February 18th, 2019
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Jay Bolt, Jeff Guiles, Carl Rothenberger and Bill Overkamp
Also present: Jeremy Statler DPW Supervisor
5. Approve the agenda for the February 18th budget meeting
Motion made by Bill to approve the February 18th agenda, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
6. Public Comment
7. 2019-2020 Budget Discussion
A budget items discussion list was reviewed by the council. The proposed new kayak launch was discussed in detail. Carl made a motion to accept concept #3 of the kayak launch quotes with the Village contribution of $75,000.00 over a 2 year period, supported by Bill.
AYES: Donna, Carl, Bill, Jay, Jeff and Roger.
NAYES: None.
A quote for a Storm Drain at Beech and 5th was discussed and the council requested that 2 more quotes be obtained before deciding.
Bill agreed to check on the item regarding flowers in front of the Pharmacy.
Roger gave a suggestion on the possible dredging from the Boat Launch to the Fishing Pier. He will check into and report back to council at the next budget meeting. Chip and Seal of 6th Ave from Pontaluna to Park was discussed. Jeremy agreed to check on the road rating.
A quote for a new marquee and possible reuse of the old marquee to be used as the new Pomona Park sign was discussed. Multiple items are under review by the council and will be discussed at the next budget meeting.
8. Public Comment
9. Adjourn
Motion made by Roger to adjourn at 6:55pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by, Ann LaCroix Clerk