FEBRUARY 21st, 2022
- Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 4:30pm - Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Carl Rothenberger, Amy Haack, Bill Overkamp, Jeff Guiles and Ann LaCroix - Approve agenda for February 21st Budget Council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the February 21st budget agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried. - Public Comments (Public Comments limited to 3 minutes each)
- 2022-2023 Budget
a. Personnel Committee recommendations
Carl reviewed the Personnel Committee recommendations for wages increases, 457 Retirement Plan and Seasonal DPW worker.
Motion made by Carl to increase the Full time DPW Workers wages from $17.00 per hour to $19.00 per hour. This is the final step increase for the position. To increase the DPW Supervisors wages by 3%. To increase both full-time DPW employees 457 Retirement match from 3% to 4% per year. To increase the part-time DPW Worker wages by 4% and the Clerk/Treasurer by 4%. Motion supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None.
Carl made a motion to hire a Seasonal DPW Worker April through November 2022 at a rate of $13.00 per hour with no benefits, supported by Amy.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None.
b. Boat Launch Rates & Boat Launch attendant
Ann questioned if the council wants to change the boat launch rates. Motion made by Roger to keep the boat launch rates the same for the
2022 season, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None.
Ann advised that Margo our boat launch attendant will not be returning this summer. Carl advised that the Personnel Committee discussed hiring another attendant or installing a pay station at the launch. We will place this item on the March agenda.
c. Park Reservations
Council discussed the Park Reservation fees. Motion made by Amy to keep the rates the same for the 2022 season, supported by Carl.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None.
d. Review of current fiscal year budget items
Ann referred council to the budget discussion items in their packet. A review of remaining items from the 2021-2022 budget took place and other items that were added this year.
e. Next fiscal year budget discussion.
Requested items for the 2022-2023 budget were discussed. ARPA funding was discussed and the projected Fund Balance for this fiscal year end.
- Public Comments
None - Adjourn
Motion made by Carl to adjourn at 5:46pm, supported by Jeff.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix