What Happens to the Bodies of Aborted Babies?

In a letter to supporters of Michigan Right to Life, president Barbara Listing introduces Renee Chelian, who owns the Northland Family Planning chain of abortion clinics. Listing says that Chelian, who is responsible for 25% of all abortions performed annually in Michigan, openly offers abortion up to and including 24 weeks of gestation, according to her marketing materials.

From a recent undercover video, “you would think she was a stand-up comic,” Listing said. In the video, “Chelian was caught ‘entertaining’ an audience at a National Abortion Federation conference. The audience, mostly abortion providers, laughed while Chelian described her dilemma. According to Chelian, Northland Family Planning had five months’ worth of fetal remains in rented freezers—imagine a freezer packed full of dead children. She spoke lightheartedly about how getting rid of these aborted children was all she thought about.”

According to Listing, the crowd “laughed out loud when Chelian proclaimed, ‘Nobody wants to talk about dead bodies.’ But they really cracked up when she said, ‘I was so consumed with fetal tissue that I was ready to drive to Upper Michigan to have a bonfire.’ ”

“Chelian talked about taking fetal remains in a U-Haul to a pet crematory in Illinois. She thought it was a ‘great idea’ to burn the remains of aborted children for energy. She also joked about presenting women who abort with the remains of their children.” Listing continued, “Chelian eventually hired someone from another abortion clinic to take the dead babies off her hands and put them through that clinic’s garbage disposal.”

Barbara Listing is astonished that things like this, that shock us to our core, can be treated by these people as a laughing matter. “Their hearts are so hardened that the thought of dismembered children makes them laugh!”

The really sad part in this story is that Renee Chelian is not an exception…according to Listing, she’s the rule. Listing tells RTL supporters that “we are severely constrained as long as Roe v. Wade is the law of the land. We can only do so much to restrict people like Renee Chelian.” Right to Life has apparently made efforts to regulate abortion clinics in their method of disposing of the bodies of aborted children.

The bigger picture in this matter, however, is that “No one has the right to kill these children in the first place. They shouldn’t burn them. They shouldn’t put them through a garbage disposal. They shouldn’t sell their body parts.” Listing is clear, “These children belong in the womb, not in the city dump!

“I don’t want to regulate Renee Chelian…I want to put her out of business!”

Barbara Listing would like others to join in the effort to outlaw abortion in Michigan. She asks that, if you will join RTL with your generous contribution, you would “please put your gift in the mail right away. I’m hoping and praying that many concerned citizens holding this letter right now will grab their checkbook, or their credit card, and make an immediate contribution of $10, $15, $20, $25, $50 or even $100.”

“Maybe someday Renee Chelian will quit her ‘day job’ and become a full-time stand-up comic. What do you say we give her a hand?”

Listing closes her letter expressing her deepest appreciation, and encourages supporters to visit the RTL website, www.RTL.org. “While there, you can see several short clips of Renee Chelian and her stand-up comedy act. It will break your heart and reinforce your commitment to these innocent children.”