APRIL 29, 2020
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.
2. Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Bill Overkamp, Amy Haack, Jeff Guiles, Carl Rothenberger, Jay Bolt and Ann LaCroix
Absent: Donna Pope (excused)
3. Approval of April 29th Council Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
4. Approval of April 20th council meeting minutes
Motion made by Bill to approve the meeting minutes, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
5. Public Comment
6. 2020 3rd Avenue Project
Jay advised that he and Roger attended a virtual meeting with MDOT and Prein & Newhof. The design phase for the project will be complete this week and out for bidding no later than June. The bids should be received in July and obligated by August. Jay and Roger requested that the project be completed August – October 2020 instead of the new projected time frame of June-August 31, 2021. The timeframe will be determined after the bidding process is completed. Ann confirmed that the village contribution for the project is in the budget. Jay will continue to update the council on the status of the project.
7. Boat Launch
A discussion took place on when to start selling daily and annual passes for the Boat Launch. Due to the Stay Home order it was determined that the boat launch will continue to be free until May 16th. At that point user will need to purchase an annual pass or daily use pass. Ann will check with the Pharmacy and Waypoint regarding their willingness to sell the annual passes again this year.
8. Public Comment
9. Adjournment
Motion made by Amy to adjourn the meeting at 6:48pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix