Personnel Committee
Monday, September 9, 2019
5:00 p.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office
Attendance: Dave Hazekamp, Tim Burgess, Steve Kelly, Bob Szymoniak
1. The concept of a “faith community liaison” was discussed. The main role of this position would be to facilitate the mentorship program which last year placed 35 mentors in our schools. The position would also serve as a conduit between the school system and the faith community for future collaborative ventures.
2. The position of Graduation Interventionist Advocate was discussed. This position would be ½ time Adult Education teacher paid for out of the Adult Education budget, and ½ time Graduation Intervention Advocate which would be paid for out of At Risk funds. The Advocate would work with primarily 9th and 10th graders who are at academic risk of failure, and do what is necessary to help them achieve passing grades and earn credit. We have found that when students become juniors and are behind on credits toward graduation, the odds of them graduating are greatly diminished. This position has been posted and action will be taken on an upcoming consent agenda to fill this position.
3. Principal/Assistant merit pay was discussed. The details of the 2019/20 Merit Pay plan will be included in the September board packet. This plan will be on the agenda for board action.
4. A brief discussion was held regarding a local scholarship opportunity that our students have not historically applied for. It was shared that this situation would likely improve in the near future.
Meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak