It’s cold today, let’s take a break to think about future beach days!
Of the 38 parks and open spaces in the Ottawa County Parks system, only five require a parking fee during the summer season and a sixth requires a boat launch fee.
Parking fees are collected at North Beach Park, Kirk Park, Tunnel Park, Olive Shores and Rosy Mound Natural Area from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. A boat launch fee is collected at Riverside Park from May 1 through Labor Day.
An annual motor vehicle permit is an economical choice for frequent visitors or launch users. Annual permits may be purchased at park entrance gates when fees are in effect (limited annual permit sales available at Rosy Mound and Olive Shores trail heads when park attendant present; day passes always available), at the Nature Education Center or from the county parks office. Boat launch permits can be purchased at the Oaklea Store, near Riverside Park.
Park users are invited to attend a free open house before the summer season at the newly renovated Kirk Park Lodge on May 6 from 2-5 pm. The lodge is available to rent for events in the summer and for organized groups to rent for overnights in the off-season. Park passes will be available for pre-sale at the open house. “We encourage park users to buy their passes early, so the lines move quicker on nice summer days,” said Parks spokesperson Jessica VanGinhoven.
Wondering why Ottawa County Parks charges fees at the lakeshore parks and boat launch?
“The boat launch and lakeshore parks are so busy during peak season that they require more supplies, maintenance, and on‐site staff,” said VanGinhoven. “County residents receive discounted rates as they are contributing to the parks millage. These fees also give non-residents a way to support the parks system, since they often use our parks in the summer, but do not contribute to the county millage.”
Annual Permit Pricing for 2017
- Resident: $15
- Resident Seniors: $7
- Resident multi-vehicle*: Annual pass + $5
- NEW! Resident hang tag**: $20
- Non-resident: $25
- Daily passes are available
*Only one additional multi-vehicle permit will be issued per family. Residents only.
**Hang tags are new in 2017! These are great options for families with multiple vehicles, rental cars, or anyone hosting guests in the summer months. They do not affix to the windshield like permits do, but they must be displayed in the vehicle when the vehicle is at the park. Residents only.
Please note that a Michigan State Recreation Passport is not valid at Ottawa County Parks.