More SOS offices to offer service that lets customers hold spot in line, make appointments
Check in online or with your phone, don’t wait in the office
The innovative MI-TIME Line service that allows customers to use their phones or computers to make appointments or hold their place in line is being installed at 13 more offices over the next few months, Secretary of State Ruth Johnson announced today.
“Customers who can’t hop online to can soon take advantage of the MI-TIME Line service at many more of our offices,” Johnson said. “After you get in line, you can run other errands or wait from home or work until you’re ready to be called up.”
MI-TIME Line sends text updates to notify customers of their estimated wait time and allows them to request more time if needed. Those who don’t have a mobile phone can check in at the MI-TIME Line kiosk and get a printed ticket.
More than 5.7 million customers have used the service to complete a total of 10.3 million transactions since it launched in January 2014. The 43 offices that will offer MI-TIME Line when this expansion is complete total 56 percent of all branch transactions performed statewide.
Customers can find participating offices and reserve their place in line at