Right to Life of Michigan commends President Trump for reinstating a policy that ends taxpayer dollars going to groups that provide and promote abortion overseas.
Commonly called the Mexico City Policy, the rule was first instituted through executive order by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. The order has been rescinded and reinstated by pro-abortion and pro-life presidents since then.
Right to Life of Michigan Barbara Listing said, “We’re excited for President Trump to begin to fulfill his campaign promises to protect unborn children and our conscience rights. We’re looking forward to many more opportunities in the near future.”
The policy directs the United States Agency for International Development to withhold any funding from non-governmental organizations that perform abortions, promote abortion or lobby foreign governments to pass pro-abortion legislation.
Listing said, “Abortion shouldn’t be an American export.”
Right to Life of Michigan | 616-532-2300 | info@rtl.org | www.RTL.org
2340 Porter St SW | Grand Rapids, MI 49509