Village of Fruitport Council Meeting Minutes – 05/18/20

MAY 18TH, 2020

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7pm.

2. Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Amy Haack, Jeff Guiles, Carl Rothenberger, Jay Bolt and Ann LaCroix
Absent: Donna Pope, Bill Overkamp (excused)

3. Approval of May 18th Council Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

4. Approval of April 29th Special council meeting minutes
Motion made by Amy to approve the meeting minutes, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

5. Public Comment
Denise Kelly, 157 8th Avenue questioned the road pavement near her home. She said it causes run off to the east. Roger agreed to check into it for her.

6. Correspondence
Ann read the Declaration of State of Emergency for Muskegon County. Amy suggested the protocol going forward is to share the information with residents. All agreed.

7. Reports from Officers
Amy will report under agenda items.
Carl – nothing to report.
Jeff – nothing to report.
Jay – will report under agenda items.
Roger – nothing to report.

8. 2020 3rd Avenue Project
Jay gave an update on the 2020 3rd Avenue Project. Jay advised that on May 12th that the obligated federal funding was approved. The bidding will take place in July. The project will be scheduled for August through October 2020.

9. Bridge Street Grant
Jay gave an update on the grant process. Frank Brechting, Brechting Bridge is working on the grant applications and it will be submitted by June 1st.

10. Kayak Launch
Amy gave an update on the kayak launch project. Prein & Newhof will survey the area this week. Once that is completed, Prein & Newhof will start developing construction plans.

11. Senior Millage
Amy advised there has been no update since the Letter of Intent and Senior Millage Municipal portion applications were submitted. She will follow up on them if no word prior to the next council meeting.

12. Boat Launch
Roger gave a report of boat launch earnings for the weekend. Roger advised the buoys will be going in soon.

13. 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Audit
Ann advised that the audit took place remotely this year. Copies of the audit will be available from our CPA in the next month. All 3 fund balances have increased this year leaving us in a good position for funding the 2020 3rd Avenue Project, Kayak Launch, and other budget items.
Ann also advised that our State Revenue Sharing payments have been decreased for the upcoming year due to COVID-19. The decrease is approximately 25%.

14. Garbage rate fee for 2020-2021
Ann advised that the garbage rates will be $132.89 this year if paid by July 31st. The delinquent fee will be $166.11 if paid after July 31st. The increase is due to increased costs billed by RMS Disposal. Motion made by Carl to approve the rates as presented, supported by Jeff.
Roll Call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope and Overkamp.

15. Public Comment

16. Warrants
Ann advised two additional bills have been received since emailing the bills to council. Prein & Newhof Engineering fee of $2900.00 out of the Major Street Fund and MML Workers Compensation payment of $2361.00 out of the General Fund. Motion made by Amy to approve the bills including the two additional bills, supported by Roger.
Roll Call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope and Overkamp.

17. Adjournment
Motion made by Amy to adjourn at 7:53pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix