OCTOBER 28TH, 2019
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack (left at 6:20 excused), Bill Overkamp, Jay Bolt, Jeff Guiles and Ann LaCroix
Absent: Carl Rothenberger (excused)
Also present: Planning Commission members Devere Bendixen, Sam Ajwah, Jeff Jacobs and Jon Sigman
5. Approval of October 28th Special Council Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
6. Public Comment
7. Master Plan – David Jirousek, Horizon Community Planning
David referred council to a Master Plan Update – Kick-Off Meeting agenda. He reviewed the Meeting Objectives, Intent and Focus, Project Scope and Milestones, General Goals of Past Plan and Elements of New Plan, Obstacles and Challenges and Opportunities. Discussion took place on the individual agenda items. An Open House Public Planning Session was scheduled for December 9th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.
8. 5th and Beech Project
Jon from Tiles Excavating addressed the councils’ questions regarding hog brushing the new park property. Jon also reviewed his bid for the repair at 5th and Beech. A discussion took place. Motion made by Jeff to contract Prein & Newhof to provide an engineered drawing for the project not to exceed $5000.00 in cost, supported by Jay.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: Overkamp
Absent: Haack and Rothenberger
9. Public Comment
10. Adjournment
Motion made by Donna to adjourn at 7:40pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix