Monthly Archives: July 2022

Meet Garrett Soldano, Republican Candidate for Governor

by Calvin and Kate Holtrop

On Saturday, July 9, 2022, a Muskegon County Meet and Greet was held for gubernatorial candidate Garrett Soldano at First Congregational Church in Fruitport, Michigan.

Pastor Mike Scott led a prayer for Garrett, for his coworkers, advisors and influencers, and for America. Next, Mick Bricker, candidate for the 88th District House seat, introduced himself, speaking about his faith, family, and Conservative views. Bricker encouraged the audience to support Soldano’s campaign, before introducing Garrett himself.

Gubernatorial Candidate Garrett Soldano speaks at First Congregational Church in Fruitport

Soldano made a rousing speech that outlined what his campaign and movement have done, what they will do if elected, and why they can be trusted to represent Michiganders. For over two years, Soldano and many Michiganders have been fighting for our Constitutional freedoms, he said. They also have held Governor Whitmer accountable for the excessive, 28-day emergency lockdown of Michigan during COVID-19 and the limitations on where people could go and what they could buy. Garrett believes that, additionally, by quarantining healthy people and forcing mask mandates, the governor continued to take things too far.

Soldano said that when he couldn’t find anyone in government to stop Whitmer’s state of emergency, he and other concerned citizens stood up and began the Facebook page “Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine.” Before Facebook shut the page down, nearly 400,000 people had joined, being encouraged to contact the legislature about not extending the lockdown. Subsequently, Soldano continued his work, cofounding the “Stand Up, Michigan” page. Soldano’s movement wrote a resolution to get the legislature to press the governor for disclosure of hospital death information. They also put together the Unlock Michigan petition, which forced the legislature to repeal the 1945 Emergency Powers of Governor Act.

“We are doing amazing things,” Soldano said, which is why he promises the gloves are going to come off when he debates Governor Whitmer after the Primaries, just like he hasn’t gone easy on other opponents.

Garrett says that, by the end of this upcoming election, many more amazing people are going to represent Michiganders at all levels of law, including Kristina Karamo (for Secretary of State), and Matthew DePerno (for Attorney General). He added, “We have recruited, and helped recruit, five thousand licensed election inspectors so we can take back our elections and our voices.” And, according to Garrett, his campaign has raised $2,000,000, the majority (roughly 96%) being donations of less than $200.

State House Candidate Mick Bricker meets the crowd at Soldano rally

Soldano believes that if he succeeds in both the primary and the Midterm elections, his win will create a ripple effect that will spread to other states, encouraging them to vote in more Conservatives. He said that his movement will have to work hard, but that they have a strong determination to activate and win Michigan back.

Garrett’s to-do list as governor is pretty long and involves “draining the swamp”, as he said, quoting his hero, former president Trump. Soldano and DePerno plan to investigate the multitudes of abuses they have seen the current state administration commit, touching on mask mandates, over-regulation, excessive lockdowns, government spending, and election integrity, among other issues. Garrett also promised a thorough investigation of nursing home deaths connected with COVID-19 regulations. Getting Liberal ideology out of schools; boosting tourism, small business, and jobs; and making Michigan energy independent, are also high on Garrett’s list. He encouraged his constituents and supporters to vote people who represent them into local school boards. And according to Soldano, mandates to force Liberal ideology on businesses must go as well.

Garrett said that he sees hope for Michigan’s future. He said that his campaign is taking back lost ground. “We have to continue to be engaged,” he said. “We need to continue to be activated, and be involved at all levels, and back those candidates that are going to put Michigan and your families first…I will always represent you. There is no political narrative, or political agenda, or political career [why] I want to do this. I want to get in there and do what’s right.”

Fruitport Board of Education Annual Organizational Meeting Minutes – 06/27/22

Fruitport Board of Education
Annual Organizational Meeting
June 27, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.
Board of Education Meeting Room

I. The Annual Organizational meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President, Dave Hazekamp.

II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

III. ROLL CALL: Present – Elroy Buckner, Tim Burgess, Kris Cole, Susan Franklin, Dave Hazekamp, Steve Kelly, and JB Meeuwenberg.

Item 22-075. MOTION by Cole, SECOND by Franklin to approve the agenda.

V. Establish the Schedule for Regular Board Meetings
Item 22-076. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Buckner to approve the regular meetings of the Board of Education for the third Monday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m., (with the exception of December and June) meetings to be held on a rotating basis, per a set schedule, in the Board of Education meeting room and at district building sites unless otherwise changed by the Board for the 2022-23 school year.
Roll Call Vote: Buckner, Yes; Burgess, Yes; Cole, Yes; Franklin, Yes; Hazekamp, Yes; Kelly, Yes; Meeuwenberg, Yes.

VI. Designate District Staff Member(s) Authorized to Post Board Meeting Notices
Item 22-077. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Cole to designate Jenny Ferels to post Board Meeting Notices per the Open Meetings Act.

VII. Designation of Authorized Signatures
Item 22-078. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Franklin to approve the Board President and Treasurer to sign checks; the Superintendent or his designee to sign contracts; the Superintendent or his designee to sign agreements; and the Director of Business to sign purchase orders.

VIII. Designate Depository(ies) for District Funds
Item 22-079. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Franklin to continue using Fifth/Third Bank of Fruitport as the district’s official depository and banking institution and authorize the district to use Michigan Liquid Asset Fund, Fifth/Third Bank, Huntington Bank, and Choice One Bank for investment of surplus funds.

IX. Designation of Legal Firms
Item 22-080. MOTION by Kelly, SECOND by Cole to authorize the District to work with Thrun Law Firm, PC of Lansing; Miller, Johnson, Snell & Cummiskey of Grand Rapids; and, Secrest, Wardle, Lynch, Hampton, Truex & Morley PC of Troy; and Clark Hill PC in various legal matters relating to the school district.

X. Designation of Auditor
Item 22-081. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Franklin to designate Rehmann Robson LLC to audit the financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Fruitport Community Schools.

XI. Designation of Official Publication
Item 22-082. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Cole to approve the use of the Muskegon Chronicle for Official Publications.

XII. Designation of Board Liaison to MASB
Item 22-083. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to appoint JB Meeuwenberg as the Board’s official liaison to Michigan Association of School Boards.

XIII. Establish Rental Fees for District Facilities and Equipment
Item 22-084. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Burgess to approve the Performing Arts Center fees and district building charges as presented.

XVIII. Adjournment
Item 22-085. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Franklin to adjourn the Organizational Meeting

The Organizational Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Steve Kelly, Board Secretary
Maribeth Clarke, Recording Secretary

Fruitport Board of Education ‘Truth and Taxation Public Hearing’ Minutes – 06/27/22

Fruitport Board of Education
Truth and Taxation Public Hearing
June 27, 2022 6:30 p.m.
Board Room

I. The Truth and Taxation Public Hearing of the Fruitport Community School district was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board President, Dave Hazekamp.

II. ROLL CALL: Present –Elroy Buckner, Tim Burgess, Kris Cole, Susan Franklin, Dave Hazekamp, Steve Kelly and JB Meeuwenberg.

Item 22-073. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Franklin to approve the agenda as presented.

IV. Budget Hearing Presentation
Director of Business Services, Mark Mesbergen opened the Budget Hearing with a 2021/22 General Budget Overview. He also spoke on the topics of: Taxable Values & Millage Levy Rates, Outstanding Debt, 2022/23 Budget Assumptions, Enrollment Trends, School of Choice, Foundation Allowance Trends, 2022/23 MPSERS Rates, 2022/23 General Budget Overview, and Revenues vs. Expenditures. Mark covered Budget Overviews of the Early Childhood Center, Food Service, Technology and a Fiduciary Account. He also answered all questions asked by board members.



Item 22-074. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maribeth Clarke, Recording Secretary

Fruitport Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes – 06/27/22

Fruitport Board of Education
Regular Monthly Meeting
June 27, 2022 7:00 p.m.
Board Meeting Room

I. The Regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by Board President, Dave Hazekamp.

II. ROLL CALL: Present – Elroy Buckner, Tim Burgess, Kris Cole, Susan Franklin, Dave Hazekamp, Steve Kelly, and JB Meeuwenberg.

Item 22-086. MOTION by Cole, SECOND by Franklin to approve the agenda as presented.

Troop 1127 Boy Scout, Brady Kemmerling presented information on his Eagle Scout project. He has proposed installing a stainless steel 3D letter F surrounded by a retaining wall near the football field ticket booth. This project will recognize all past, present, and future Trojan athletes. Brady will work with Operations Director, John Winskas to finalize plans. His project will be on the July Board agenda for official approval.

Superintendent, Jason Kennedy recognized Transportation Director, Kathy Randall for receiving Certified Transportation Director certification from MSBO.

Board Secretary, Steve Kelly read aloud a note from Cindy Briggs and a note from Sandy Sorensen, both thanking the Board for hosting the Retirement Celebration and for the keepsake clock.

Steve Kelly also read a thank you card from Edgewood second graders thanking the Board for allowing them to attend a learning trip to the Lakeshore Museum Center.

Curriculum Director, Allison Camp gave an End of Year Goal Reporting and Data Review Update. She spoke about 2021-22 district assessment scores, how the scores compared to the state, and explained future goals of the district. Allison presented results demographically as well. She compared results in the following categories: male students, female students, economically disadvantaged, and special education students.

Michelle Linz asked an assessment question.

Item 22-087. MOTION by Cole, SECOND by Buckner to approve the Consent Agenda as listed below:

  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2022
  2. Acceptance of Bills, Monthly Financial Report, and ACH Transactions
  3. Acceptance of Student Activity Summary Report
  4. Acceptance of Credit Card and Utilities Report
  5. Approval of Capital Projects Progress Report
  6. Approval of 2021 Bond Report
  7. Approval of the Personnel Report


  1. Fruitport 2022-23 Parent/Student Athletic Handbook.
    Item 22-088. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Cole to approve the 2022-23 Parent/Student Athletic Handbook as presented.
  2. Withdrawal from the Adair Lawsuit against the State of Michigan.
    Item 22-089. MOTION by Cole, SECOND by Meeuwenberg to withdraw as a plaintiff in the Adair Lawsuit, effective immediately, and authorize the superintendent to take all appropriate actions to effect the withdrawal.


  1. Report of a committee meeting held June 20, 2022.
    Elroy Buckner reported on a Business and Finance Committee meeting held June 20, 2022. Dave Hazekamp, Kris Cole, Elroy Buckner, Jason Kennedy, Jessica Wiseman, and Mark Mesbergen were present. The committee discussed Budget, North Muskegon Business Services, Section 31o Allocation, Estimated State and Federal Grant Allocations, L-4029, PLE Report, the purchase of an Engraver, and the Adair Lawsuit.
  2. 2021-22 General Fund Budget Amendments.
    Item 22-090. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to adopt the 2021-22 General Fund Amended Budget resolution as presented.
    Roll call vote: Buckner, Yes; Burgess, Yes; Cole, Yes; Franklin, Yes; Hazekamp, Yes; Kelly, Yes; and Meeuwenberg, Yes.
  3. 2021-22 School Service Fund Amendment.
    Item 22-091. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to adopt the 2021-22 School Service Fund Amended Budget resolution as presented.
    Roll call vote: Buckner, Yes; Burgess, Yes; Cole, Yes; Franklin, Yes; Hazekamp, Yes; Kelly, Yes; and Meeuwenberg, Yes.
  4. Budget Appropriations Act for 2022-23 General Fund.
    Item 22-092. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to adopt the General Fund Budget Appropriations Act for 2022-23 as presented
    Roll call vote: Buckner, Yes; Burgess, Yes; Cole, Yes; Franklin, Yes; Hazekamp, Yes; Kelly, Yes; and Meeuwenberg, Yes.
  5. Budget Appropriations Act of 2022-23 School Service Fund.
    Item 22-093. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to adopt the Budget Appropriations Act for the 2022-23 School Service Fund as presented.
    Roll call vote: Buckner, Yes; Burgess, Yes; Cole, Yes; Franklin, Yes; Hazekamp, Yes; Kelly, Yes; and Meeuwenberg, Yes.
  6. L-4029 Property Tax Levy.
    Item 22-094. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to approve the L-4029 for the fiscal year 2023 as presented.
  7. Purchase of Engraver.
    Item 22-095. MOTION by Buckner, SECOND by Cole to approve the purchase of an engraver from Midwest via Quote 2115 as presented.


  1. Report of a committee meeting held June 20, 2022.
    Steve Kelly reported on a Personnel Committee meeting held June 20, 2022. Dave Hazekamp, Steve Kelly, and Jason Kennedy were present. The committee discussed the Director of Technology position, the Beach Principal position, the Central Office Administrative Assistant position, Teacher Hiring Recommendations and the Agreement for Business Services with North Muskegon. They also reviewed items from each of the other Board Committee meetings.
  2. Agreement with North Muskegon for Business Services.
    Item 22-096. MOTION by Kelly, SECOND by Meeuwenberg to approve the Shared Business Services Agreement with North Muskegon Public Schools as presented.
  3. Non-Affiliated Staff Salary Increase.
    Item 22-097. MOTION by Kelly, SECOND by Meeuwenberg to approve the non-affiliated salary increases as presented.


  1. Report of a committee meeting held June 20, 2022.
    Susan Franklin reported on a Student Affairs Committee meeting held June 20, 2022. Dave Hazekamp, Susan Franklin, Tim Burgess, Jason Kennedy, and Allison Camp were present. The committee discussed End of Year Goal Reporting, Virtual Programming for 2022-23, Curricular Resource Recommendations, Student Discipline Updates to Student Handbooks, and Athletic Parent-Student Handbook updates. They also reviewed items from each of the other Board Committee meetings.
  2. Curricular Resource Purchases.
    Item 22-098. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Burgess to approve the purchase of the HMH product – Into Math for K-5 Math; the HMH product for 6-8 Social Studies; and the McGraw Hill product for 9-12 Social Studies as presented.
  3. Virtual Programming for 2022-23: EdOptions Academy Course Catalog.
    Item 22-099. MOTION by Franklin, SECOND by Burgess to approve the use of Muskegon County Virtual Academy as the District’s grade 3-5 virtual programming provider for the 2022-2023 academic year and the use of EdOptions Academy as the District’s grade 6-12 virtual programming provider for the 2022-2023 academic year and approve the EdOptions Academy Course Catalog, as presented and discussed.

Jason Kennedy presented Maribeth Clarke with gifts and a celebratory cake in honor of her retirement.

Dave Hazekamp commended Brenda Baker and the Adult Ed staff on their graduation ceremony held June 14, 2022.

JB Meeuwenberg mentioned that the Edgewood Trojan Trek raised over $35,000!


  1. Business and Finance Committee will meet July 11, 2022 at 11:30 a.m.
  2. Personnel Committee will meet July 11, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
  3. Student Affairs Committee will meet July 11, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.


Item 22-100. MOTION by Bukcner, SECOND by Franklin to adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Steve Kelly, Board Secretary
Maribeth Clarke, Recording Secretary

Fruitport Township Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda – 07/25/22


JULY 25, 2022


  1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of board minutes: 7/11/22
  4. Approve / amend agenda
  5. Correspondence / reports
  6. Public comments regarding agenda items
  7. Unfinished Business
    A. Public Hearing: Kendra Road Special Assessment District Roll
    B. Resolution: Confirmation of the Roll for Special Assessment District No. 2022-1 Kendra Road
  8. New Business
    A. Approval to Classify the Clerical Police Department Position to Contracted Full-Time
  9. Approval of Bills
  10. Reports
  11. Public Comments
  12. Adjournment

The Township will provide necessary reasonable aids and services for this meeting to individuals with disabilities by writing or telephoning the following Township Clerk: Andrea Anderson, Fruitport Township Hall, 5865 Airline Road, Fruitport, MI 49415 (231) 865-3151

Events Happening in Muskegon County – July 26 – August 1, 2022

Don’t see your event on the calendar?
Visit this link to see how easy it is to submit it:

Recurring Monday Events

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Lighthouse Story Time
3:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. Free.

Tuesday, July 26

Muskegon County Fair
9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon County Fairgrounds,
6621 Heights Ravenna Road. The Muskegon County Fair is a place for family fun and community growth! Each year, kids all throughout the Muskegon area work hard on an assortment of projects. The Muskegon County annual fair is their opportunity to show the product of their hard work with the community. For detailed schedule, see

Downtown Muskegon Walking Tours: Turn of the Century
10:00 – 11:30 am
Muskegon Museum of History and Science,
430 Clay Avenue. Join us for a 90-minute walking tour to explore Muskegon’s rich history as well as its exciting present! $13 for members of the Lakeshore Museum Center and Muskegon Museum of Art.

Downtown Muskegon Walking Tours: Historic Walking Tours
2:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon Museum of History and Science, 430 Clay Avenue. Join us for a 90-minute walking tour to explore Muskegon’s rich history as well as its exciting present! $13 for members of the Lakeshore Museum Center and Muskegon Museum of Art.

Yoga in the Park
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Beechwood Park,
3157 Dune Street. Join us for Yoga in the Park at Beechwood Park with Kristine Mast, Muskegon Yoga Center. $15 donation. Arrive early to register. Bring your yoga mat & water. Or you can choose a 2 Mile Power Walk. All proceeds to benefit Muskegon County women & children through the Greater Muskegon Women and Children’s Fund, a component of Community Foundation for Muskegon County.

McGraft Park Free Summer Concert Series – Legal Rehab
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
McGraft Park Bandshell,
2204 Wickham Drive. Legal Rehab is an acoustic rock, blues, and Irish band.

Recurring Tuesday Events

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave.

Steve Thielman, Piano
10:00 am – 2:00 pm 
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Tuesday Evening Farmers Market
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Montague Farmers Market and Artisan Village,
4511 Church Street, Montague.

Yoga on the Ship
7:00 – 8:00 pm
USS LST 393,
560 Mart Street. Yoga on the Ship is back! Let’s kick off summer together! We’ll find balance for the new season. $10 donation suggested.

Wednesday, July 27

Muskegon County Fair
9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon County Fairgrounds,
6621 Heights Ravenna Road. The Muskegon County Fair is a place for family fun and community growth! Each year, kids all throughout the Muskegon area work hard on an assortment of projects. The Muskegon County annual fair is their opportunity to show the product of their hard work with the community. For detailed schedule, see

Philosophical Book Club: History of the World in 6 Glasses
6:00 – 7:00 pm 
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Sections 3 & 4: Spirits and Coffee.

Summer Concert Series: The Carl Webb Band
7:00 – 8:30 pm 
Walker Park, 1521 Ruddiman Drive, North Muskegon. First Lutheran and Community United Methodist churches are sponsoring three concerts at Walker Park on Muskegon Lake in North Muskegon.

Summer WINDS and Shoreline Symphony Pops Concert
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Heritage Landing, 1050 7th Street.
Two of Muskegon County’s finest community ensembles will be featured on a wonderful evening of pops music, including the Genius of Ray Charles, Farandole, Titanic, William Tell Overture, Copeland’s Hoedown, Star Wars and so much more!

Summer Jazz @ The Block: Tim Froncek and Friends
7:30 – 9:30 pm
The Block
360 W. Western Ave. Legendary jazz drummer Tim Froncek returns to The Block for three performances this summer! Enjoy the music while sipping your favorite beverage. $15 – $20.

Recurring Wednesday Events

Eric and Chris, Acoustic Guitar
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Trivia Night!
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Salty Pecker Brewing Company,
 255 Seminole Rd.

Thursday, July 28

Muskegon County Fair
9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon County Fairgrounds, 6621 Heights Ravenna Road. The Muskegon County Fair is a place for family fun and community growth! Each year, kids all throughout the Muskegon area work hard on an assortment of projects. The Muskegon County annual fair is their opportunity to show the product of their hard work with the community. For detailed schedule, see

Little Learners: STEAM Play and Learn
10:00 am – 11:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of History and Science, 430 Clay Avenue. “Little Learners” is a free literacy-based program for Muskegon County infants and toddlers ages 0-4. Participants will join us for story time and free play with themed activities. All attendees must register including caregivers and siblings. Free. Register here:

Summer Art Camp: Alien Invasion
10:00 am – 12:00 pm 
Arts Council of White Lake, 106 E. Colby Street, Whitehall. Day one will be spent designing and creating a 3D alien out of model magic. On day two, students will construct a spaceship for their alien! As a final touch, students will design the planet their alien came from and add it to a class background for a great photo opportunity. Ages 6-10. $10 ($9 for ACWL-Nuveen Members). Register at

Summer Art Camp: Picasso Collage Portraits
1:00 – 2:30 pm 
Arts Council of White Lake,
 106 E. Colby Street, Whitehall. Over the course of two days, we will create color block portraits of ourselves and our best friend by cutting shapes from colored paper. Best friends can be human, animal, or imaginary! Ages 10-13. $10 ($9 for ACWL-Nuveen Members). Register at

7:00 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Djangophonique is a virtuosic, instrumentally driven quartet led by guitar player Andrew Brown.

Recurring Thursday Events

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave.

Free Thursdays: Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave. This is a great opportunity to visit the art museum and bring the kiddos! This free tour time is compliments of the Meijer Foundation. Special exhibitions may not be included.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott.
Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Jazz Happy Hour
5:00 – 6:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Jazz Duo: Aedan McCauley on piano & Donovan Meeusen on bass.

Trivia Night
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pub One Eleven,
111 W. Colby, Whitehall. General knowledge trivia along with music, fun, great food and beverages. Prizes for the Top 3 teams!

Trivia Night!
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Unruly Brewing Company,
 360 W. Western Ave. Join us for a night of drinking, eating, socializing and trivia questions! We will challenge your trivia knowledge over several rounds of questions, projected onto the big screen!

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Friday, July 29

Muskegon County Fair
8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Muskegon County Fairgrounds,
6621 Heights Ravenna Road. The Muskegon County Fair is a place for family fun and community growth! Each year, kids all throughout the Muskegon area work hard on an assortment of projects. The Muskegon County annual fair is their opportunity to show the product of their hard work with the community. For detailed schedule, see

Coast Guard Festivel
Downtown Grand Haven. Ten-day event in downtown Grand Haven to honor the men and women of the United States Coast Guard. For detailed schedule:

Preschool Story Time
10:30 – 11:00 am 
Hackley Public Library, 
316 W. Webster Avenue. Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person Story Time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. We’re hoping to be outside as the weather allows. Free.

4:00 – 9:00 pm
Downtown Whitehall and Montague.
Classic car event and parade. Free and fun for the whole family! Doors open at 4:00 pm, parade starts at 7:00 pm. Cars will be on display at 7:30 pm. Enjoy food vendors and a car parade!

Parties in the Park
5:00 – 9:00 pm
Hackley Park,
350 W. Webster Avenue. Bring the family or meet up with friends in this festive, Friday event. Live music from The Hip Pocket, benefitting West Michigan Speed Skating.

White Lake Chamber Music Festival
7:00 pm
White Lake Area.
From July 29 through August 7, the White Lake Chamber Music Festival will present 20 musical events at four different locations in the White Lake area. The excellent programming includes world-class artists and inspiring classical music performances. Free – $50.

Muskegon Astronomical Society 50th Anniversary Star Party
7:30 – 11:30 pm
702 North Maple Island Road.
Star Parties are scheduled events hosted by members. There is no charge, however donations are greatly appreciated. View the night sky with the MAS telescopes and be introduced to amateur astronomy.

Recurring Friday Events

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises, 560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Saturday, July 30

Muskegon County Fair
8:00 am – 11:00 pm
Muskegon County Fairgrounds,
6621 Heights Ravenna Road. The Muskegon County Fair is a place for family fun and community growth! Each year, kids all throughout the Muskegon area work hard on an assortment of projects. The Muskegon County annual fair is their opportunity to show the product of their hard work with the community. For detailed schedule, see

RunIt – Run White Lake 5K
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
White Lake Chamber of Commerce,
124 West Hanson Street, Whitehall. White Lake Nutrition is hosting their first 5K, RunIt (Run White Lake) 5K, with proceeds going toward a scholarship in Ava VanderStelt’s name through Whitehall High School. $30.

VanDyk Mortgage Summer Concert Series: Rock/Rap Rock
12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Hot Rod Harley Davidson,
149 Shoreline Drive. Music acts include Avalon Black, Renegades of Funk, Steal This Band, and more. Free. Phone 231-722-0000.

July Saturdays: Sound
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of History and Science,
430 Clay Avenue. We usually only hear sounds but there are ways to interact with soundwaves through their vibrations. Using water and air, experiment with seeing sound

Muskegon Summer Wine Up
2:00 – 8:00 pm
Hackley Park,
350 West Webster Avenue. Features 20+ wineries and over 100 different wines, the Muskegon Summer Wine Up also includes delicious food, live music and wine related seminars. Admission is $15 and includes three wine sample tickets and a souvenir glass.

Beginner’s Chainmaille Workshop
3:00 – 4:30 pm
McLaughlin Community Fellowship,
1198 Spring Street. Come and learn the medieval art form of Chainmaille by creating a bracelet in the Celtic pattern style. $20. Registration includes all of the materials used to create one bracelet as well as written instructions that you will be able to keep. Tools will be provided.

White Lake Chamber Music Festival
4:00 pm and 7:00 pm
White Lake Area.
From July 29 through August 7, the White Lake Chamber Music Festival will present 20 musical events at four different locations in the White Lake area. The excellent programming includes world-class artists and inspiring classical music performances. Free-$50.

Beginner’s Wire Wrapping Workshop
5:00 – 6:30 pm
McLaughlin Community Fellowship,
1198 Spring Street. Students will make both a wire wrapped gemstone pendant and a wire wrapped ring in this beginner level wire wrapping class. Learn the common tools, skills, and tips to wire wrapping a pre-drilled stone. $15 per person. Materials included.

Beyond the Swinging Door: Servants Tour
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Hackley and Hume Historic Site,
484 West Webster Ave. Experience the lives of the maids, cooks, and coachmen through this 45-minute specialty tour. Explore the site through the eyes of the paid servants that worked and lived with the Hackley and Hume families. $5 – $15.

Doll House Birthday Bash
6:30 – 11:30 pm
Rake Beer Project, 794 Pine Street. It’s our one-year birthday celebration! Performances by Barbie Dior, Charm Alina, Dee Dee Chaunte, The Lady Dior and our very special guest Velma Violet. $10.

Recurring Saturday Events

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market, 242 W. Western Ave.

Yoga at the Bandshell
9:30 am – 10:30 pm
Montague Bandshell, 8636 Water Street, Montague. $10 drop-in classes. Email with questions.

Christopher Dragone, Guitar
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light
, 1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Sunday, July 31

White Lake History Cruises
1:00 – 3:00 pm; 4:00 – 6:00 pm; and 7:00 – 9:30 pm
White Lake Municipal Marina, 100 Lake Street, Whitehall. Climb aboard Muskegon’s 125-passenger Aquastar at Goodrich Park and set sail on White Lake. The White Lake History Cruise will bring passengers from historical stop to historical stop around the entire lake, where our local expert historians have helped create a unique experience. Billy Mann of CatchMark Technologies will emcee each cruise. Age 12 and older. $32 – $40.

White Lake Chamber Music Festival
7:00 pm
White Lake Area
. From July 29 through August 7, the White Lake Chamber Music Festival will present 20 musical events at four different locations in the White Lake area. The excellent programming includes world-class artists and inspiring classical music performances. Free – $50.

Recurring Sunday Events

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Monday, August 1

Youth Take and Make: Big Blue Whale
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Hackley Public Library,
316 W. Webster Avenue. Sail the ocean wide and true, with this paper whale we named Big Blue! This paper whale is sure to bring smiles to everyone. Craft kits will be available to pick up from Hackley Library beginning August 1, and through the month while supplies last. Free.

Teen Take and Make: Ocean Magnets
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Avenue. Your refrigerator is not complete! You must have some beautiful ocean magnets to hold up the HPL mini fliers to remind you of the library’s super fun programming. These kits are available to pick up from Hackley Library beginning August 1, and through the month (while supplies last). Free.

White Lake Chamber Music Festival
10:30 am, 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm
White Lake Area.
From July 29 through August 7, the White Lake Chamber Music Festival will present TWENTY musical events at four different locations in the White Lake area. The excellent programming includes world-class artists and inspiring classical music performances. Free – $50.

Recurring Monday Events

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Lighthouse Story Time
3:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. Free.

Apply for Social Security Benefits Online

By Vonda Van Til, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist

Did you know, you can do much of your business online with Social Security? This means no need to call or visit a local Social Security office. You can take your time completing our online applications and even save your progress to return to later.

You can apply online for:

  • Retirement or Spouse’s Benefits – You can apply up to four months before you want your retirement benefits to start. You must be at least age 62 for the entire month to be eligible to receive benefits. If you were born on the first or second day of the month, you meet this requirement in the month of your 62nd birthday. If you were born on any other day of the month, you do not meet this requirement until the following month. When you’re ready, apply at
  • Disability Benefits – You can use our online application, available at, to apply for disability benefits if you:
    • Are age 18 or older;
    • Are not currently receiving benefits on your own Social Security record;
    • Are unable to work because of a medical condition expected to last at least 12 months or result in death; and
    • Have not been denied disability benefits in the last 60 days. If your application was recently denied, our online appeal application is a starting point to request a review of the determination we made. Please visit
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – SSI provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI also makes payments to people who are age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications. If you plan to apply for SSI, you can tell us you want to apply and we will make an appointment to help you complete the application. Or you can complete a large part of your application online at
  • Medicare – Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people age 65 or older, some people younger than 65 who have disabilities, and people with end-stage renal disease. If you are not already receiving Social Security benefits, and are not working, you should apply for Medicare three months before turning age 65 at
  • Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Costs – Some people with limited resources and income may be able to get Extra Help paying their monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments related to a Medicare prescription drug plan. People who need assistance with the cost of medications can apply for Extra Help at

Vonda Van Til is the Public Affairs Specialist for West Michigan. You can write her c/o Social Security Administration, 3045 Knapp NE, Grand Rapids MI 49525 or via email at

Events Happening in Muskegon County – July 19 – 25, 2022

Don’t see your event on the calendar?
Visit this link to see how easy it is to submit it:

Recurring Monday Events

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Lighthouse Story Time
3:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light, 1431 Beach Street. Free.

Tuesday, July 19

Muskegon Clippers Baseball
7:00 – 10:30 pm
Marsh Field, 1800 Peck Street. Come on down and watch your Muskegon Clippers of the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League take on the Jet Box for the 2022 home season finale! $2 – $5.

McGraft Park Free Summer Concert Series – Serita’s Black Rose
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
McGraft Park Bandshell,
2204 Wickham Drive. A self-professed “Funkateer,” Serita Crowley of Serita’s Black Rose from Grand Rapids, Michigan, brings a raucous mix of funk, rock, blues, neo-soul, and Americana. To learn more about Serita’s Black Rose:

Unruly Irish Session
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Unruly Brewing Company,
360 West Western. One of the most time-honored musical traditions in Ireland is the “seisiún,” an informal gathering of amateur musicians, usually at the local pub, playing traditional Irish folk and dance tunes. Musicians of all skill levels are welcome.

Open Mic Night
7:00 – 9:00 pm 
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Bring your band, your pals, the mic is open to all varieties of music and talents.

Recurring Tuesday Events

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave.

Steve Thielman, Piano
10:00 am – 2:00 pm 
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.
Annica Cuppetelli: Tight/Laced. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Tuesday Evening Farmers Market
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Montague Farmers Market and Artisan Village,
4511 Church Street, Montague.

Yoga on the Ship
7:00 – 8:00 pm
USS LST 393,
560 Mart Street. Yoga on the Ship is back! Let’s kick off summer together! We’ll find balance for the new season. $10 donation suggested.

Wednesday, July 20

Crafty Afternoon: Seahorses!
2:00 – 3:30 pm 
Hackley Public Library, 
316 West Webster Avenue. We will create beautiful impressionistic paper seahorses with tissue paper and water. When finished, you will have a piece of art for a window at home. Or maybe you will make a whimsical pony bead seahorse. Maybe you will make both! All ages welcome. Free.

West Michigan Concert WINDS: America’s Diverse Music
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Heritage Landing,
1050 7th Street. The West Michigan Concert Summer WINDS welcomes guest jazz clarinetist Dave Bennett. The West Michigan Concert Summer WINDS is a series of free concerts taking place at Heritage Landing. Bring your lawn chairs and come enjoy free music at Heritage Landing!

Muskegon Clippers Baseball
7:00 – 10:30 pm
Marsh Field, 1800 Peck Street.
Come on down and watch your Muskegon Clippers of the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League take on the Jet Box for the 2022 home season finale! $2 – $5.

Recurring Wednesday Events

Eric and Chris, Acoustic Guitar
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.
Annica Cuppetelli: Tight/Laced. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Trivia Night – Movie Trivia!
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Salty Pecker Brewing Company,
 255 Seminole Rd.

Trivia Night – Movie Trivia!
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Unruly Brewing Company,
 360 W. Western Ave.

Thursday, July 21

Mini-Museum Explorers – Depths of Time: Prehistoric Fishing
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of History and Science,
430 Clay Avenue. You and your family can drop in at any time during the two hours. Storytime will be at the top and bottom of the hour and theme-related activities will be available during the whole two-hour time period. Open to families with children ages 3-7. Free for Muskegon County residents and $5 for non-residents.

Muskegon Street Performers Series
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Western Avenue,
downtown Muskegon. This series of free community events showcases talented local artists in a family friendly, carnival-like atmosphere. We feature more than 30 artists who perform on the sidewalks, street corners, and stages of downtown.

Coachmen to Countess: An Evening of Art and History
6:00 – 8:30 pm
Hackley and Hume Historic Site, Muskegon Museum of Art.
Join us for a special two-part evening filled with decadent treats, tours, and drinks! Start your evening by enjoying dessert in the City Barn and take a tour of the Hackley and Hume Historic Sites, then visit the Muskegon Museum of Art for adult beverages and experience the “Dressing the Abbey” exhibition. $30 museum members; $35 non-members.

Milwaukee Clipper Shipwreck Speech
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Milwaukee Clipper, 2098 Lakeshore Drive. Join us for a speech on Muskegon area shipwrecks with Valarie Van Heest. $10.00. See you there!

Recurring Thursday Events

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market, 242 W. Western Ave.

Free Thursdays: Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave. This is a great opportunity to visit the art museum and bring the kiddos! This free tour time is compliments of the Meijer Foundation. Special exhibitions may not be included.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.
Annica Cuppetelli: Tight/Laced. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Jazz Happy Hour
5:00 – 6:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Jazz Duo: Aedan McCauley on piano & Donovan Meeusen on bass.

Trivia Night
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pub One Eleven,
111 W. Colby, Whitehall. General knowledge trivia along with music, fun, great food and beverages. Prizes for the Top 3 teams!

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Friday, July 22

Downtown Muskegon Walking Tours: Turn of the Century
10:00 – 11:30 am
Muskegon Museum of History and Science,
430 Clay Avenue. Join us for a 90-minute walking tour to explore Muskegon’s rich history as well as its exciting present! Tickets are $13 for members of the Lakeshore Museum Center and Muskegon Museum of Art.

Preschool Story Time
10:30 – 11:00 am 
Hackley Public Library,
 316 W. Webster Avenue. Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person Story Time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. We’re hoping to be outside as the weather allows. Free.

Free Community Days – Foundry in a Box
11:00 am – 4:00 pm 
Muskegon Heritage Museum,
 561 W. Western Avenue. Many of the complex metal objects in our everyday lives were once molten metal cast in a foundry. The Muskegon area has been home to dozens of foundries over the years, large and small. Learn about these companies and the basic process used to produce countless creations. Free.

Downtown Muskegon Walking Tours: Historic Walking Tours
2:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon Museum of History and Science,
430 Clay Avenue. Join us for a 90-minute walking tour to explore Muskegon’s rich history as well as its exciting present! Tickets are $13 for members of the Lakeshore Museum Center and Muskegon Museum of Art.

Parties in the Park
5:00 – 9:00 pm
Hackley Park, 350 W. Webster Avenue. Bring the family or meet up with friends in this festive, Friday event. Live music from Hannah Ellis and Upcoast Kin, benefitting Agewell Services of West Michigan.

Ravenna Dog Daze and Cruise-In
5:30 – 9:30 pm
Downtown Ravenna.
Vendor/craft show in Beechnau School parking lot, car cruise-in, kids’ activities, raffles, and more. Ravenna Lions Sight Mobile is offering free children’s vision tests with a free gift for every child tested. Free dash plaques for first 125 vehicles. All proceeds support local charities.

Film Screening Honoring Tom Harryman
7:00 – 9:30 pm
Orchard View High School Auditorium,
16 N. Quarterline Road. Actor Tom Harryman is being honored with a screening of Waterwalk, his big screen debut. This memorial event at Orchard View High School will benefit two of Tom’s favorite venues, Muskegon Civic Theatre and the The Playhouse at White Lake. $10. For information, please call (231) 720-0930 or email

Music at the White River Light Station: Chris Kennedy and Eric Michaels
7:00 – 8:30 pm
White River Light Station, 6199 Murray Road, Whitehall. Bring a lawn chair and/or blanket and come to the White River Light Station & Museum for this family friendly concert. In the acoustic tradition, Eric and Chris perform a diverse repertoire of pop, folk, and country tunes.

Serita’s Black Rose
7:00 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. A self-professed “Funkateer,” Serita Crowley of Serita’s Black Rose from Grand Rapids, Michigan, brings a raucous mix of funk, rock, blues, neo-soul, and Americana.

Milwaukee Clipper Film Friday: Laurel and Hardy
7:30 – 9:00 pm
Milwaukee Clipper,
2098 Lakeshore Drive. We will be showing two “Laurel & Hardy” films. Free for members and $10.00 for non-members.

Recurring Friday Events

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.
Annica Cuppetelli: Tight/Laced. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises, 
560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Saturday, July 23

VanDyk Mortgage Summer Concert Series: ’80s-’90s Pop
12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Hot Rod Harley Davidson,
149 Shoreline Drive. Music acts include Fool House, Upcoast Kin, and more. Free. Phone 231-722-0000.

July Saturdays: Kindness Stone Decorating
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of History and Science, 430 Clay Avenue. Let’s bedazzle some rocks. Paint a rock friend, make a colorful design, or spell out encouraging words, it’s all yours to create. Then, take and leave it somewhere for another person to discover.

Two Dudes in Flip Flops
1:00 – 4:00 pm
Docker’s Fish House,
3505 Marina View Point. Tucked away in the quaint Harbor Town Marina, overlooking Muskegon Lake and just steps away from Pere Marquette Beach, Dockers Fish House is a favorite seasonal summer restaurant for locals and visitors alike!

Walk the Beat Festival
1:00 – 5:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. The Book Nook will be one of the 20 venues around the White Lake area. or

Music at the White River Light Station: West Michigan Dulcimer Friends
2:00 – 4:00 pm
White River Light Station,
6199 Murray Road, Whitehall. Bring a lawn chair and/or blanket and come to the White River Light Station & Museum for this family friendly concert. The musicians will be playing dulcimers, guitars and fiddles to mention a few.

Acrylic Paint Pouring: Blown Flowers
3:00 – 5:00 pm
McLaughlin Community Fellowship
, 1198 Spring Street. Learn to create these stunning layered flowers by using your own wind power and a straw. Students will learn about the materials, tools and techniques needed in this form of paint pouring and will create their own 8″ x 10″ painting. $15, materials included.

Muskegon Astronomical Society Star Party
9:00 – 11:30 pm
North Muskegon State Park,
611-685 South Scenic Drive. Star Parties are scheduled events hosted by members. All visitors are welcomed, but please wear a mask and respect social distance. There is no charge, however donations are greatly appreciated. We will be viewing the night sky with our telescopes.

Recurring Saturday Events

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave.

Flea Market
9:00 am – 3:00 pm 
Carriage Antique Mall, 10130 U.S. 31, Montague.

Yoga at the Bandshell
9:30 am – 10:30 pm
Montague Bandshell, 8636 Water Street, Montague. $10 drop-in classes. Email with questions.

Christopher Dragone, Guitar
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.
Annica Cuppetelli: Tight/Laced. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Sunday, July 24

Really Really Free Market
3:00 – 6:00 pm
1198 Spring Street.
If you are in need of any items available at the Really Really Free Market – you are welcome to them! Absolutely NO strings attached (Really Really!). Donations welcome! Bring items and clothing you no longer use and still have life to the Really Really Free Market.

Recurring Sunday Events

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. Until September 12. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.
Annica Cuppetelli: Tight/Laced. Until September 4. Included with museum admission.

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises, 
560 Mart St. For ticket prices:

Monday, July 25

Muskegon County Fair
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon County Fairgrounds,
6621 Heights Ravenna Road. The Muskegon County Fair is a place for family fun and community growth! Each year, kids all throughout the Muskegon area work hard on an assortment of projects. The Muskegon County annual fair is their opportunity to show the product of their hard work with the community. For detailed schedule, see

Book Discussion – The Women of the Copper Country
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Hackley Public Library,
316 W. Webster Avenue. This fictionalized yet historical account shares the journey of a woman who daringly led a strike against a powerful mining company in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, during the early labor movement. Muskegon Museum of History & Science and Hackley Public Library are teaming together for this Great Michigan Read 2022 book discussion! Free copies of the book are available at either location (while supplies last). Free. Please register for this discussion on the online event calendar at

Recurring Monday Events

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. $3 – $5.

Lighthouse Story Time
3:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. Free.

Moolenaar Receives Endorsements from National Right to Life, NRA, & Friends of Corn

submitted by John Moolenaar for Congress

Over the past month, Congressman John Moolenaar has announced his endorsement by National Right to Life, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, and in the Republican primary by the Michigan Corn Growers Association’s Friends of Corn PAC.

Of each respective endorsement he said: “It’s an honor to receive the support of Michigan Right to Life and now the National Right to Life organization and its members. Our way of life is based on the belief that every human life has value, that’s why my pro-life record goes hand-in-hand with my strong support of adoption as a way to provide loving and safe homes for children. I believe we are endowed by our Creator with the unalienable Right to Life. Life begins at conception, and we must protect all human life.

“As a proud protector of our Second Amendment rights, I am grateful for the support of the National Rifle Association. The outdoor heritage of Michigan runs strong in the Second District, and voters can be confident that I will not compromise on their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

“I am thankful for the support of the Michigan Corn Growers. Our farmers are more important now than ever before and I am proud to continue to be an advocate for them in Congress.” 

Congressman John Moolenaar has maintained a 100% pro-life voting record as a member of the 117th Congress and has been a committed champion for life throughout his career. Congressman Moolenaar has a long record of supporting the Second Amendment and maintains an A rating with the NRA. He also sits on the Agriculture Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, where he maintains a strong record of fighting for Michigan farmers.  

Clearing Up Confusion

submitted by Anna-Marie Visser, Director of Communication/Education, Right to Life of Michigan

To say that people are confused about miscarriage and ectopic treatment since the overturning of Roe would be an understatement.

Within the last week, social media, the news, and abortion activists have successfully misled the majority of Americans, even medical professionals, into believing that abortion bans will impact miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy treatment.

First and foremost, we need to establish that there is a difference between having a miscarriage and having an abortion. A miscarriage is when an unborn child dies in the womb either spontaneously or accidentally, as opposed to an abortion where the unborn child is intentionally killed. These are two very different circumstances with one ending in violence and the other ending naturally. 

An ectopic pregnancy is when the unborn child implants in the outside of the uterus, most often in the fallopian tubes. This situation is frequently life-threatening for the mother and requires that the pregnancy be stopped and removed. Sometimes with ectopic pregnancies, the embryo dies due to a lack of nutrients and passes naturally, but often it is necessary to use medicines to halt the growth of the pregnancy tissue and remove it surgically. This would consequentially also remove the unborn child. Procedures and drugs that are used during miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy treatments like D&C and Mifeprex or Methotrexate would not be banned under Michigan’s 1931 abortion law. These drugs and procedures are, however, illegal to use under the 1931 law if for the purpose of performing an abortion.

Ectopic pregnancy treatment is not considered an illegal abortion under the 1931 abortion ban. To treat a mother who is suffering from an ectopic pregnancy would be to preserve her life. A “life of the mother exception” is carved out in the 1931 abortion law, which bans abortion starting at fertilization.

Doctors who refuse to treat women suffering from miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies are committing malpractice and negligence and should be held accountable for any further complications that arise from the prolonging of care.

These are confusing times due to the misinformation being spread. Governor Whitmer and Dana Nessel have recently added more fuel to the fire of misinformation by implying that women will be prosecuted for having abortions which is totally false. Under Michigan law, women are not prosecuted for abortions, and trying to scare women into thinking that prosecutors will somehow use period trackers to come after women for abortions is preposterous! 

Governor Whitmer Seeks Insurance Coverage for Abortions

Lansing, MI — On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, Governor Whitmer issued a letter to all insurance companies in the state of Michigan urging them to unlawfully expand abortion coverage.

Michigan’s Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act prevents insurance companies from covering abortions as a built-in benefit in their health insurance policies. The law was passed in response to taxpayers being forced to fund abortions through the Affordable Care Act state exchanges. The Opt-Out law was valid under Roe v. Wade and continues to be valid now.

The following statement is attributed to Right to Life of Michigan President, Barbara Listing:

This letter violates the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act that was passed in 2013 through citizen-initiated legislation. Since 2013, insurance companies have been prohibited from covering abortions, unless an individual purchased an abortion rider.

Governor Whitmer is treading on dangerous water by assuming that Judge Gleicher’s temporary injunction on our Michigan 1931 abortion law eliminates all pre-existing laws regulating abortion—it doesn’t. Regardless of Governor Whitmer’s inappropriate request to insurance companies, the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out law is still in place and violators of the law can be fined up to $10,000.

This plea to insurance companies encouraging them to break the law reveals Governor Whitmer’s plan to expand abortion until it’s unlimited and unregulated in Michigan.

View the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act here.

Muskegon River Trash Bash Set For August 2022



The Muskegon River Trash Bash is an annual family-friendly event intended to encourage environmentalists of all ages to work together to remove accumulated trash from the river.

Trash Bash co-coordinator, Patricia Tice Jarrett, notes that the momentum continues to build. “Last year our teams of volunteers pulled over a ton of trash from the river, which was the biggest total ever,” expressed Jarrett. “We fully expect this year’s haul to set a new record. To create an atmosphere of friendly competition we have always offered prizes and other incentives for outstanding performance and I am very excited about the prizes we are able to offer this year. For example, this year’s Grand Prize is a Traeger Grill (retailed at $1000) graciously donated by Lume Cannabis.”


According to Trash Bash guidelines, designated team leaders will assemble their teams, and select a date and location. Beginning on July 1st, one team member must register on the MRWA Trash Bash website reserving their desired location. (Register at  After registration, you will receive an email with further details, requiring participants to sign and return a digital liability waiver prior to participating in the cleanup. All teams must complete their clean ups during the month of August on or near the Muskegon River to be eligible for gifts and a certificate of achievement as a “Protector of the River”.

The MRWA could never do this without the amazing support we have received from an impressive list of sponsors. They truly support the MRWA vision, and we appreciate their generosity”

  • Ice Mountain, The Consumers Energy Foundation, Jackson-Merkey Contractors,
  • Cargill, Inc., The DTE Energy Foundation, WBZX – B103.9, Lume Cannabis,
  • Wisner’s Rents Canoes, River Stop Café (Newaygo), High Profile, and Republic Services

Senior Art Fair – Now Accepting Entries

Do you or a loved one have a passion for anything crafty? Consider entering your handmade work into our Senior Art Fair. ALL hand crafted talents are welcome as this is just for fun! 

We are accepting entries up until August 15th, 2022. You may drop your entry off at 1350 W Hackley Ave, Muskegon, at the Village at Park Terrace. 

All art will be on display for the entire week of August 22nd through Aug 26th. There is NO entry FEE.

This event is FREE for all participants. Must be 55 or older to participate.

All display-appropriate homemade crafts are a welcomed entry:

1) Painting
2) Knitting & Crochet
3) Wood Carving
4) Drawing

5) Coloring
6) Sculpting
7) Photography
8) Origami & other hand crafts

Deadline to enter is August 15th!!

Fruitport Charter Township Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2022

A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, June 13, 2022, in the township board room.

Members Present: Todd Dunham, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Jim Fichtel, Greg Hulka, Terry Knoll, David Markgraf
Members Absent: none

At 7:00pm, Todd Dunham opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Also Present: 15- residents; 1- employees; 1- guests; Director of Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada; Public Safety Director, Brian Michelli.

The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Rose Dillon was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of May 23 & 27, 2022.

The motion by Andrea Anderson, seconded by Terry Knoll was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented.


  1. Steve Biesiada reported that a vehicle drove through the fencing around the Broadway water tower and the water tower will be tested for structural damage, in the meantime the fencing is being repaired; lead and copper sampling is in progress.
  2. Brian Michelli is working on an invoice for services during Old Fashioned Days; fuel cost is rising and affecting the budget, the Fire Department received a donation of nearly $5,000 from the Trinkets and Treasures sale through the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce.


  1. Four residents in the area of S. Sheridan Rd. and Mt. Garfield Rd. shared that there is excessive shooting of guns around their homes. Complaints of bullets leaving the shooter’s property and entering their property, damage to their trees by gunshot, and an unsafe environment being created for their families. They shared that they would like to see an ordinance created for safe and responsible shooting in residential areas. Several neighbors have spoken with the shooter asking for resolutions. They would like actions to be taken to make their property a safe place to be.
  2. A neighbor from Lily Ct. reported shooting in the area of Dangl Rd. with bullets entering his and his neighbors’ property. They are fearful to be outside under such conditions.
  3. Heidi Tice shared that the Old Fashioned Days carnival saw record sales; the Lions Club appreciated the service provided by the Police and Fire Departments.


22-064 Consideration of Petitions for Kendra Road Improvement
This topic is tabled until sufficient petitions are received.

22-065 Resolution to Declare Intent and Set Public Hearing Date for Kendra Road Improvement
This topic is tabled until sufficient petitions are received.


22-066 Discussion of Potential Firearms Ordinance
Public comments were heard regarding safety and noise concerns of shooting in multiple areas of the township. The Public Safety Director asked for a discussion on the potential creation of an ordinance to make enforcement clearer. Discussion took place. The Supervisor will meet with others this week to discuss options for enforcement.

22-067 Approval to Purchase Body-Worn Cameras for the Police Department
Rose Dillon moved, seconded by Terry Knoll, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the purchase eight (8) body-worn cameras for the Police Department as requested.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: none

This purchase is recommended by the Public Safety Committee and the Township’s Liability Insurance carrier. Restricted Public Safety fund balance will be used for the purchase.

Four (4) additional cameras will be purchase in the fall if the risk reduction grant is awarded.

22-068 First Reading: Michigan Gas Utilities Franchise Ordinance
This ordinance would be for granting Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, power, authority and permission to use the highways, streets, alleys and other public places of the Township for the purpose of laying and maintaining gas pipes, mains, conduits, valves, drips, and all necessary appurtenances in, under and along the highways, streets, alleys and other public places, of the Township and the right, power and permission to conduct and operate a general gas business and distribution system in the Township’s corporate limits, for a period of thirty (30) years.

This constitutes the first reading. Final action will take place at the next regular scheduled board meeting on June 27, 2022.

22-069 Payment of Bills
Terry Knoll moved, Andrea Anderson seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $10,271.21; Public Safety $1,080.67; Water $68,482.41; Sewer $15,352.77; Trust & Agency $0.00; Street Lights $0.00
Totaling: $95,187.06

Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: none


  1. Rose Dillon shared a DDA bond expenditure report; the township is due to receive its second tranche of ARPA funds soon; summer tax bills will be going out July 1st.
  2. Todd Dunham shared that the deadline for the Governor to sign her approval for the casino is Thursday.


  1. Al Swanson introduced himself as a candidate for 14th Circuit Court Judge.

The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Jim Fichtel, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 7:47pm.


Events Happening in Muskegon County – July 12-18, 2022

Events Happening in Muskegon County!
July 11 – 18, 2022
Don’t see your event on the calendar?
Visit this link to see how easy it is to submit it:

Tuesday, July 12

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” until September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

Author Event: Christopher Rinker, Evangelion
5:00 – 6:30 pm
Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Will my Hindu friend get into heaven? Does the Big Bang Theory disprove God? What does the Kingdom of Heaven look like? Does God really know everything? Join Rev. Rinker as he tackles these questions, and more.

Yoga on the Ship
7:00 – 8:00 pm
USS LST 393, 560 Mart Street. Yoga on the Ship is back! Let’s kick off summer together! We’ll find balance for the new season. $10 donation suggested. Pre-registration highly recommended as space is limited.

McGraft Park Free Summer Concert Series – Silverado
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
McGraft Park Bandshell,
2204 Wickham Drive. Silverado plays a variety of music, with a focus on Classic Country. To learn more about the band:

Trivia Night!
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Unruly Brewing Company,
 360 W. Western Ave. (On Tuesday this week, because of a scheduling conflict.) Join us for a night of drinking, eating, socializing and trivia questions! We will challenge your trivia knowledge over several rounds of questions, projected onto the big screen!

Wednesday, July 13

Summer Art Camp: Tempera Batik
10:00 am – 11:30 pm 
Arts Council of White Lake,
 106 E. Colby Street, Whitehall. In this two-day class, students will learn how utilize a “resist” as a painting technique. A resist is a type of painting whereby a light black wash of India Ink is applied over the paint once it is dry. The paint will resist the ink create an interesting effect. Ages 10-13. $10 ($9 for ACWL-Nuveen Members). Register at

Eric and Chris, Acoustic Guitar
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Eric Michaels and Chris Kennedy are a guitar duo, performing a mix of folk, pop, country, and standards.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” until September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

Rebel Road 2022
12:00 – 11:00 pm
West Western Avenue,
 downtown Muskegon. Michigan’s biggest motorcycle rally is returning! This event will feature free concerts, live professional wrestling, stunt shows, axe throwing, camping, vendors, thousands of bikes and more! All of the proceeds raised during Rebel Road will benefit the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County.

Illustrative Figure Drawing with Corinne Roberts
2:00 – 3:00 pm 
Hackley Public Library,
 316 West Webster Avenue. Learn the basic steps to drawing figures and exaggerated movement using simple shapes and line techniques. No prior drawing experience needed! Basic drawing supplies provided. Suggested for ages 8+. Free.

Food Truck Ralley
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Muskegon Farmer’s Market,
242 W. Western Avenue. Enjoy dinner and snacks from dozens of food trucks!

Naval Battles of the Great Lakes
6:00 – 7:00 pm 
White Lake Community Library, 3900 White Lake Drive, Whitehall. Learn about victories, defeats, sneak attacks, and even piracy that took place on all five Great Lakes. Presenters Poppins and Chuck discuss battles during the War of 1812, naval actions on the Lakes during World War II, and even the assassination of a “king” that took place right here in the Great Lakes. Free.

Philosophical Book Club: History of the World in Six Glasses
6:00 – 7:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Sections 1 and 2: Beer and Wine.

Wire Nested Ring – Jewelry Making
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 
Arts Council of White Lake, 
106 E. Colby Street, Whitehall. Make a unique ring! The instructor will teach students how to use silver plated or colored wire and a handmade bead to craft their own statement piece. Registration is required. Ages 16+. $30, $27 for ACWL-Nuveen Members. Register at

Yoga at the Lighthouse with Carrie VanDuinen
6:30 – 7:30 pm
White River Light Station, 6199 Murray Road, Whitehall. With over 300 hours in yoga teacher training, Carrie’s style of guiding yoga allows an individual to find comfort, safety, and unique self-expression in the movement of the body and breath. Free.

Steve-O: The Bucket List Tour
7:00 pm
Frauenthal Center,
425 West Western Avenue. Jackass star, stand-up comedian, and New York Times best-selling author, Steve-O, is bringing The Bucket List Tour to the Frauenthal Center. FOR ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY (18+). $32 – $97.

West Michigan Concert WINDS: Cultural Crossings
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Heritage Landing, 1050 7th Street. The West Michigan Concert Summer WINDS are a series of free concerts taking place at Heritage Landing. Bring your lawn chairs and come enjoy free music at Heritage Landing!

Trivia Night!
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Salty Pecker Brewing Company,
 255 Seminole Rd. Join us for a night of drinking, eating, socializing and trivia questions (about anything)! We will challenge your trivia knowledge over several rounds of questions, projected onto the big screen!

Summer Jazz @ The Block: Tim Froncek and Friends
7:30 pm
The Block,
 360 W. Western Ave. Legendary jazz drummer Tim Froncek returns to The Block for three performances this summer! Enjoy the music while sipping your favorite beverage. $15 – $20.

Glow Golf
9:30 – 10:30 pm
Putters Creek,
 40 N. Causeway St., North Muskegon. Our Glow Golf events are the most epic events of the summer! Every month around the full moon, we will have a blast putting in the dark with LED light up balls and glow accessories! $15 per person, discounts for groups.

Thursday, July 14

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave. The market, owned and operated by the City of Muskegon, is dedicated to showcasing the best in locally grown foods, nursery stock, handicrafts, baked goods and more.

Free Thursdays: Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave. This is a great opportunity to visit the art museum and bring the kiddos! This free tour time is compliments of the Meijer Foundation. Special exhibitions may not be included.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design.

Muskegon Bike Time
12:00 – 11:00 pm
Hotrod Harley Davidson, 149 Shoreline Drive. Activities and events occurring in downtown Muskegon and throughout the county. For detailed schedules, visit

Rebel Road 2022
4:00 – 11:00 pm
West Western Avenue,
 downtown Muskegon. Michigan’s biggest motorcycle rally is returning! This event will feature free concerts, live professional wrestling, stunt shows, axe throwing, camping, vendors, thousands of bikes and more! All of the proceeds raised during Rebel Road will benefit the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County.

Jazz Happy Hour
5:00 – 6:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Jazz Duo: Aedan McCauley on piano & Donovan Meeusen on bass. Drink and food specials!

Trivia Night
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Pub One Eleven, 111 W. Colby, Whitehall. General knowledge trivia along with music, fun, great food and beverages. Prizes for the Top 3 teams!

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. Get your camera ready and enjoy the afternoon breeze while cruising the lake during our sunset cruise. This is a perfect time to relax with friends and loved ones. We cruise out on to Muskegon Lake, through the channel past the lighthouse in onto Lake Michigan. For ticket prices:

Friday, July 15

Muskegon Bike Time
9:00 am – 11:00 pm
Hotrod Harley Davidson, 
149 Shoreline Drive. Activities and events occurring in downtown Muskegon and throughout the county. For detailed schedules, visit

Summer Art Camp: Two Point Perspective Drawing
10:00 am – 12:30 pm 
Arts Council of White Lake,
 106 E. Colby Street, Whitehall. Two point perspective drawing is a type of linear perspective. Students will create a city landscape that gives the impression of depth and distance by utilizing techniques learned in class. Ages 14-17. $10 ($9 for ACWL-Nuveen Members). Register at

Preschool Story Time
10:30 – 11:00 am 
Hackley Public Library, 316 W. Webster Avenue. Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person Story Time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. We’re hoping to be outside as the weather allows. Free.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light, 1431 Beach Street. Join us for a historical tour of Muskegon’s South Pierhead Lighthouse at Pere Marquette Beach. Climb to the top and learn the history of this functioning light. Enjoy the view and take photos. Tours are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, $3 – $5.

Music at the White River Light Station: Frank Galante and Ruthie Eilers
7:00 – 8:30 pm
White River Light Station, 6199 Murray Road, Whitehall. Bring a lawn chair and/or blanket and come to the White River Light Station & Museum for this family friendly concert. The West Michigan duo is known for their rockin’ blues, country and original tunes.

Jim Cooper, vibraphones
7:00 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Vibist, pianist, composer and teacher Jim Cooper has been playing vibraphone for over 45 years, leading numerous groups and appearing as both soloist and sideman.

Two Dudes in Flip Flops
7:00 – 10:00 pm
Red Rooster Tavern,
2998 Scenic Drive. We’re bringing the beach to the woods! Join us for our first show at the Red Rooster Tavern!

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. Get your camera ready and enjoy the afternoon breeze while cruising the lake during our sunset cruise. This is a perfect time to relax with friends and loved ones. We cruise out on to Muskegon Lake, through the channel past the lighthouse in onto Lake Michigan. For ticket prices:

Saturday, July 16

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave. The market, owned and operated by the City of Muskegon, is dedicated to showcasing the best in locally grown foods, nursery stock, handicrafts, baked goods and more.

Fresh Coast Fitness Festival
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Pere Marquette Park,
3510 Channel Drive. Come witness some fitness at the 6th Annual Fresh Coast Fitness Festival! The main event features hundreds of CrossFit athletes competing to claim a podium spot. Fitness vendors and additional activities will be on site. $5 for spectators.

Muskegon Bike Time
9:00 am – 11:00 pm
Hotrod Harley Davidson,
 149 Shoreline Drive. Activities and events occurring in downtown Muskegon and throughout the county. For detailed schedules, visit

Christopher Dragone, Guitar
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Guitar player extraordinaire from Muskegon.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

Rebel Road 2022
11:00 am – 11:00 pm
West Western Avenue, downtown Muskegon. Michigan’s biggest motorcycle rally is returning! This event will feature free concerts, live professional wrestling, stunt shows, axe throwing, camping, vendors, thousands of bikes and more! All of the proceeds raised during Rebel Road will benefit the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County.

VanDyk Mortgage Summer Concert Series: Acoustic/Indie
12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Hot Rod Harley Davidson, 149 Shoreline Drive. Music acts include Will Evans, Kanin, Found Innocents, and more. Free. Phone 231-722-0000.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. Join us for a historical tour of Muskegon’s South Pierhead Lighthouse at Pere Marquette Beach. Climb to the top and learn the history of this functioning light. Enjoy the view and take photos. Tours are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, $3 – $5.

Truck Driver Bingo
7:00 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Jim Nichols on bass; Hank Cupp on drums; and Frank Galante on vocals and guitar. All three band members are seasoned musicians and are committed to musical excellence and a polished performance. We like making people happy!

Milwaukee Clipper Dance Night
7:30 – 10:00 pm
Milwaukee Clipper,
 2098 Lakeshore Drive. Join us to dance the night away! We will be going back to the 50s and 60s. Bring your best outfit of the time and dance to the music of yesterday! This event is free for members and $10.00 for non-members. See you there!

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. Get your camera ready and enjoy the afternoon breeze while cruising the lake during our sunset cruise. This is a perfect time to relax with friends and loved ones. We cruise out on to Muskegon Lake, through the channel past the lighthouse in onto Lake Michigan. For ticket prices:

Sunday, July 17

Fresh Coast Fitness Festival
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Pere Marquette Park,
3510 Channel Drive. Come witness some fitness at the 6th Annual Fresh Coast Fitness Festival! The main event features hundreds of CrossFit athletes competing to claim a podium spot. Fitness vendors and additional activities will be on site. $5 for spectators.

Rebel Road 2022
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
West Western Avenue,
 downtown Muskegon. Michigan’s biggest motorcycle rally is returning! This event will feature free concerts, live professional wrestling, stunt shows, axe throwing, camping, vendors, thousands of bikes and more! All of the proceeds raised during Rebel Road will benefit the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County.

Muskegon Bike Time
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Hotrod Harley Davidson,
 149 Shoreline Drive. Activities and events occurring in downtown Muskegon and throughout the county. For detailed schedules, visit

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

Muskegon Clippers Baseball
7:00 – 10:30 pm
Marsh Field,
1800 Peck Street. Come on down and watch your Muskegon Clippers of the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League take on the Royal Oak Leprechauns. $2 – $5.

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:00 pm
Aquastar Cruises,
 560 Mart St. Get your camera ready and enjoy the afternoon breeze while cruising the lake during our sunset cruise. This is a perfect time to relax with friends and loved ones. We cruise out on to Muskegon Lake, through the channel past the lighthouse in onto Lake Michigan. For ticket prices:

Monday, July 18

Golf United Muskegon
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Country Club
, 2801 Lakeshore Drive. FORE! Do you like to golf? Do you also like building stronger relationships with your leadership team? Consider registering a team for Golf United in Muskegon at the Muskegon Country Club! Teams of four enjoy a round of 18 holes and support United Way programs while hitting the links.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light
, 1431 Beach Street. Join us for a historical tour of Muskegon’s South Pierhead Lighthouse at Pere Marquette Beach. Climb to the top and learn the history of this functioning light. Enjoy the view and take photos. Tours are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, $3 – $5.

Lighthouse Story Time
3:00 – 3:30 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light,
1431 Beach Street. Catch some sun and fresh air out at the Pere Marquette Lighthouse! We’ll read stories, sing songs, and watch the boats out on the lake. Soft mats are provided for seating. Lighthouse Story Time will take place on Mondays at 3pm through August 15. Free.

The History Guys Lecture Series – Detroit Part II
6:30 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Kurt Troutman and George Maniates present Detroit Part II: Motor City Breakdown.

Muskegon Clippers Baseball
7:00 – 10:30 pm
Marsh Field,
1800 Peck Street. Come on down and watch your Muskegon Clippers of the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League take on the Royal Oak Leprechauns. $2 – $5.

Hackley Public Library – 2022 July Programs | | 231-722-8000 | 316 W. Webster Ave. Muskegon, MI, 49440

Hackley Public Library Hours

Main Hackley Library Building
Mon-Tues: 9-7 pm
Wed-Sat: 9-5 pm

Torrent House (HPL’s Local History/Genealogy Department)
Tues-Sat: 10-5 pm

Summer Reading Program (all ages):

Oceans of Possibilities
June 13 – August 13

There’s still plenty of time to sign up for Hackley Library’s Summer Reading Program (SRP)! This year’s theme is “Oceans of Possibilities” and will run through August 13. HPL’s Summer Reading Program is great for ALL AGES to participate in, where you can track reading and activities to earn prizes, as well as have the chance to win additional prizes! It’s FREE to enjoy! For signing up, you’ll receive a bag of goodies (while supplies last)! To sign up, and for more details, visit (more specifically at Free.

Youth / Teen Programs:

Youth Take and Make – Paper Plate Ocean
Available beginning Tuesday, July 5, and through the month

Stretch your string from sea to shore with this fun craft that works out your fun motor skills! Kits will be available beginning July 5, and through the month. Free.

Teen Take and Make – Perler Bead Animal
Available beginning Tuesday, July 5, and through the month

The beads are back! Add to your Perler Bead Zoo with these cute water animals. Kits will be available beginning July 5, and through the month. Free.

Preschool Story Time
In-person at Hackley Library
Fridays at 10:30am (No Story Time on August 19 & 26, September 2)

Intended for ages 0-5, HPL’s in-person Story Time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. Join us at the library for stories, songs, and movement activities! Free.

Lighthouse Story Time
In-person at Muskegon South Pierhead Light
Mondays, July 11 – August 15, at 3pm

Catch some sun and fresh air out at the Pere Marquette Lighthouse! We’ll read stories, sing songs, and watch the boats out on the lake. Soft mats are provided for seating. Free.

Illustrative Figure Drawing Class with Corinne Roberts
In-person at Hackley Library
Wednesday, July 13 from 2-3pm

Using simple shapes and line techniques, learn the basic steps to drawing figures and exaggerated movement. No prior drawing experience needed! Attendees will need simple paper, pencil and eraser. Recommended for ages 8+. Free.

Teen DIY Canvas Craft
In-person at Hackley Library
Monday, July 18, from 3:30-4:30pm

Hey teens! What would you do with a blank canvas? Paint? Collage? Explore your creative side with a blank canvas and all of the craft supplies HPL youth services has in their craft closets! Registration is required for this program. Please check HPL’s website or Facebook for further information. Free.

Crafty Summer Afternoon – Look at all the seahorses!
In-person at Hackley Library
Wednesday, July 20, from 2-3:30pm

Enjoy a seahorse-themed craft day at HPL! Which seahorse will you choose to make? We’ll create beautiful impressionistic paper seahorses with tissue paper and water. When finished, you will have a piece of art for a window at home! Or maybe you will choose to make a whimsical pony bead seahorse in blue or in green. Maybe you will make both! Free.

Adult Programs:

The Women of the Copper Country – Book Discussion
In-person at Hackley Library
Monday, July 25 from 5:30-6:30pm

Dive into a mesmeric novel, ‘The Women of the Copper Country’ by Mary Doria Russell, and become immersed in a story that tells of the obstacles and endeavors of Annie Clements, America’s very own “Joan of Arc.”
This fictionalized yet historical account shares the journey of a woman who daringly led a strike against a powerful mining company in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, during the early labor movement.
Muskegon Museum of History & Science and Hackley Public Library are teaming together for this Great Michigan Read 2022 book discussion! A limited number of free copies are available from either HPL or the museum. Registration is preferred for this discussion – visit the online event calendar at Free.

Left to Write (and Left to Write at Night!)
In-person at Hackley Library
Wednesday, July 13 from 3:30 – 4:30pm
Tuesday, July 26 from 5:30 – 6:30pm

If you enjoy creative writing, you’ll love Left to Write, HPL’s own creative writing group. Here you can participate in writing exercises, share your own stories, and meet other creative writers. This group provides a low-key atmosphere for writers of all experiences, everyone is welcome! Remember to bring a pen and paper.
You’ll have two chances to enjoy Left to Write each month. Feel free to come to one or both, whenever you’re able to! Free.

Darley Village Puts Up New Flagpole and Dedicates It To God and Country

by Kate, Calvin, and Kim Holtrop

Not long ago, the main entrance to Darley Village, a retirement village in Fruitport, was moved from Sternberg Road closer to the back of the property, near the Village Cafe. The village had a flag out front on the side of the cafe at that time. A veteran and resident of the village thought it would be good to erect a flagpole near the new entrance. Another resident, Vietnam veteran Mike Sipe, said that a collection taken up by the residents for the flagpole project received enough money within the first couple days to cover the expense. The village’s owner had the pole put up just outside the cafe entrance.

left to right: Mike Sipe (center, back row) stands with other veterans and Commander Jason Whitman of the VFW (far right) at the dedication of the new Darley Village flag pole.

On Thursday, May 26th, Darley Village residents attended the dedication of the new flagpole. The ceremony was led by Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Commander, Jason Whitman, and Pastor Michael Scott of First Congregational Church of Fruitport. Mike Sipe coordinated the event.

Following a hearty greeting from the VFW, Commander Whitman introduced the ceremony by briefly explaining the symbolism of the American flag. “The flag of the United States reflects what we are and what we hope to be,” he said. “The white stripes symbolize purity of purpose in our freedom of thought, expression, and worship. These are the privileges guaranteed to all who live in our land. They are rights defended against all enemies who seek to crush the way of life that you and I so cherish. Also, in that flag, we see the red stripes of courage, our willingness to die, if necessary, for the preservation of American ideals. Then there’s the blue of tranquility, upon which the stars of our states are united to hold intact all that is truly ours—the desires for peace, prosperity, and happiness throughout our great nation.”

After the raising of the flag, the veterans present saluted the flag and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Then Pastor Scott told about the history of the flag’s symbolism, the importance of prayer in the birthing of our Constitution, and the development of the Pledge of Allegiance. He then prayed that God would protect our flag, our nation, and all those who serve to defend them.

Next, Commander Whitman presented to Mike Sipe a booklet of flag etiquette, explaining that although the law-enforceable part of the United States Flag Code no longer exists, we should still always appreciate people’s patriotism, even when they get the etiquette wrong, and should teach them whenever possible how to get it right. “I hope that you guys will take those to your heart and understand what the flag means to each and every American.” Commander Whitman gave flag pins to all the veterans present, and thanked each one for his service.

“I appreciate all of your community support,” said Commander Whitman, “and I appreciate you having me here. And I appreciate Pastor Scott and his involvement.” He then added to Mike Sipe, “I appreciate your coordinating this effort.”

Mr. Sipe said that the future plans of Darley Village include planting a garden around the flagpole, with a stone and plaque in the garden. He also said that the resident veterans want to become an active group that can work with the VFW.

Press Conference on Muskegon Lake AOC Cleanup Efforts and Progress

by Kate, Calvin, and Kim Holtrop
photos by Tim Holtrop

May 24th, 2022, Muskegon—Local, state, and federal government officials, among other stakeholders, gathered for a press conference at Muskegon’s Heritage Landing to celebrate last fall’s completion of all the management actions that are required before Muskegon Lake’s Area of Concern delisting process can begin. Finally, after many years of restoration efforts, Debra Shore, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Regional Administrator for the Great Lakes area, said, “We’re celebrating an exciting milestone—all the projects necessary for the cleanup of the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern are finally complete.” Once the evaluation process is complete, the lake will be officially delisted as an Area of Concern.

The United States/Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was amended in 1987 to single out forty-three Areas of Concern (AOCs) around the Great Lakes, fourteen of which are in Michigan. The slow but steady progress in Michigan’s AOC program has successfully restored and delisted three of the fourteen. Progress is continuing at the other eleven.

The Muskegon Lake AOC, the next in line for the delisting process, is divided into eighteen sites, including the lake itself and portions of its tributaries. There have been fourteen Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) identified in the Great Lakes area. BUIs are chemical, physical or biological changes sizable enough to cause significant degradation of the environment. Muskegon Lake is listed with nine of the fourteen. BUIs have limited the lake’s beneficial uses, like consumption of fish and wildlife, consumption of local water sources, and beach attendance, among other uses. BUIs are targeted by the management action projects. Since the start of the restoration, five of Muskegon Lake’s nine BUIs have been removed, and only four are left.

Since the 1860s, many years’ worth of industrial wastes had been dumped into the Muskegon Lake area. The area’s sediments had been contaminated with excessive amounts of nutrients, metals, pesticides, and other dangerous chemicals. Several restoration projects, over the course of twenty years, included the removal of over 150,000 tons of contaminated sediment, replacement of culverts, removal of sawmill debris built up from the area’s logging years, removal of foundry fill and other types of trash and debris, creation of wetlands, the restoration of well over 100 acres of plant and animal habitat, and restoration of over 6,000 feet of eroded shoreline.

Poplar trees have been key in the restoration process. Workers have planted over 3,000 poplar trees around Muskegon Lake, which help to remove toxins in the soil. The poplars’ roots absorb heavy metals, chlorinated solvents, and volatile organic compounds. The trees then either degrade the toxins that would otherwise build up in fish and wildlife, or convert them into a non-toxic form. These trees also circumvent the need to store any contaminated soil offsite. And they will reduce storm water runoff and provide a sustainable source of wood for local manufacturers. Altogether, the full remediation has cost about $70 million.

Michigan’s AOC program is coordinated by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), in cooperation with federal, state, and local partners. Michigan’s EGLE Director, Liesl Clark, said, “Here we measure progress through actions completed, impairments removed, and areas delisted. I hope everybody involved in this project takes pride in all the ripple effects: the lives improved, the community pride, the opportunities built, and the better future created.”

Though the cleanup is complete, continuous evaluations of the environment will help the U.S. EPA, along with the State of Michigan, to ensure that the quality of the lake continues to improve over time. Once the appropriate specifications for cleanup are met, the delisting process for the Muskegon Lake AOC can begin. Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) will keep track of the environmental problem and BUI status at each AOC site.

Carrie Robinson, Director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Habitat Conservation, said, “Through our partners, we’ve studied the impact restoration has had on this community, demonstrating a six-to-one return to the local community observed through an increase in local tourism, recreation, and property values.”

Not only does the long-term ecosystem health for AOC communities depend on cleanup and restoration, but it is also heavily reliant on regulatory programs, voluntary grant programs, and continued involvement of the public. Various stakeholders in Muskegon and other AOC communities have come together to address problems of contaminated sediments, degraded water quality, loss of fish and wildlife habitats, and beach closings, among the other issues.

The Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership, a community-based, volunteer organization that supports the restoration of the Great Lakes AOCs, has been meeting monthly since 1993, discussing the RAP process for Muskegon Lake. Continuing after the major milestone of the delisting, the partnership will still meet to keep Muskegon Lake’s natural resources safe.

Now that the restoration is complete, Mayor Ken Johnson said, “It’s incumbent on our community to continue heeding the lessons of our past, cherish the Muskegon Lake watershed, protect its ecosystems, and to ensure both equitable access to and benefit from this beautiful body of water.”

FCS – Student Affairs Committee Meeting Agenda – 07/11/22

Student Affairs Committee
Monday, July 11, 2022
5:30 p.m.


Meeting Location:
Fruitport Community Schools
Superintendent’s Office
3255 E. Pontaluna Rd.
Fruitport, MI 49415

  1. Board of Education / Thrun Law Firm Annual Policy Update
  2. Annual End of Year Reporting Update
    a. Chronic Absenteeism
    b. Student Discipline
    c. Bullying
  3. Annual PBIS Evaluation – Shettler Elementary School
  4. Sex Education Advisory Board (SEAB) Curriulum Recommendation
  5. Report on School of Choice for 2022-2023
  6. Other
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjournment

FCS – Personnel Committee Meeting Agenda – 07/11/22

Personnel Committee
Monday, July 11, 2022
5:00 p.m.


Meeting Location:
Fruitport Community Schools
Superintendent’s Office
3255 E. Pontaluna Rd.
Fruitport, MI 49415

  1. Board of Education / Thrun Law Firm Annual Policy Update
  2. Recommendation to Hire: Beach Elementary Principal
  3. Recommendation to Hire: Central Office Administrative Assistant
  4. Recommendation to Hire: Teaching Positions
  5. Other
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjournment

Ask Dr. Universe – Sleep & Study

Dr. Universe: Why do we get sleepy when we study? – Sadaf, 12, Pakistan

Dear Sadaf,

Like many good students, you’ve probably noticed that when you study, especially late in the day, you feel sleepy. Scientists don’t know exactly why, but they have a few clues.

The human brain is packed with tens of billions of cells called neurons, which process and store information that helps us observe, understand and make decisions about the world.

My friend Hans Van Dongen, director of the Sleep and Performance Research Center and a professor of medicine at Washington State University, said you might think about neurons as workers in a huge company. Each neuron is an expert in a piece of information, and neurons work together to share what they know and build new connections in the brain.

And just like workers in a company—or students like you—neurons need rest when they’ve been working hard. When you feel sleepy, that’s a sign that you (and your neurons) need to go to sleep.

Van Dongen said there are probably several reasons your brain needs sleep. The first is that thinking takes energy. Neurons processing information and making new connections may use up energy especially quickly.

“We know that one of the things that sleep can do for us is replenish the energy stores in the brain,” Van Dongen said.

Just a few years ago, sleep scientists discovered that your brain also pulses to flush out waste while you’re deeply asleep.

Imagine an office in that huge company where people have been piling up papers and coffee cups all day long. Pretty soon, it gets so cluttered there’s no room to work. The workers need to take a break and clean up.

Finally, your brain needs time to make sure the information it’s storing will last a long time. While you’re studying, your neurons are making new connections, and they might still be a little wobbly. While you’re sleeping, those connections get stronger.

Thinking back to your brain as a huge company, imagine the office needs some construction done to make room for new computer servers. It’s hard for the construction crew to work while everyone’s bustling around, so they come in and build things at night.

So, what should you do when you’re trying to focus on your homework, but you start to feel sleepy? Listen to your brain.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, kids ages 6 to 12 need nine to twelve hours of sleep every night. When you’re a teenager, you’ll need eight to ten hours—and Van Dongen said sleep scientists have learned teenagers’ brains usually like to fall asleep later at night and sleep in later in the morning.

If you were a cat like me, you’d need as much as 18 hours of a sleep every day. Even though you’re a kid, you can take cat naps to help your brain, too.

“Naps are awesome because naps are sleep,” Van Dongen said. “They pretty much count one hour for one hour. If you get two hours of napping in, that will count for two hours of sleep that you need in 24 hours.”

Next time you feel sleepy when you’re studying, head to bed or curl up for a nap. Who knows, maybe you’ll dream about being a scientist who discovers even more about sleep.

Dr. Universe

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Rebel Road Charity Motorcycle Rally Returning to Downtown Muskegon July 13-17, 2022

Rebel Road, Michigan’s largest motorcycle rally, will be returning to Downtown Muskegon from Wednesday, July 13, to Sunday, July 17.


Rebel Road is organized by a small team of volunteers to raise money for the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County. The event serves as the agency’s largest fundraiser and helps raise the money needed for the agency to provide abuse education and preventative services to thousands of Muskegon County children.

“The money raised during Rebel Road is crucial in our fight against child abuse in Muskegon County,” said Kyleen Gee, executive director of the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County. “We are forever grateful for our volunteers, sponsors, vendors and everyone who helps us provide these services by attending Rebel Road.”

This year is set to be Rebel Road’s largest event ever with the event returning to its home on Western Avenue in Downtown Muskegon following a change to the state’s social district laws.

“We are excited to be back on Western Avenue,” said Gee. “This event helps support so many in our community, so it just makes sense that it happens in the heart of Downtown Muskegon.”

Rebel Road 2022 will include five nights of free concerts, motorcycle stunt shows, live professional wrestling, axe throwing, a free kids entertainment area, camping, cash raffle, contests, dozens of vendors, thousands of bikes and more.

Headlining the Rebel Road Miller Lite Main Stage will be Project 90 on Wednesday, July 13, Lines of Loyalty on Thursday, Las Vegas rockers Otherwise on Friday, fan favorites Wayland on Saturday, and Better Desire closing out the event on Sunday, July 17.

“This is our biggest vendor and entertainment lineup ever,” said Gee. “There will be something for everyone happening on Rebel Road in 2022.”

Rebel Road 2022 will also feature a new addition to its beverage and entertainment areas with Muskegon’s own Wonderland Distilling Co. joining the festival and releasing Rebel Road Reserve, a specially blended American whiskey. Rebel Road Reserve can be found at select retailers across West Michigan and will be available at official Rebel Road beverage and entertainment areas during the event. 

“We wouldn’t be able to put on this event without our sponsors, including our major sponsors Miller Lite and Michigan Biker Law,” said Gee. “Their generosity shows these companies truly support the work of the Child Abuse Council.”

Sponsors include Miller Lite/Twisted Tea, Michigan Biker Law, Wonderland Distilling Co., Community Choice Credit Union, New Standard Cannabis, Pure Options Precision Crafted Cannabis, Baker College, Parkland Properties, Delta Hotels by Marriott Muskegon Convention Center, Walker’s – An American Brasserie, The Mart Dock, Belasco Electric, Unruly Brewing, and Bikers Info USA.

You can find more info on Rebel Road, as well as event flyers and schedules at


Noon – Camping Opens
6pm – Live Music: Project 90 (Presented by Miller Lite)

4pm – Axe Throwing opens
5pm – Veterans Tribute featuring the veteran memorial wall and a military fly over by the Hooligan Flight Team (Presented by Michigan Biker Law)
6pm – Live Music: Lines of Loyalty, The Almas, Mud Creek (Presented by Miller Lite)

Noon-6pm – Kids’ Area Opens
4pm – Axe Throwing Opens
5 & 8pm– Motorcycle Stunt shows from Relentless Stunts (Presented by Michigan Biker Law)
6pm – Live Music: Otherwise, Grunge Radio (Presented by Miller Lite)

Noon-6pm – Kids’ Area Opens
Noon, 3pm, 5pm – Pure Pro Wrestling Live! (Presented by New Standard Cannabis)
Noon – Axe Throwing Tournament
1, 3, 5 & 7:30pm – Motorcycle Stunt shows from Relentless Stunts (Presented by Michigan Biker Law)
1:30pm – Miss Rebel Road (Presented by Pure Options Cannabis)
1:30pm – Tattoo Contest (Presented by Ink’d Therapy Tattoo Studio)
6pm – Live Music: Wayland, Coldville (Presented by Miller Lite)

9 am – Biker Church
9:30am – Live Music: Gospel Performance
Noon – Live Music: Better Desire (Presented by Miller Lite)

Events Happening in Muskegon County – July 4 – 11, 2022

Don’t see your event on the calendar?
Visit this link to see how easy it is to submit it:

Wednesday, July 6

Eric and Chris, Acoustic Guitar
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Eric Michaels and Chris Kennedy are a guitar duo, performing a mix of folk, pop, country, and standards.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Muskegon Museum of Art,
296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” until September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

Book Club: Good Eggs
6:00 – 7:00 pm

Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. When a home aide arrives to assist a rambunctious family at a crossroads, simmering tensions boil over in this “witty, exuberant debut” (People) that is an “absolute delight from start to finish” (Sarah Haywood, New York Times bestselling author).

West Michigan Concert WINDS: Red, White and Bluegrass
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Heritage Landing, 1050 7th Street. The West Michigan Summer WINDS are partnering with the West Michigan Bluegrass Organization for the first concert of their July series. The West Michigan Concert Summer WINDS are a series of free concerts taking place at Heritage Landing. Bring your lawn chairs and come enjoy free music at Heritage Landing!

Music Trivia – July 2022 Edition
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Salty Pecker Brewing Company, 
255 Seminole Rd. Welcome! It’s a ’90s music trivia party! Play with your friends; bring a team of people (any size team). Come join us for some food, drink and music trivia! Bonus: Wear your favorite concert/band/musician/music shirt!

Music Trivia – July 2022 Edition
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Unruly Brewing Company, 360 W. Western Ave. Welcome! It’s a ’90s music trivia party! Play with your friends; bring a team of people (any size team). Come join us for some food, drink and music trivia! Bonus: Wear your favorite concert/band/musician/music shirt!

Thursday, July 7

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Muskegon Farmers Market,
242 W. Western Ave. The market, owned and operated by the City of Muskegon, is dedicated to showcasing the best in locally grown foods, nursery stock, handicrafts, baked goods and more.

Ceramics Open Studio with Kim Funk
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Terrestrial Forming Pottery Studio, 5385 Lamos at Michillinda, Whitehall. Students ages 18+ who have completed an ACWL-Nuveen introductory pottery class are eligible to participate in Open Studio. $162 for ACWL-Nuveen Members.

Summer Art Camp: Mini Palettes for Outdoor Sketching
11:00 am – 12:30 pm 

Arts Council of White Lake, 106 E. Colby Street, Whitehall. In this two-day class, students will first learn how to create their own custom watercolor paint sets using mini tins and tube watercolor paint. Ages 16+. $36, $30 for ACWL-Nuveen Members. Register at

Free Thursdays: Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave. This is a great opportunity to visit the art museum and bring the kiddos! This free tour time is compliments of the Meijer Foundation. Special exhibitions may not be included.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design.

Jazz Happy Hour
5:00 – 6:30 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Jazz Duo: Aedan McCauley on piano & Donovan Meeusen on bass. Drink and food specials!

Egelston/Wolf Lake Festival
6:00 pm

Beals and Flickema Parks. The festival includes numerous family friendly events, featuring a 5K run, movie night, outhouse races, arts and crafts fair, food vendors, children’s activities, music and a parade! The Beer Tent (with music) will be located at Flickema Park. The Festival runs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. For more information, call Egelston Township at 231-788-2308.

Trivia Night
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Pub One Eleven, 111 W. Colby, Whitehall. General knowledge trivia along with music, fun, great food and beverages. Prizes for the Top 3 teams!

Galen Bundy Trio
7:00 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. The Galen Bundy Piano Trio is a modern jazz group heavily influenced by Scandinavian folk music and Romantic era composers. Great importance is placed on the sensitivity of interaction between the three instruments, with group musicality valued over soloistic ideals. Featuring Galen Bundy on piano, Sean Perlmutter on drums, and Eric Nachtrab on bass.

Live Music: Chris Clayton
7:00 – 10:00 pm

Burl & Sprig, 500 West Western Avenue. Don’t wait for Friday night out with LIVE Music, Food & Specialty drinks. Start your weekend a little early.

Friday, July 8

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm

Muskegon South Pierhead Light, 1431 Beach Street. Join us for a historical tour of Muskegon’s South Pierhead Lighthouse at Pere Marquette Beach. Climb to the top and learn the history of this functioning light. Enjoy the view and take photos. Tours are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, $3 – $5.

Meet the Machines
2:00 – 5:00 pm
Renk America LLC, 76 South Getty. Children of all ages will have the opportunity to touch, climb on and explore an exciting mix of machines and unique vehicles found in and around Muskegon Township. The first hour of this event will be horn free to accommodate children with special needs and sensitive ears. All attendees must park in the SOUTH employee parking lot.

Parties in the Park
5:00 – 9:00 pm

Hackley Park, 350 West Webster. Bring the family or meet up with friends in this festive, Friday event. Each week presents live music, food trucks and beverage stations. Not only is it fun, it’s also a fundraiser sponsored by local non-profit organizations. Live music from Brother Elsey and SIRSY, benefitting Muskegon Motorcycle Club.

Music at the White River Light Station: Rough and Tumble
7:00 – 8:30 pm

White River Light Station, 6199 Murray Road, Whitehall. Bring a lawn chair and/or blanket and come to the White River Light Station & Museum for this family friendly concert featuring Rough & Tumble.

Acoustic Oasis
7:00 – 9:00 pm
The Book Nook & Java Shop,
8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Phil Petersen and Glen Miller are two guys who love playing music. Inspired by the music of such artists as CSNY, Simon and Garfunkel, The Beatles, Jack Johnson and Ray Lamontagne, we have created a playlist of covers and originals adding many instruments along the way. Our sound now includes 6 and 12 string guitars, mandolin, ukulele, banjo, clarinet and harmonica.

CMU: Summer – A Theatre Cabaret!

The Playhouse at White Lake, 304 South Mears Avenue, Whitehall. Using a combination of song, scene, poetry and dance, CMU’s Company presents Summer: A Theatre Cabaret as we track a group of students emerging from a year of quarantine into a warm summer’s evening. $27. Season flex passes and individual tickets apply to this Opening Night of our 2022 Summer Theatre Festival!

Two Dudes in Flip Flops
7:30 – 10:00 pm

No Name Saloon, 609 West Western Avenue. Come join the Two Dudes in Flip Flops on the rooftop bar at the No Name Saloon! We like to say it’s a “Slice of Key West in Downtown Muskegon!”

Aquastar Sunset Cruise
8:30 – 10:00 pm

Aquastar Cruises, 560 Mart St. Get your camera ready and enjoy the afternoon breeze while cruising the lake during our sunset cruise. This is a perfect time to relax with friends and loved ones. $30.

Movies on Deck: Ironman
10:00 – 11:30 am

USS LST 393, 560 Mart Street. Watch this superhero classic starring Robert Downey Jr. under the stars, on the deck of a WW2 Landing Ship! Sponsored by Muskegon Area District Library. Free.

Saturday, July 9

Standup for the Cure Norton Shores
8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Ross Park, 82 Randall Road. More than just a paddling event, we are a movement. Since 2012 we’ve been uniting paddlers, fitness enthusiasts, yoga practitioners and the breast cancer community from California to Florida and Michigan to Washington in an effort to save lives! Proceeds from this event will benefit local breast cancer screening and related services. $35.

Muskegon Farmers Market Summer Season
8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Muskegon Farmers Market, 242 W. Western Ave. The market, owned and operated by the City of Muskegon, is dedicated to showcasing the best in locally grown foods, nursery stock, handicrafts, baked goods and more.

ACWL – Nuveen Artisan Market
9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Artisan Market Village, 8660 Water Street, Montague. Shop for artwork created by local artisans! Work will include pottery, original paintings, macrame, skincare items, soaps, jewelry, and more! There will also be an on-site craft activity for children, sponsored by the City of Montague.

Flea Market
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Carriage Antique Mall, 10130 US 31, Montague. The Carriage Antique Mall hosts a Flea Market every other Saturday during the summer. Food and great finds! Stop by for the deals. To be a vendor at the event, call Karen Reilly 231-220-8696. Spaces will fill up fast!

Muskegon County Community Run
10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Folkert Community Hub, 640 Seminole Road, Norton Shores. Family Friendly Scenic Fun “Poker” Run welcomes all cars, trucks and motorcycles. Our poker run cruises through scenic areas of our beautiful county and stops for ice cream! Back at the Andy Blair Sports Center, 640 Seminole, we will have music, a car show, silent auction and more. Benefitting No More Sidelines and MCSD Motor Unit.

Christopher Dragone, Guitar
11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Guitar player extraordinaire from Muskegon.

Super Saturday at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave. Join us the second Saturday of every month for free general admission at the MMA all day! Come see the exhibitions and pick up supplies for an exciting art and exhibitions related STEAM activity to do at home following your visit. July 9: Build It.

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

VanDyk Mortgage Summer Concert Series: Funk Jam Bands
12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Hot Rod Harley Davidson,
149 Shoreline Drive. Music acts include Desmond Jones, The Last Straw Motel, Common Molly, and more. Free. Phone 231-722-0000.

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Muskegon South Pierhead Light, 1431 Beach Street. Join us for a historical tour of Muskegon’s South Pierhead Lighthouse at Pere Marquette Beach. Climb to the top and learn the history of this functioning light. Enjoy the view and take photos. Tours are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, $3 – $5.

Acrylic Paint Pouring Workshop
3:00 – 5:00 pm

McLaughlin Community Fellowship, 1198 Spring Street. Come spend a couple of hours with Sabryna and learn how to make your own serendipitous work of art. Students will learn about the materials, tools and techniques needed in this form of paint pouring and each participant will create their own 11″ x 14″ painting. $20. Ages 8+.

The Rough and Tumble
7:00 – 9:00 pm

The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. The dumpster-folk, thrift store-Americana duo, consisting of Mallory Graham & Scott Tyler and their menagerie of classic folk and homemade instruments, have been hobbling around the country since 2015, taking their songs to the far corners of the US and to the weird little towns they pass along the way.

CMU: Summer – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

The Playhouse at White Lake, 304 South Mears Avenue, Whitehall. How on earth can three actors do the impossible: act through Shakespeare’s entire canon – 37 plays – in 97 minutes? The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) hilariously summarizes all of Shakespeare’s plays, using reduced re-enactments and audience participation. One show only! $27.

Aquastar Luau Cruise
8:30 – 10:00 pm

Aquastar Cruises, 560 Mart St. Listen to the sounds of the Hawaiian Islands, enjoy some time out on Muskegon Lake and Lake Michigan and maybe mother nature will treat us to a West Michigan sunset. The Pacific Island Dancers will be on hand to show off the beautiful Hawaiian dancing. $38.

Sunday, July 10

Special Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Muskegon Museum of Art, 296 W. Webster Ave.
Dressing the Abbey. The museum is excited to host “Dressing the Abbey” June 23 – September 12, 2022. The exhibition weaves popular culture, fashion, and history through pieces borrowed from Downton Abbey’s wardrobe. $15 non-member, $10 member, $5 17 and younger. Reserve your ticket at
Measure Twice: Sculptures of Ted Lott. Until September 4. Grand Rapids based artist Ted Lott creates sculptures that blend frame construction with furniture, creating complex objects that play with our sense of scale, function, and design. Included with museum admission.

Paul Keller Jazz Quintet
7:00 – 9:00 pm

The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Jazz string bassist Paul Keller brings his popular quintet to Montague for a spirited and entertaining evening of music that will feed your soul, lift your spirits and massage your ears!

Monday, July 11

South Pierhead Lighthouse Tour
1:00 – 5:00 pm

Muskegon South Pierhead Light, 1431 Beach Street. Join us for a historical tour of Muskegon’s South Pierhead Lighthouse at Pere Marquette Beach. Climb to the top and learn the history of this functioning light. Enjoy the view and take photos. Tours are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, $3 – $5.

The History Guys Lecture Series – Detroit Part I
6:30 – 9:00 pm

The Book Nook & Java Shop, 8744 Ferry Street, Montague. Kurt Troutman and George Maniates present Detroit Part I: America’s City on the Hill.

Nominate an Emerging Leader for Future 15!


Do you know a young professional that deserves to be recognized for the great work they do? Nominate them for the Future 15!

The Future 15 is an award program recognizing 15 outstanding and emerging young leaders in the Muskegon Lakeshore region. Those recognized excel both within their place of employment and in the service they provide to the community.

The recipients will be celebrated at the Future 15 event at The Deck on August 11 from 4:30 – 6:30 PM.

Nominations close Wednesday, July 13th.


View past Future 15 recipients.

2022 West Michigan Photo Contest Now Accepting Entries

West Michigan – The West Michigan Tourist Association (WMTA) is excited to announce the launch of their 2022 West Michigan Photo Contest. With so much beauty found in West Michigan, the West Michigan Tourist Association wants travelers to show off what they love most about this beautiful side of the state, and win some great West Michigan prizes! The contest is looking for traveler photo submissions from all around West Michigan. This region covers the entire west half of Michigan from the Indiana border to Mackinac Island and into the Upper Peninsula.

“We love getting to see all of the amazing photos from all throughout West Michigan – it’s a highlight of the summer!” said Erin Murphy, WMTA’s Marketing Director. “We love seeing so many different perspectives from the photos shared with us. It’s a great way to see involvement from the communities that make up our beautiful state.” 

Murphy also noted that photos do not need to be taken this month in order to submit them to the photo contest. “If you have West Michigan photos from your past visits to the area, we encourage you to enter those as well! West Michigan is photogenic all seasons of the year, so don’t feel that you’re only limited to submitting summer photos.”

All photo entries must be received by July 29th, 2022. Judges will be awarding prizes in the categories of “Nature,” “People,” and “Beach/Lake/Lighthouse,” with an additional prize awarded via public voting by WMTA’s Facebook audience. In addition to receiving a West Michigan prize pack, all winning photos will be featured in WMTA’s upcoming West Michigan Carefree Travel Guide, printed in January of 2023. 

Photo submissions should include first & last name of photographer, city where the photograph was taken, and a short description of the photo.

The accepted photo formats are high resolution (300 dpi+) jpeg/jpg or tiff. CMYK is preferred. Please visit the Photo Contest Page for full rule and entry requirements:

Thank you to the 2022 West Michigan Photo Contest sponsors who make this contest possible:

July 7: The Strengthen Event

from Every Woman’s Place

Join us for our 47th anniversary, where we honor two individuals for their Exceptional Advocacy to survivors of violence. Take part in the reveal and auction of our 2022 collaborative art piece celebrating survivors. Enjoy live jazz music, dinner, and the sunset on Lake Michigan.

Our 2022 Exceptional Advocacy honorees are:

  • Tara Blandford-Mayberry, SANE Nurse
  • Amanda Morton, Sober Living Advocate

The Mart Dock
560 Mart St # 1, Muskegon 49440

7:00 pm Boarding
7:30 pm Departure
10:00 pm Return

Purchase tickets here before 5pm on July 5. NO tickets will be sold at the door.

As part of celebrating our anniversary, make a dedication here in honor of a loved one.

A Thought for Today

by Connie Jarka

When the creek rises
flooding the land,
When the mountain seems
too high from where we stand,
When the dream seems too far
to plan,
Prayer, is there like gentle care,
deep inside somewhere small or grand,
led by a seeking, willing hand.
answers will come..

A Thought for Today

by Connie Jarka

Comes the wind in the willow
In the land of the free;
We celebrate our lives in
this wonderful country,
Happy Birthday! to our History!!!!!

Eat and be Merry and Go and Be…!!!!!
A special place in the world like no other
we would agree;
How proud are we?????
Gods favor on America may we forever see…!!!!!