Board of Trustees_ 10-13-14


The regular meeting of the Fruitport Charter Township Board was called to order by Supervisor Brian Werschem at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 13, 2014, in the township board room.

Supervisor Werschem open the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.

Members Present: Brian Werschem, Supervisor; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Carol Hulka, Clerk; Trustees:   Ron Becklin, Dave Markgraf, Marjorie Nash, and Chuck Whitlow. Member Absent: None

Also Present: DPW Director, Farrar and Public Safety Director, Doctor

The motion by Rose Dillon, seconded by Dave Markgraf, was carried unanimously, to correct the board meeting minutes dated September 22, 2014—regular meeting—as follows:

Item 14-093 Township Hall Project Update
Was: The total cost of the new township hall is $1,180.00
Corrected: The total cost of the new township hall is $1,180,000

The board meeting agenda for October 13, 2014, was approved as presented.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – None received
Michigan Township Association (MTA) Legislative Updates
MTA Participating Plan News (Property & Casualty)
Township Utilities Department- Water Sanitary Survey
Muskegon County Road Commission annual roadkill banquet for Muskegon County municipality officials is October 30th.

OLD BUSINESS – None Received

14-102 Retirement Plan Document Amendments
The motion by Dave Markgraf, seconded by Ron Becklin, was carried unanimously, to amend the Townships’ retirement plan to recognize the term “marriage” to include a marriage between same-sex individuals recognized under state law and the terms “spouse”, husband and wife, “husband” and “wife” to include a same-sex spouse.

14-103 Transferring Assets from Cemetery to Utility Department
Ron Becklin moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to sell the 2003 cemetery vehicle with snowplow to the Utility Department at the cost of $4,500.

Ayes: Becklin, Dillon, Hulka, Markgraf, Whitlow, Nash, Werschem   Nays: None

14-104 Community Service Worker Agreement—Voluntary Status
The motion by Dave Markgraf, seconded by Marjorie Nash, was carried unanimously, to adopt the Community Service Worker Agreement as prepared by the township attorney dated October 2, 2014, as modified.

14-105 Pontaluna Sidewalk
At the corner of Pontaluna and Cottonwood there is no sidewalk for children to walk on when going to school.

Chuck Whitlow moved, Dave Markgraf seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to split the cost—not to exceed $2,500—with Fruitport Schools for a sidewalk at the corner of Pontaluna and Cottonwood. Fruitport Schools will maintain and snowplow the sidewalk.

Ayes: Whitlow, Markgraf, Hulka, Dillon, Nash, Werschem     Nays: Becklin

14-016 Payment of Bills
Dave Markgraf moved, Ron Becklin seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills for payment in the following amounts: General Fund & Parks $15,117.28; Public Safety $74,693.50; Water $35,297.08   Sewer $ 47,163.06                     Totaling: 172,270.92$

PUBLIC COMMENTS — None received

ADDITIONAL REPORTS—Bridge Street project—two water main breaks in last several years—400 ft. will be replaced.

The motion by Ron Becklin, seconded by Chuck Whitlow, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m.

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