by Rev. William Randall
One Tuesday night April 18, 1775 about a hundred colonists with loaded muskets were gathered on the Lexington, Massachusetts green. The colonial militia were under orders not to fire the first shot yet during that eventful day the British lost 65 men, 183 wounded and 28 were made prisoners. The colonists had 49 killed, 29 wounded and five who were missing. The long, bitter struggle, the American war for independence was begun.
After the loss of precious lives the loss of fortunes with untold grief, on October 20, 1781, General Washington called for a service to give thanks for the British surrender at Yorktown the day before. George Washington was very much aware of God’s guidance and blessing. Instead of reverie he called for serious gratitude. Washington wrote:
“The Commander in Chief earnestly recommends that the troops not on duty should universally attend with that seriousness of deportment and gratitude of heart which the recognition of such reiterated and astonishing interposition of providence demands of us.”
Patriotic Americans today are calling for respect for our nation’s flag in our schools and at public gatherings. Our National Anthem expresses thanks that our flag was still flying. The last verse acknowledges God with these words: “Blest with victory and peace, May the heaven rescued land praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation”… and this is our motto, “In God is our trust.”
Many Educators refuse to include the pledge to the flag in the school’s agenda and NFL players disrespect our nation and its flag by refusing to stand for the National Anthem. It is also disrespect for the fans who make it possible for the team to play and receive excessive salaries.
There’s lots of room for improvement, but America is a great nation and we should appreciate that the United States was formed to enable us to have government by the people. Everyone should realize that the US military is the greatest defender of freedom in the world. There have been serious unacceptable errors in law enforcement, yet no community wants to be without a police force. Those wearing blue in our communities deserve appreciation and respect.
Racism by both blacks, whites, Hispanics and many other groups illustrate the depravity of man. Many do not live up to the ideals that are provided in our Constitution. No other country has so clearly establishes equal rights for all. These rights must be maintained and appreciated.
Finally, no other country offers freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas as here in the United States. We have reasons to be proud of America. If the NFL players don’t choose to stand for the National Anthem, why don’t they try another country and see how it goes for them? If educators insist on eliminating the pledge to the flag they should be replaced. It is time for Americans to stand up for God and country. Americans need to stand in honor of our flag and bow at the cross of Christ in repentance and faith. Pray that the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.