July 16th, 2018
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger, Jay Bolt and Bill Overkamp who arrived at 7:05pm.
5. Approval of previous meeting minutes from June 16thst regular council meeting and June 27th Special Council Meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the minutes from the June 18th regular council meeting, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Motion made by Amy to approve the minutes from the June 27th special council meeting, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
6. Approve the agenda for the July 18th Council meeting
Motion made by Jay to approve the agenda with a move of Item number 16. Old Newsies Goodfellows request from Old Business to New Business, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
7. Public Comment
8. Roger advised that he wants council’s support to appoint Jeff Guiles to the open council seat. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None.
Jeff Guiles was sworn in as a new council member.
9. Correspondence (Ann)
Ann distributed flyers for the Lakeshore Barn Market event that will be held August 18th at Pomona Park.
10. Reports from Officers (Each Council Member)
Donna advised that the Library is doing well.
Amy advised that she had a meeting with DPW Supervisor Jeremy Statler to discuss the 2020 3rd Street project. Amy requested that Matt Farrar, Public Works Director for Muskegon County be invited to the next council meeting to discuss the 2020 3rd Street project and sewers.
Jay gave an update on the Planning Commission progress of updating the Land Use Ordinances. They are starting to work on Chapter 8. The next Planning Commission meeting is August 23rd.
He also advised that we have two candidates for the open Planning Commission seat. A discussion took place about the Master Plan Survey and compiling of the results.
Carl advised that the next Personnel Committee meeting will be on July 30th at 5:30pm.
Bill questioned the status of the speed limit signs and changes. Roger gave a brief explanation and advised Bill that Jeremy has a list of the changes. Bill questioned the annual boat passes not having dates on them. Carl explained that they are color based each year not date based. Bill also asked why trailer are restricted from parking on 3rd Street. The parking spots are for customers of the businesses not overflow boat launch parking. Lastly, Bill questioned the Boat Launch sign about the fee. Roger explained it is for launching or retrieving boats and it is posted on the information board.
Roger suggested having an Open House at the DPW garage on August 22, 2018 from 11a-2p. A discussion took place and we may coordinate it with the Library. Roger made a motion to have the Open House on August 22, 2018 with refreshments. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYES: None
11. 2020 3rd Street Project
Roger explained that we have budgeted $50,000 to be transferred from Major Streets to the 2020 3rd Street Project. He suggested that we transfer $25,000 now and the additional $25,000 later.
Motion made by Roger to transfer $25,000 from Major Streets to the 2020 3rd Street account, Supported by Carl. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYES: None
12. Park Street chip and seal
Roger advised that a date has not been set to chip and seal Park Street. Jay’s suggestion to have the area paved near the bank for additional parking is still under consideration and the costs will be presented at the next council meeting.
13. Boat Launch information station
Roger gave an update on the Boat Launch information station. It has been ordered and delivery is anticipated mid to late August. Roger also passed out pictures of money tubes to be considered in the future for the boat launch. Other items will include a picnic table and information board.
14. Credit card reader
Ann advised that the new credit card reader worked in the office but not at the boat launch. She reviewed pricing from our IT company for a new tablet and monthly cell service. A discussion took place about the connectivity at the boat launch. Bill has the same tablet and cell service that was suggested. It was determined that a test of the equipment will be done before any action will be taken. A brief discussion took place about alternative equipment for providing credit card service at the boat launch.
15. Assistance with Boat Launch enforcement
Roger advised that Bill, Margo and the DPW employees are helping with the boat launch enforcement.
16. Flag Poles and new trees in Flower beds
Amy gave an overview about the area in front of the businesses on 3rd avenue near Park Street. A discussion took place at a previous meeting to install Flag poles in the flower bed area. Amy advised that the flowers look great and suggested no changes take place this year. Amy distributed information on large pots to go in that area. Amy discussed the pots with the DPW Supervisor to see if he foresees any issue with using pots. He does not. Amy would like to table this until winter or early spring for future discussion. Jay talked about the vision of the Master Plan and he suggests we have a total plan as opposed to a partial plan for the area. Amy agreed with Jay’s comment and added that she had currently pursued the topic because an idea for the area was recently proposed that she didn’t agree with and she wanted to show an alternative scenario that could be pursued in the future.
17. Old Newsies Goodfellows request
Roger explained that the Goodfellows want to do a collection on December 1st, 2018. Roger made a motion to allow the Gooodfellows to collect donations on December 1st, 2018 provided they do not violate any current laws, wear reflective vests, provide a Certificate of Liability insurance and collect during daylight hours, supported by Jeff. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYES: None
18. Boat launch attendant for Coast Guard festival
Roger suggested that the boat launch attendant work August 3rd and August 4th for the Coast Guard festival. Roger made a motion to have the boat launch attendant work August 3rd and 4th from 10am – 7pm, supported by Bill. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None
19. Signs
Roger explained that Jeff Crago requested that the no parking signs be put back up on Lake Street at the last meeting. He will follow up with Jeremy on the request.
20. Kayak launch
Roger gave an overview of putting in a kayak launch between the boat launch and Waypoint. He advised that we need to work with an engineering firm to apply for a grant. Amy advised that she will follow up with Jeremy on the kayak launch grant deadlines.
21. MML Convention
Roger reviewed the dates for the Michigan Municipal League Convention in Grand Rapids. He questioned who is interested in attending. Roger made a motion to send Ann, Jay and Bill to the Convention at a cost of $390.00 per person, supported by Jay. Rollcall AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None
Additional convention costs will be discussed at the next council meeting.
22. Old Street Signs
Roger explained that Jeremy would like to retain and reuse the big signs for the aluminum.
Jeremy advised Roger that many of the signs are rusty and the bolts may be difficult to remove. Roger asked Bill to work with Jeremy on this project to determine what should be done with the signs.
23. Public Comments
Linda Corint-Bristow, 218 N 6th Ave, expressed her opinion about the tablet at the boat launch. She also questioned what is the 2020 3rd Street project. Amy explained that it is the reconstruction of 3rd Street between Pontaluna and Park Street.
24. Warrants
Motion made by Donna to approve the warrants, supported by Bill. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYES: None
25. Adjourn
Donna made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix