Village of Fruitport – Council Meeting Minutes – 09/26/17

SEPTEMBER 26, 2017

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll Call
President: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Will Overkamp, Bill Stone and Carl Russell
Absent: Carl Rothenberger
Also Present: Dave Bossenbroek, Village attorney and Jeremy Statler DPW Supervisor

5. Approval of previous meeting minutes
August 22 meeting minutes, motion made by Amy Haack, supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
September 5 Special meeting minutes, motion made by Carl Russell, supported by Amy Haack. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Approve the agenda for September 26th Council Meeting
Motion made by Amy Haack, supported by Carl Russell. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

7. Public Comments

8. Correspondence

9. Reports from Officers
Donna reported that the library is doing well.
Amy gave an update on the Muskegon County Recreational Authority.
Carl nothing to report
Bill nothing to report
Will has a request from Jim Pansy, Village Pharmacy. Jim would like council members to consider being judges for the pumpkin carving contest on Monday October 30th at 5pm.
Several council members agreed to participate in the judging.
Roger reported at the last meeting the cost for the Carhart jackets and bibs was quoted at $278.40 the actual cost is $289.68 a difference of $11.28. Motion made by Donna Pope to approve the additional $11.28 charge, supported by Will Overkamp. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

10. Lions Club Old Fashioned Christmas Request
Fred Younkers and Keith Johnson from the Lions Club are requesting to hold the Old-Fashioned Christmas on December 8th and 9th. They would need to set up on December 2nd and 3rd. The trees will stay up until the 6th of January. Burning of the tress will be at Fruitport Township. The Lions will provide leaflets for all of events. Motion made by Donna Pope to approve the Lions’ request, supported by Amy Haack. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

11. Drainage District
Amy Haack was requested by the council to do further research on the Maple Creek Drain issue. The following is a summary of Amy Haack’s report:
Haack stated the Maple Creek Drain in in need of repairs and that these repairs will cost money. However, the repairs needed don’t constitute establishing a very controversial drain district. Haack referred to Kuis Drain in Fruitport Township as an example of a very controversial drain district petitioned for by residents. Haack cited that the Michigan Drain Code was written in 1956 and is very old. She stated that it needs to be updated in order to make it fair and equitable for all.
Haack stated that the Drain Commissioner’s office has always been and is still useful in achieving drainage for properties that have no other means of getting to a drainage outlet. But, she stated, that the situation with the Maple Creek Drain is different in the fact that the drain already exists.
Haack stated that the impending need to have the Maple Creek Drain upgraded is due to the commercial development in Fruitport Township north of Pontaluna. These properties will add additional flow to the Maple Creek Drain and the drain needs to be upgraded to handle the additional flow. Haack stated that she would like to see the Village of Fruitport enter into discussions with the developers north of Pontaluna and Fruitport Township regarding drain improvements and how to equitably share the financial burden that comes with it.
Further discussion took place. Amy Haack made a motion to begin efforts to discuss the drain issue with Fruitport Township, the developers and property owners, support by Carl Russell. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Dave Bossenbroek suggests discussing with the Township first.

12. Fence in the Park
Donna Pope questioned who owned the fence that was removed in the Park at the last council meeting. The fence is owned by the Village and will be stored for later use.

13. 2020 3rd Avenue Fund
Roger discussed the balance in the 2020 3rd fund and monies available for street repairs and applying to the 2020 3rd fund. Roger, Carl Rothenberger and Jeremy feel that another road needs to be addressed. S. Brooks road needs repair. Carl Russell questioned if it can make it through the winter. Carl Russell questioned if we could do this year. Jeremy stated the paving company is busy but may be able to do it. Roger stated they will contact paving company. Carl Russell made a motion to table the discussion until the next council meeting, supported by Bill Stone. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

14. Snow Blower
Roger reviewed the snow blower repair history and estimated charge to repair the snow blower. The approximate cost is $1252.94. The cost for a new snow blower is $3375.06. Ann advised there are funds available in the Equipment fund to cover the cost of the new blower. Carl Russell made a motion to purchase a new snow blower not to exceed $3500.00, supported by Bill Stone. Roll Call AYE: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell. NAYE – None. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Carl Russell made a motion to sell the old snow blower and put the funds received from the sale into the Equipment fund, supported by Bill Stone. Roll Call AYE: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

15. Discussion on Regular Council Meeting date change
Roger asked that the monthly meeting date be changed back to the 3rd Monday of the month starting in December 2017. Discussion took place. Motion made by Donna Pope to change the monthly council meeting date to the 3rd Monday of the month starting in December 2017. AYE: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp and Stone NAYE: Russell With a majority vote the motion carried.

16. Discussion on Future Projects

17. Public Comment
Donall Haack, 6771 S. Brooks, is opposed to the production of the Drainage district. Don is also concerned with the paving of Brooks road. He feels that the paving needs to be done but doesn’t want it to be rushed. He feels that the council should wait until spring and wants it done right.
Jen Anderson, 1695 S. Brooks, she is concerned about the Welcome to the Village sign at the end of Brooks and Bridge. She feels it is unsafe because it blocks the view of drivers. Jeremy suggests taking it down temporarily and raising it to a height that wouldn’t block the view of the road. Carl Russell makes a motion to accommodate the right height and location of the sign, supported by Will Overkamp. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Jay Bolt, 294 8th, shared that he is glad that we are getting new equipment for our DPW employees. The equipment the DPW employees use and drive impact how people see the Village. Jay also shared his opinion about the importance of the drain system, library, long term street improvement and the beautification of the Village.
Jeff Guiles, 294 Maple, expressed concerns about the Township and the Drain District. Dave Bossenbroek advised we will have to partner with the Township.

18. Closed Session to consider possible purchase of real property
Motion made by Donna Pope to move to a closed session, supported by Amy Haack. Roll call to proceed with closed session at 8:08pm. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell. NAYES: None
Motion made by Carl Russell to leave closed session at 8:12, supported by Amy Haack. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYES: None
Additional Public comment made by Bill Cooper, 333 Pine St, Bill discussed a possible development in the Village of Fruitport. He gave an overview of potential plans.

Motion made by Carl Russell to move to a closed session, supported by Amy Haack. Roll call to proceed with closed session at 8:33pm. Roll call AYE: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Motion made by Amy Haack to end closed session, supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried at 8:41pm.

19. Warrants
Roger discussed the boat launch fund. We will be receiving $1305.00 from the sale of the old dock. After the boat launch warrants are paid there will not be enough funds in the boat launch for expenses between now and the end of the fiscal year March 31, 2018. He suggests that we transfer $2000.00 from the General Fund to the Boat Launch fund.
Motion made by Carl Russell to transfer $2000.00 from the General Fund to the Boat launch fund to cover expenses and the $2000.00 paid back to the General Fund in 2018, supported by Amy Haack. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYES: None
Motion made by Carl Russell to approve warrants, supported by Bill Stone. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Haack, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYE – None

20. Adjourn
Motion made by Roger Vanderstelt to adjourn, supported by Carl Russell. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried at 8:47pm.


Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix