Muskegon’s Average Fare Lower than Grand Rapids The Average Domestic Airline Itinerary Fare by Origin City has just been published by the Bureau of Transportation for 2nd quarter 2017. Based on total passengers, the average air fare for flights at Muskegon was $406.84 compared to $425.25 for flights at Grand Rapids Airport. for complete details.
“We continually work with the airline to provide competitive fares for our customers,” said Jeffrey Tripp, Airport Manager. “When you consider the cost of air fare in addition to the cost of parking, travel time, how early you need to check-in, etc., Muskegon’s fares and improved flight schedule reinforce why customers should always “Check MKG First” at UNITED.COM when making travel plans.”
Check MKG First at UNITED.COM or call 800-221-1212.
Contact your local travel agent.