Business and Finance Committee
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
11:30 a.m., Superintendent’s Office
Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Dave Hazekamp, Elroy Buckner, Kris Cole, John Winskas, Mark Mesbergen, and Bob Szymoniak
1. TA/LOA FEA Contract
A letter of agreement with the FEA adjusting the salary of a schedule B coaching position from 8% to 8.5% of the base was given approval for Board action. In addition, a tentative agreement has been signed with the FEA regarding their contract. If ratified, it would be a three year contract granting a step in year one, a step or formula (whichever is greater) in year two, and a 1% or formula in year three (whichever is greater). There are other elements to this agreement including an adjustment to how the HSA is funded, adjustments to comp time, an opportunity to revisit at the contract with the union should our fund balance drop below 6% at the conclusion of year 2, and the capping of cash in lieu of health insurance payments. Three years of calendars were developed to coincide with the contract.
The Business and Finance Committee supports putting this on the Board agenda for a ratification vote.
2. Maintenance Position
As a cost savings measure some six or seven years ago, the district eliminated a maintenance position. Given the fact that we are dramatically increasing our square footage with the high school bond project, we will need more maintenance manpower to ensure preventative maintenance for new construction while properly caring for existing facilities. The full Board will take action on this matter via the consent agenda at a future meeting once we have a maintenance person to recommend for hire.
3. Bond Stipends
Bond stipends were discussed during the meeting. Bond stipends are to compensate the four administrators whose workload has been dramatically impacted by the high school bond project.
4. Resource Officer
Bob discussed the recommendation for a resource officer for the upcoming school year.
5. Navigator
Outside funding has been secured to pay for a School-Based Community Resource Coordinator. A selection process was held earlier this summer and it will be on the consent agenda to hire Marissa Brandenburg to fill the Navigator position. Marissa is a licensed counselor with eight years of experience helping families overcome barriers.
6. Personnel Matters
Updates were given on a few personnel matters. No Board action will be required at this time.
7. Policy Review
The Social Media and Organizational Meeting Policies were briefly reviewed for a second reading.
Meeting adjourned at 12:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Mesbergen