JUNE 21ST, 2021
- Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. - Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger (arrived at 7:10pm) Jeff Guiles and Ann LaCroix
Absent: Bill Overkamp - Approval of June 21st Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Amy to approve the June 21st meeting agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. - Approval of the May 17th council meeting minutes
Motion made by Amy to approve the May 17th council meeting minutes, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. - Public Comment
None - Correspondence
Ann read a letter from Darlene Field, 384 Park Street in reference to the new playground at Pomona Park and suggested alternatives to consider. - Reports from Officers.
Jeff working on list for sidewalks and drains.
Amy advises we should receive approximately $7000.00 for the Senior Millage this year. Amy advised that she received information stating that the Village should receive approximately $120,000.00 from the American Rescue Plan. In addition, the Village is a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization and is expected to receive approximately $80,000.00 in stimulus funds. She is suggesting that the MPO funds are used to build a bike path on 8th Avenue between Pontaluna and Beech as identified through the Safe Routes to School project. Amy and Justin, DPW Supervisor are working through WMSRDC on the TIP process. Next MPO meeting in August. Amy gave an update on the kayak launch. She spoke to Matt Levandoski, Prein & Newhof and the construction permit has passed through EGLE and is going through the public comment portion process. Sizable labor donation from West Michigan Dirtworks of approximately $30,000.00 has been incorporated in the launch project. Prein & Newhof will submit bid package to DNR, once approved construction can begin likely in September.
Carl reminded everyone that Village council adopted a procedure of the Clerk to be the point of contact for all correspondence to the State of Michigan, other professional organizations, municipalities, and Local boards. Council agreed.
Roger sent photos to council about Ye Old Tavern requesting to have outdoor tables located in the front of the building. Council discussed and determined that the Planning Commission should be involved with the request. - Personnel Committee new hire recommendation
Carl advised that the Personnel Committee has received a request for a seasonal full-time DPW worker. It would alleviate some of the workload on the DPW Supervisor, Clerk and President. The new worker would allow time for the DPW Supervisor to focus part of his time on the administrative aspects of the job leaving the Clerk and President to focus on their roles. Motion made by Carl to hire a Full-Time Seasonal DPW employee starting in July through October 31st at a pay rate of $13.00 per hour without benefits, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt - Handicap Parking Lot near bandshell
Roger reviewed the quotes for a new handicap parking lot near the bandshell. Ann advised we will have approximately $14,000.00 in Senior millage funds available for the project and the remainder of the cost is in the current fiscal year budget. Motion made by Roger to approve the bid from Tiles Excavating in the amount of $21,000.00 and the bid to move a light pole if needed from CS Erikson in the amount of $4500.00, supported by Amy.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt - Culverts & Ditch Cleaning
Roger reviewed the need for Ditch Cleaning in several areas of the Village. Roger made a motion to clean the ditches in an amount not to exceed $5000.00. Carl stated that the areas have already been cleared over the weekend. Roger rescinded his motion and will check into it and update council tomorrow. - Motto
Amy advised that she emailed council several possible motto ideas. She asked that they provide ideas for the new motto and that it will be on the agenda for next month to make a final decision. - Park Street Drain
Roger reviewed the quotes received for the Park Street Drain. Motion made by Roger to approve the bid from Tiles Excavating in the amount of $8200.00, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt - 7th & Peach
Roger reviewed quotes received for 7th & Peach. Motion made by Roger to approve the bid from Tiles Excavating in the amount of $21,324.36, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt - Public Comment
None - Warrants
Motion made by Amy to approve the warrants, supported by Carl.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt - Adjournment
Motion made by Roger to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix