Local Businesswoman was nominated as a finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year in Winter 2017 Magazine Devoted to Women Pet Professionals
MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN DECEMBER 21,2017 – Jodi M. Clock of Muskegon, MI can be seen in the just-released Top Women in the Pet Industry Magazine for Winter 2017.
Jodi M. Clock, is a certified pet loss professional who founded, owns, and operates Western Michigan’s only pet parent direct pet loss center that offers private cremation services, burial assistance and grief support. Clock Timeless Pets in Muskegon. Details about her business can be found on page(s) 30-31 of the magazine.
For details on the offerings of Jodi M. Clock, contact her directly at jodi@clockfuneralhome.com or 231-343-5866. www.clocktimelesspets.com / www.jodiclock.com or @askjodi