March 11, 2019
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Jeff Guiles and Bill Overkamp
Absent: Jay Bolt and Carl Rothenberger
Also present: Amy Haack
5. Approval of March 11th budget meeting minutes
Motion made by Bill to approve the February 18th minutes, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
6. Approval of agenda for March 11th budget meeting
Motion made by Bill to approve the March 11th agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
7. Public Comment
8. Appointment of Personnel Committee member
Roger made a motion to appoint Bill Overkamp to the Personnel Committee, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt
9. Appointment of Council member
Roger made a motion to reappoint Amy Haack to the council, supported by Bill.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt
Amy took her oath of office.
10. Reappointment of Clerk/Treasurer
Roger made a motion to reappoint Ann LaCroix, supported by Amy.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles, Haack and Vanderstelt
Ann took her oath of office.
11. DPW Job posting update
Bill explained a change in the Personnel Policy is required to add others to the interviewing process. Motion made by Bill to change the wording under the Selection Process from: Applicants are screened by the Personnel Committee which is comprised of two board appointed council members and the President. To: Applicants are screened by the Personnel Committee which is comprised of two board appointed council members, the President and additional representatives as determined by the Personnel Committee Chairperson, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles, Haack and Vanderstelt
Roger gave an update on the selection process and interviews are scheduled for next week.
12. 2019 Pomona Park Rental Rates
Amy made a motion to keep the rental rates the same as last year, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles, Haack and Vanderstelt
13. 2019 Boat Launch Permit Rates
Roger suggested adding a rate for commercial user of the boat launch. Motion made by Donna to keep the rates the same and to add a new rate of $100 per permit for commercial customers, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles, Haack and Vanderstelt
14. 6-1-2019 to 5-31-2020 Garbage Collection Fees
Ann advised that RMS has increased their rates. The new fee for garbage/recycling for the upcoming cycle is $130.06 if paid by July 31, 2019 and $162.58 if paid after July 31, 2019. Motion made by Roger to increase the rates as outlined by the Clerk, supported by Bill.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles, Haack and Vanderstelt
15. MDOT Additional funds distribution
Ann explained we have received $29686.06 in additional MDOT funding. Ann suggested that this money be split between Major and Local Streets equally. Amy made a motion to distribute $14,843.03 to both the Local and Major Street funds, supported by Donna.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Overkamp, Guiles, Haack and Vanderstelt
16. 2019-2020 Budget discussion
The Budget discussion items were discussed. Roger is continuing to check on the Storm Drain at Beech and 5th. Bill gave an update on the flowers in from of the pharmacy. Roger agreed to check on the new sign for Pomona Park. Roger also agreed to check on the cost to repair the drain crossing at oak and 4th. Multiple items were discussed, and it was agreed that a contingency fund be built into the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget. Items will be discussed on importance throughout the year and the budget will be adjusted accordingly if necessary. Items submitted by Jay (who was absent) were discussed including hiring a Community Development Planner/Coordinator. Amy will work with Ann on putting together additional information for that position and bring to the next budget meeting.
A discussion took place about the sewer/road project including the petition. It was determined that the petition needed to be turned in by March 20, 2019 in order to meet the engineering deadlines for the project.
17. Public Comment
18. Adjourn
Motion made by Donna to adjourn at 7:47pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix