Fruitport Township Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – 11/19/19



November 19, 2019
6:30 Work session

Work Session
Continue review of Ordinances starting at Sec. 45-270-D

01. Roll Call: Geoff Newmyer, Kyle Osterhart, VC, Brett Suchecki, Matt Farrar, & Jeff Jacobs, Staff Supervisor and Jacob Mason

02. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes: October 15, 2019: Accepted as presented.

03. Approve / Amend Agenda: Accepted as presented.

04. Correspondence / Reports: None were presented.

05. Public Comments pertaining to agenda topics: None were heard.

New Business
06. Site Plan – 5542 S Dangl Rd – 2 West
Parcel    –    61-15-124-300-0001-00
Purpose  –  parking lot expansion

John DeHaan, 2976 Madison Avenue SE Wyoming
Has been using the front for parking for years. Customers have been driving on grass and now want to pave the area due to high peak volumes.
Grow 90% of product on site. Proposes to 10’ x 20’ parking so customers can fit shopping carts between vehicles. Discussion ensued.

1. The motion is made by Kyle Osterhart to grant the site plan request for parcel number(s) 61-15-124-300-0001-00

2. The motion is based upon specific findings by the Township relative to the factors specified in Section 42-224 of the Zoning Chapter.
–a. All elements of the site plan are harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the size and type of lot, the character of adjoining property and the type and size of buildings. The site will not impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for permitted uses. This finding is based upon the following fact(s):Existing use, no increase in volume.
–c. Special attention has been given to proper site surface drainage. Removal of stormwaters will not adversely affect neighboring properties. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Will be approved by engineer or drain commission
–i. Exterior lighting is arranged so that it is deflected away from adjacent properties and will not impede the vision of traffic along adjacent streets. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): No new parking lights other than wall packs on the buildings.

3. If the motion is to grant approval, the following conditions are established.
–a. The development must comply with the site plan, dated November 19, 2019, submitted to the Township, as well as any written material submitted by the applicant to the Township.
–b. The development must comply with all federal, state, and Muskegon County laws, rules, regulations, and requirements.
–c. The development must be acquired, devenloped, and completed in conformance with the Zoning Chapter, as amended, and the rest of the Fruitport Charter Township Code of Ordinances.
–d. The development must be completed within 2 years. This deadline may be extended by the Township, without going through the entire application process, upon request by the applicant and evidence showing that the applicant is proceeding in good faith toward completion.
–e. If the site plan approval is contingent upon public water service or public sanitary sewer service or both being provided, then no construction of the development may begin until all required easements are in place, all required forms have been completed, and all approvals for service have been obtained.
–f. A digital copy of the site plan as approved shall be provided to the Fire Inspector at, or such other e-mail address as the Fire Inspector may designate.
–g. Any other conditions placed by the Township upon the site plan approval: 1. Owner to provide engineering certifications for the drainage or get approval from the Muskegon County Drain Commission. 2. Parking spaces to be a minimum of 9’ x 20’. 3. No additional site lighting other than wall packs on the building that are night sky applicant. 4. Signs to be approved by the zoning administrator and the PC chair. 5. Any future changes to the site plan will be brought back to the site plan.

Motion supported by Jacobs. Roll call: Unanimous.

Old Business
07. Public Comments: Andy Andre with Steller Development. 2600 Auburn Road, Suite 160, Auburn Hills MI.

Mr. Steller is an employee of the group that owns the site at 1951 Sternberg asked for feedback on the site. He stated the litigation is in discovery phase of damages which could take years (albeit Mr. Steller is not certain of the legal status). Steller development commissioned a study on senior independent housing as it believes this use is approved in the approved PUD. This use would entail modifications to the buildings like combining rooms into one to make them large enough for senior apartments for one building with the other simply making modifications to the existing rooms. There are currently 6 acres (5.9 less ROW) on the site and are considering 157 total rooms. The site size currently allows for 83 units with 5.9 acres. Jacobs stated the PC could not approve anything other than 83 units and this would need to be considered by the ZBA.

Mr. Andre stated the building would be evaluated for structural integrity since it was in the weather for so long.

Discussed options to reuse this site for something other than hotels. PC members requested a proposal to fence the site off for safety purposes.

Supervisor mentioned the Township engineer has recommended updating the GIS. PC discussed. General consensus is to simply update the zoning map.

08. Adjournment: Vice Chair Osterhart adjourned the meeting at 8:20