Fruitport School Board Personnel Committee – 09/12/17

Fruitport Community Schools
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
7:30 a.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office

Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Tim Burgess, Dave Hazekamp, Steve Kelly, Mark Mesbergen, and Bob Szymoniak

  1. Operations Director Update
    Discussion was held that given the current economy, it was difficult to find a qualified operations director given the salary the district had traditionally offered. It was suggested to make amendments to the posting and repost.
  2. Human Resources Update
    Moving forward with the HR plan that was approved at last month’s Board meeting is on hold pending the hire and training of a new payroll person.
  3. Merit Pay
    The proposal to grant merit pay to teachers based on attendance and to principals based on the number of teacher observations they complete was given approval to be placed on the board agenda for approval.
  4. Transportation Issue
    Reported foul language on a school bus and ideas to resolve this issue were discussed.

Adjournment at 8:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak