The Michigan Democratic Party recently released a video in which a number of women attack U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land and praise Congressman Gary Peters, who is also a candidate for U.S. Senate.
Nothing good happens when you keep bad company.
One woman in the ad is abortion clinic owner Renee Chelian.
Chelian is the owner of Northland Family Planning, a group of three abortion clinics in the Detroit area which provide abortions through 24 weeks of pregnancy. They commit about one fourth of all abortions in Michigan.
The ad with Chelian supporting Gary Peters may have been shot at one of Chelian’s abortion businesses. While making her comments on the video, Renee is standing in front of “Exam Room 1″ which has an exam table.
In the ad, Chelian says, “Choosing Gary Peters means protecting my daughters’ and your daughters’ future.”
While Renee Chelian thinks electing Gary Peters means protecting “your daughters’ future,” nothing could be further from the truth. It is clear Chelian doesn’t believe in protecting all daughters. Every year, thousands of unborn Michigan daughters are killed at her abortion businesses in Michigan from which she and her family profit.
In a Bloomberg Business article, it was revealed that Chelian and her husband paid themselves more than $200,000 in 2012 and that they live in a “6,500‑square‑foot home in the upscale neighborhood of West Bloomfield.”
By all accounts business is booming for Northland Family Planning. In an interview with a pro‑abortion web site, Lara Chelian, the appointment center manager at Northland, said the late‑term abortion business has been growing. In that interview, she said:
“We estimate 30 to 40 patients a month are coming from Ohio, and that is a low estimate,” said Chelian. “It seems to increase every week because of the clinic closures and people making appointments for late‑term abortions.”
Sadly, when an abortion business succeeds, fewer children who are preparing for life have a chance to live.
Following his endorsement by an abortion clinic owner, Gary Peters met with the president of America’s leading abortion provider. In pictures posted on Facebook by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, Peters is seen chatting with Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Planned Parenthood commits more abortions in the United States than any other abortion business. In 2012, Planned Parenthood committed 327,166 abortions.
It is important to remember that how a person treats the weak and vulnerable says a lot about his character. Gary Peters supports abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. He also keeps company with those who profit from the destruction of innocent human life. Michigan deserves better.
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