FCS – Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes – 08/15/18

Student Affairs Committee
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
5:00 p.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office

Attendance: Mark Mesbergen, Allison Camp, Dave Hazekamp, Jill Brott, Susan Franklin, Bob Szymoniak

1. The Tentative Agreement with the FEA regarding their contract was explained. It will be on the Board agenda for action.

2. Stipends for committee work were discussed with more analysis needed in this regard.

3. A recommended change to the district’s grading policy was reviewed and will be on the Board agenda for a first read.

4. Three personnel matters were explained for informational purposes.

5. It was explained that entering into an agreement with Fruitport Township to have a School Resource Officer placed within the district will be on the Board agenda for action.

6. It was also explained that the recommended candidate to fill the School-Based Community Resource Navigator position will be on the Board agenda for action.

7. A policy review was conducted regarding the social media and organizational meeting policies. They will be on the Board agenda for a second reading.

8. Stipends to four administrators intimately involved in the high school bond project to compensate them for the extra time and stress they are encountering through this project were explained and will be on the Board agenda for action.

9. A recommended change to the Trojan Travelers trip date to Costa Rica was presented and will be on the Student Affairs part of the Board agenda for action.

Meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak