Friday, January 22, 1973, will mark 43 years since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Since that day, abortion has ended the lives of more than 56 million children in the womb.
Following the decisions many expected the prolife movement would eventually disappear and abortion on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy would become the new normal. Instead, the opposite has happened.
Right to Life of Michigan Barbara Listing said, “The prolife movement continues to face many challenges. But for decades, we have boldly stood for the right to life of every person, and our voice continues to grow stronger.”
Recently some major milestones have been reached by the prolife movement.
The Centers for Disease Control released their 2012 abortion report, showing the fewest number of national abortions since 1973.
For the first time ever Congress passed legislation to end most taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. Undercover journalists exposed to the public Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling the organs and tissues of unborn children. Planned Parenthood’s current annual report confirmed their pattern of receiving more tax funding despite their non-abortion services and clients declining.
In Michigan Life Uninvited, a groundbreaking new television documentary on the issue of rape and abortion, will debut the weekend of January 23. The documentary builds on a year of television advertisements and short films featuring the stories of four women and how their lives have been personally affected by the issue. The channels and schedule for Life Uninvited can be found at
Listing said, “The response to our ads in 2015 was very positive. There’s never been anything like Life Uninvited before, so I invite people to tune in and learn how women can overcome even the most difficult situations.”
On January 22, tens of thousands of prolife citizens will gather once again for the March for Life in Washington, D.C. The size and scope of the march has continued to expand in recent years, including new regional marches across the country.
The message tomorrow of the growing voice of prolife advocates is that it’s time for an end to Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. It’s time for the American people to once again have a say on our most fundamental right, the unalienable right to life.