of Michigan in promoting the campaign during an event at the Lansing City Market today. Schuette and his wife co-founded the annual effort in 1991.

“For 25 years, the Harvest Gathering campaign has seen the people of our great state stand together to not only feed the hungry but to bring them hope,” Johnson said. “Michigan families saw some dark days during those 25 years but Harvest Gathering has never let those families down. I want to thank everyone here today, from the people working the food banks to the truck drivers, sponsors and office workers, for keeping the momentum going.”

Johnson also praised Secretary of State staff for making the food drive so successful every year. Since 2011, Secretary of State offices have collected almost 30 tons of food donations. The Secretary of State portion of the Harvest Gathering campaign runs through Nov. 25 this year.

“Secretary of State offices throughout Michigan have provided vital outreach into local communities for this campaign,” said Phillip Knight, executive director of the Food Bank Council of Michigan. “Michigan Harvest Gathering could not be celebrating this milestone year without the support of such dedicated partners in hunger relief.”

In Michigan, 16 percent of households struggle to put food on the table and 21 percent of children don’t know where their next meal will come from, according to the Food Bank Council of Michigan. The organization coordinates the program, which supplies the state’s regional food banks through donations of food and money. The regional food banks serve food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters in every Michigan county.

In 2014, the entire Michigan Harvest Gathering campaign collected 386,922 pounds (193 tons) of food and more than $375,000. This year, the campaign’s goal is to collect enough food and funds for two million meals.

Nonperishable food items with a valid expiration date can be dropped off at any Secretary of State office.

Food items especially needed include:  canned meats, dry beans, soups, beef stew, pasta products, peanut butter and tuna. Other items include baby food or formula, diapers, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. The Food Bank requests donors avoid items in glass, as they often break in transit. Financial donations may be made online at

For media questions, please call Gisgie Gendreau
or Fred Woodhams at 517-373-2520.
For more about the Secretary of State’s Office:

To find Secretary of State office locations and services, visit Sign up for the official Secretary of State Twitter feed at and Facebook updates at Online services are available at

Customers may call the Department of State Information Center to speak to a customer-service representative at 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424).

Engagement – Joseph Kolanowski and Jessica Hammond

engagedTogether with their parents, Jessica Jo Hammond and Joseph Brett Kolanowski would like to announce their engagement. Joe is the son of Debra and the late Joseph Kolanowski of Fruitport and Jessica is the daughter of Wayne and Carol Hammond of Middleville, and Robert and Jacqueline McMillan of Hastings. Joe is a 2001 graduate of Fruitport High School, with a Bachelor’s degree in History from Saginaw Valley State University and currently works at Shape. Jessica is a 2002 graduate from Hastings High School and has 2 certificates from Kellogg Community College and currently works at the Grand Rapids home for veterans.. A June 18, 2016 wedding is being planned at the Grand Haven Golf Club.


Planning Commission Meeting Agenda — 09/15/15


September 15, 2015 — 7:00 PM

01. Roll Call

02. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes: August 18, 2015

03. Approve / Amend Agenda

04. Correspondence / Reports

05. Public Comments pertaining to agenda topics

New Business

06. PUBLIC HEARING on ZONE CHANGE for Ryan & Melissa Myers

Parcel: 61-15-630-028-0006-00

Purpose: Zone change from R-4 to R-1

07. PUBLIC HEARING on SPECIAL USE for Subaru Autopark LLC

Parcel: 61-15-122-100-0015-10

Purpose: Renovations and improvements to the former Hansens Collision to Showroom and Service for My Imports – Subaru

Unfinished Business

08. Master Plan Update

09. Public Comments

10. Adjournment

The township will provide necessary reasonable aids and services for this meeting to individuals with disabilities by writing or telephoning the Township Clerk: Carol Hulka, Fruitport Charter Township, 5865 Airline Rd, Fruitport, MI 49415 (231) 865-3151.

Ask Dr. Universe – Best Cookies in the Universe

How do we make the best chocolate chip cookies in the universe?

-Ms. Lori and students, Bismarck, ND

Dear Ms. Lori and students,

You’ve got to know your dough. Whether you want chewy cookies or crispy dunkers, it’s all about chemistry. Especially, when it comes to the flour.

At the wheat lab on the Washington State University campus where my friend Doug Engle works, scientists test out different kind of flours to find out which kind works best. They’ve got baking down to a science.

Different types of wheat grown in the west come into the lab for testing. Their first stop is the flourmill.

The machinery at the mill grinds up wheat kernels and makes them explode. When the kernels explode, they turn into tiny flour particles that will impact how the cookies look and taste.

While an explosion might sound like it damages the wheat kernel, it actually happens fast enough to keep tiny storage compartments for the long, sugary chains of molecules—the starches—from blowing apart. You need starch in your flour to help soak up the liquids in the dough and help give the cookies their form. If the storage compartment, or starch granule, breaks then liquids will flood the cookie.

Cookie structure also depends on proteins. Cookies have protein, but not a whole lot. So, unfortunately we can’t just make cookies for dinner.

Long stretchy chains of proteins help hold the dough together, and even trap tiny air bubbles. This gives the cookie the texture you can feel when you take a bite.

At the lab, scientists test out flour that comes from either hard or soft wheat kernels. Hard wheat is great for baking bread, but doesn’t work as well for cookies.

“What makes the best cookie is soft wheat,” Engle explained. “If you bite into a wheat kernel and if it’s softer, it will make a better cookie.”

All wheat started out soft, but over centuries, hard wheat developed. Scientists aren’t totally sure why there are two kinds, but they can tell them apart when they look closely at their structures.

Some of my mice friends helped with wheat research here at WSU. They tried both kinds and preferred soft wheat to hard wheat. We don’t know exactly why or how they can tell them apart, but soft wheat is easier for them to chew. Scientists, on the other hand, can use lab equipment to measure the differences.

In the wheat lab, they measure the quality of a cookie by how it spreads in the oven. Most cookie recipes call for all-purpose flour. Usually it contains mostly hard wheat flour so to balance out the dough they call for more water and butter.

With hard wheat, the starches suck up too much of the water in the dough and the cookie shrinks when it bakes. Soft wheat makes a cookie softer and bigger.

After talking to Engle about cookies, I was getting thirsty. Thankfully, the lab of cookies was just a short walk away from a place where you can find milk courtesy of the university dairy cows.


Dr. Universe

Have a question? Ask Dr. Universe. You can send her an e-mail at Dr.Universe@wsu.eduor visit her website at

Drug Court Receives Federal Grant to Enhance Services

The 20th Circuit Court is pleased to announce the Adult Drug Treatment Court (drug court), a specialty program for non-violent felony offenders with acute substance-use disorders, received a 3-year federal grant award, totaling $920,000, from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for fiscal years 2015-2017.  The drug court was one of twelve programs nationwide to receive this award.

The grant is designed to enhance substance abuse treatment services available to drug court participants and to provide advanced training to court personnel and treatment providers.  The grant allows the drug court to employ two peer recovery coaches to provide case management services for drug court participants.  Grant funds will also be used to host regional training events designed to enable criminal justice and substance use disorder treatment agencies to respond more effectively to the growing problem of heroin and prescription medication abuse.

Reflecting the community at-large, the drug court has experienced a sharp increase in the number of participants addicted to heroin and/or opiate pain medications.  The support provided by peer recovery coaches, coupled with specialized training, positions the drug court to be a West Michigan leader in assisting opiate addicted persons in the criminal justice system.

A study conducted by Grand Valley State University in 2014 demonstrated that the drug court significantly reduces new crime and repeated drug use among high risk and high need offenders, such as persons addicted to heroin and opiate prescription medications.  Notably, drug court participants were 73% less likely to commit a new crime within three years of discharge from the drug court when compared to a similar group of people who were sentenced to traditional probation.

This time-limited SAMHSA grant will enhance services available through the drug court.  The drug court’s continued operation, however, remains dependent on state grant dollars and the continued financial support of Ottawa County.