Are you interested in using the internet, but don’t have access?
Visit Hackley Public Library and check out a mobile Hotspot! This helpful device can provide Wi-Fi Internet access for up to 10 devices, and is user-friendly. Connect your computer, tablet, phone, or other device to a Hotspot, and see what you can discover. A hotspot may be checked out for one week.
To check out a hotspot, patrons must be 18 years of age or older, and must read, understand, and sign an agreement at the HPL Circulation Desk. For more details, stop into Hackley Public Library or give us a call at 231-722-8000.
Brought through the generosity of the Friends of Hackley Public Library.
For more information, please contact Hackley Public Library, 316 W Webster Ave Muskegon MI 49440, at Reference: 231-722-8011, Circulation: 231-722-8000, Youth Services: 231-722-8014,, or @hackleyref. Visit our Flickr PR album: