DDA Meeting
February 11, 2021 @ 6:00pm via Zoom.com
In attendance: Todd Dunham, Andrea Anderson, Ron Bultje, Gary Smith, Larry Hall, Tim Riley, Larry Romanelli, Heidi Tice, Jason Bronhold, Randy Klingle (phone only)
Also in attendance: Mark Eisenbarth
Oath delivered to Smith, Hall, Riley, Romanelli, Tice, Dunham, and Bronhold. All will need to visit Township Clerk in person to sign oath. Klingle and Campbell have yet to take the oath and will need to see Township Clerk to do so in the near future.
Nominations for Board positions:
Motion by Heidi Tice, seconded by Tim Riley, for Heidi Tice as Secretary/Treasury.
Motion by Larry Hall, seconded by Heidi Tice, for Larry Hall as Chairman.
Motion by Heidi Tice, seconded by Larry Romanelli, for Tim Riley as Vice Chairman.
Roll Call, unanimous. (Smith, Hall, Riley, Romanelli, Tice, Dunham, Bronhold, Klingle)
Motion by Larry Romanelli, seconded by Larry Hall, to close nominations for DDA Board Member.
Roll Call, unanimous. (Smith, Hall, Riley, Romanelli, Tice, Dunham, Bronhold, Klingle)
Supervisor Todd Dunham will send out an email with all the boards members names and contact information before next meeting.
• By Laws will need to be adopted that specify the positions. Board asked Attorney Ron Bultje to draft by laws. Ron stated he would have them for the board to review before next meeting.
• Citizen’s Council will need to be in place 90 days before the DDA can hold the Public Hearing on the “plan.” Heidi Tice will work to complete the Citizens Council for approved of the Township Board at their next board meeting on February 22, 2021.
• Attorney Ron Bultje gave an overview of the purpose of a DDA, how it is developed, what the “captured” funds can be used for and a brief outline of events that need to be in place for plan development.
• The DDA Board will need to hold a public hearing on the development of the plan.
• The plan must then be recommended to the Township Board for approval.
• Jason Bronhold requested a mission statement developed with a general outline of how the DDA operates and objectives.
• Gary Smith requested an overview of what the infrastructure costs would look like for the DDA boundaries. Would like to know what the tax capture amounts would look like and what assurances would be in place to re-capture the costs. Todd would check with DPW Director.
• Mark Eisenbarth (County Administrator) addressed the Board with information the county is looking for. Mainly the time frame and a “cap amount” of tax capture. He stressed the board should be realistic with the time frame to make certain the final goals will be accomplished.
Township Board will consider the Citizen’s Council at its next regular meeting, February 22, 2021.
Next DDA Board meeting February 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectively submitted by Heidi Tice