- Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6pm. - Pledge
- Prayer
- Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Carl Rothenberger, Amy Haack, Jeff Guiles and
Ann LaCroix. Absent: Bill Overkamp (excused). - Approval of February 21st Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Carl to approve the February 21st meeting agenda, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. - Approval of the January 17th Council meeting minutes
Motion made by Carl to approve the January 17th council meeting minutes, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. - Public Comment
Jamie and David Garzelloni, 329 Pine Street addressed council again on water drainage issue in their backyard. Roger shared pictures regarding the issue and will provide quotes for a new catch basin at the next council meeting. - Correspondence
Ann read an email from Emily Lisowicz requesting to have an event in the park in September. Emily will attend the next council meeting to talk about the event and request approval.
Ann advised the RMS Disposal service has sold their business to Republic Services. Republic Services will honor the current contract that we had with RMS. Ann and Roger will meet with the Local Area Manager next week to discuss the transition. - Reports from Officers
Amy advised that the playground equipment is arriving in April. The Community build dates are June 16th-17th and June 18th if needed.
Amy has applied for the Senior Millage for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The funding has been approved for this year. Amy gave an update on the kayak launch and advised that a meeting will take place with Prein & Newhof, West Michigan Dirtworks, Roger, and Amy soon.
Jeff had nothing to report.
Carl had nothing to report.
Roger had nothing to report. - Lions Clubs 2022 Events
Ann referred council to the letter received from the Lions Club requesting approval for the Easter Egg hunt and Old-Fashioned Days. Motion made by Carl to approve the Lions Club requests, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None
Absent: Overkamp - Dancing Into Sunset
Ann read a letter from Sue Halter requesting permission for the 2022 Dancing into Sunset season and sponsorship for the events. Motion made by Carl to approve the Dancing into Sunset season, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Overkamp.
Motion made by Carl to donate $500.00 of the Senior Millage funding in support of Dancing into Sunset.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None
Absent: Overkamp. - Bridge Street Bridge Grant
Ann advised that a Request for Proposal is necessary to hire Construction Engineering Services for the project. Brechting Bridge will create a RFP for the Village to use for the bidding process. - Handicap Parking Lot
Roger advised that Callen Engineering will have an updated change order in March. - 7th & Peach
Roger advised that there will be an update at the March meeting. - Public Comment
None. - Warrants
Motion made by Carl to approve the warrants, supported by Amy.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None
Absent: Overkamp. - Adjournment
Motion made by Carl to adjourn the meeting at 6:42pm, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix