Monday, June 11, 2018
5:30 p.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office
Attendance: Allison Camp, Susan Franklin, Jill Brott, Dave Hazekamp, Bob Szymoniak
1. This past year teachers in grades K-2 have participated in a reading series selection process. The consensus by the teachers was to purchase the “Superkids Reading Program” published by Zaner-Bloser. The program received endorsement from both Instructional Council and the Student Affairs Committee for purchase and implementation. The program will be purchased with At-Risk funds.
2. Paying a stipend to teachers who attend afterschool work for such things as school improvement work and Instructional Council meetings was discussed and planned for the 2018/19 school year for implementation.
3. Policies regarding student grading and reporting grades were briefly introduced as a topic for further discussion and possible amendments.
4. Policies pertaining to this committee were reviewed for a second reading and will be on the Board agenda for action at our next meeting.
5. A brief update on negotiations with the FEA was given.
Adjournment at 6:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak