Second Annual Collaborative Art Piece
Be part of our healing art piece and a new tradition! Add your touch to our collaborative canvas beginning July 1 through July 28.

The completed piece will be revealed during at our July 30 Friendraise for the 500 event and will eventually be displayed at EWP as an inspiration to survivors.
Pictured here is our 2020 piece partially completed. Today, it is beautifully finished and hangs in the entry to our counseling suite.
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Exceptional Advocacy Award Nominations Now Open

EWP aims to elevate and recognize each year a community member of any age, gender, or affiliation, who has contributed substantially to the the cause of advocacy for victims and survivors of domestic or sexual violence. In 2021, we will separately honor an EWP Staff and a member of our Muskegon community, with award presentations at the Power of the Purse event in October.