Michigan State University Extension is pleased to announce the dates for the 2015 Great Lakes Hop and Barley Conference. The two-day conference will be held Friday and Saturday, April 10 -11 in Grand Rapids, MI.
The conference will feature separate basic and advanced sessions for hop growers as well as a barley session and malting tour and is designed for both growers and brewers. Several prominent speakers from around the country will be on hand to discuss: market outlook, horticultural practices, pest and disease control, harvest and post-harvest practices, nutrient management, and more.
There will also be a brewer/grower networking session that focuses on hop quality. The session will provide growers with a better idea of quality requirements and help align the supply of Michigan grown hops with brewer needs.
The conference is sponsored in part by the Michigan Brewer’s Guild, ISLAND, Greenstone Farm Credit Services, MSU PROJECT GREEEN, amongst others.
Please continue to visit Michigan State University Extension, Michigan State University Extension Hops Webpage, and the Michigan State University Hops News Facebook page for up to date information.
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