A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township board began at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 22, 2014, in the township board room.
Members Present: Brian Werschem, Supervisor; Carol Hulka, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Ron Becklin, Dave Markgraf, and Marjorie Nash Members Absent: Trustee Chuck Whitlow–excused
Also Present: 0–employees; 2-residents; Director of Public Works, Farrar; Public Safety Director, Doctor; and Ron Bultje, township attorney;
At 7:00 p.m., Supervisor Werschem opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
The meeting minutes of August 25, 2014, regular meeting, were approved as presented.
The board meeting agenda for September 22, 2014, was approved as presented.
- Michigan Townships Association legislative updates
- Revenue and Expenditure Report for period ending 8-31-2014
- Parks & Recreation meeting minutes of 07-29-2014
- Planning Commission meeting minutes of 09-16-2014
- A Community Mixer, sponsored by the Muskegon Rotary & Muskegon Heights, on October 1, 2014 at Mona Lake Park, 4 – 7 p.m.
- A notice of hearing for customers of Michigan Gas Utilities Corp: A request to consider an application which seeks Commission approval of its proposed tariff revisions relating to Operational Flow Orders and Centrally Metered Installations.
- Notice of the quarterly meeting of the Muskegon County Chapter of Michigan Townships Association to be held on September 29, 2014, at the Fruitport Township Hall at 7:00 p.m.
No comments received
14-093 Township Hall Project Update
The total cost of the new township hall is $1,180.00. The cost is approximately $70,000 under budget.
14-094 Capital Fund Budget Adjustments from Carry-over
Dave Markgraf moved, seconded by Rose Dillon, MOTION CARRIED, to carry forward $49,000 left over from last year’s bond proceeds and add to budgeted Capital Improvement for 2014-15.
Ayes: Markgraf, Dillon, Becklin, Hulka, Nash, Werschem Nays: none
14-095 Part-time Police Wages
Public Safety Director, Doctor, explained the wage structure for the part- time police secretary, part-time desk officer/office manager, and part-time police officers. The following are proposed salary increases to begin on October 1, 2014:
Part-time Office Clerk- new wage proposed is $12.00 per hour (Last increase was 4/30/12)
Part-time Office Manager /Certified Officer- new wage proposed is $13.50 per hour (Last increase was 7/1/13)
Part-time police officers- new wage proposed is $12.75 per hour (Last increase was 10/1/11)
Marjorie Nash moved, Ron Becklin seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to increase part-time wages to take place on October 1, 2014, for the police secretary, office manager/certified police officer, and part-time police officers. Part-time wages for police are to be reviewed annually in September for October implementation. The Public Safety committee made the recommendation.
Ayes: Nash, Becklin, Hulka, Markgraf, Dillon, Werschem Nays: None
14-096 Police Department- Full Time Vacancy
Public Safety Director, Doctor, explained the need to replace a full-time police officer who resigned in March of this year.
The motion by Ron Becklin, seconded by Dave Markgraf was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to hire part-time police officer, James Hodges, to a full-time position starting September 29, 2014. The recommendation was made by the Public Safety committee.
14-097 Demolition Bids for 6543 Airline Road
Dave Markgraf moved, seconded by Ron Becklin, MOTION CARRIED, to accept the low bid for demolition and dismantling of the former Fruitport Township Hall from Melching, Inc. of Nunica. The low bid is $10,750 plus $3,000 for asbestos testing and removal totaling $13,750. The recommendation was made by the Facilities committee.
Ayes: Markgraf, Becklin, Hulka, Dillon, Nash, Werschem Nays: none
14-098 Cemetery / Maintenance / Plow Vehicle
Carol Hulka moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to purchase a 2015 cemetery/maintenance truck with snow plow package at the price of $29,656.00.
Ayes: Hulka, Dillon, Nash, Becklin, Werschem Nays: Markgraf
14-099 Adjustments to Capital Outlay Budget
Ron Becklin moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to make the following adjustments to the capital outlay budget, as recommended by Supervisor Werschem:
$340,000.00 to the town hall project
$ 14,000.00 to the demolition of the former township hall
$ 30,000.00 to acquire a new cemetery/maintenance truck
Ayes: Bucklin, Dillon, Nash, Hulka, Margrave, and Werschem Nays: none
14-100 Ordinance Overhaul
The township zoning ordinances are in need of being up-dated. Township attorney, Ron Bultje and his firm of Scholten Fant will assist in this project.
14-101 Payment of Bills
Dave Margrave moved, Marjorie Nash seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills for payment in the following amounts: General Fund & Parks $64,602.96; Public Safety$28,056.59; Water $207,595.57; Sewer $714,612.29. Totaling: $1,014,867.41
Ayes: Markgraf, Nash, Hulka, Becklin, Dillon, Werschem Nays: None
A formal presentation will be done at an up-coming meeting concerning the Class 4 ISO rating the fire department received.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Part II — None received
The motion by Dave Markgraf, seconded by Ron Becklin, was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m.
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