Park News
Expansion of North Ottawa Dunes
The Ottawa County Board of Commissioners and the Spring Lake Township Board approved
a revised agreement to acquire 80 acres of property for North Ottawa Dunes in 2016.
The land will be acquired by way of a property exchange between Spring Lake Township and David C. Bos of Spring Lake Development LLC, a negotiation spearheaded by the township. Ottawa County Parks will contribute $400,000 from the Parks millage for the 80-acre parcel, which has an estimated value of $1.3 million. We are especially grateful to the Spring Lake Township Board and John Nash, Spring Lake Township Supervisor, who have led the efforts to secure this land for North Ottawa Dunes.
Currently, the parcel is privately owned. It is located on the eastern edge of the park and surrounded on three sides by park property. Because of the parcel’s geography and natural features, it has been considered a key segment for the park by both Ottawa County Parks and Spring Lake Township for a decade. The additional land will increase the total acreage of North Ottawa Dunes to 593 acres and allow for expansion of the trail system.