Candidate Bio: Nikki Snyder

Republican Candidate for State Board of Education


Born in Marquette, Michigan, Nikki has been a lifelong Michigan resident. She now lives in Whitmore Lake with her husband and three children and is running for the State Board of Education.

Working at University of Michigan for over 9 years in various roles, she started her career as a Registered Nurse in Labor and Delivery at Von Voightlander Women’s Hospital. Now working at Providence Park Hospital in Novi, Michigan, Nikki is a Lactation Consultant and teaches Breastfeeding Education. She is also a Part-Time Faculty Instructor in the Department of Nursing at Washtenaw Community College.

Nikki is an advocate for women, children and mental health. Her third child was born a pediatric amputee, missing a right forearm and hand.  She raised over $10,000 for Detroit Variety Children’s Charity – Myoelectric Program, which funds the spectrum of care and prosthesis provided for pediatric amputees for kids around the world.

There are many issues facing Michigan schools today and Nikki plans to bring professional, parental and advocate experience to the table to represent the future success of our children. Her top priorities are Special Education Reform, Student Achievement, Local Control and Parental Rights.