JULY 20TH, 2020
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of July 20th Council Meeting Agenda
4. Approval of June 15 and June 22nd Council meeting minutes
5. Public Comments (limited to 3 minutes each)
6. Correspondence
7. Reports from Officers
New Business
8. Safe deposit box at 5/3rd bank
9. Ditch repair on Pontaluna 4th to 6th Street
10. Guard Rails and Curb Quote
11. Bike Path & Boat Launch Quote
Old Business
12. Village Logo/Motto
13. 2020 3rd Ave Project
14. Bridge Street Grant
15. Kayak Launch
16. Boat Launch
—-a. New Sign
—-b. Amendment to Boat Launch Ordinance
17. Storage Building at DPW
18. Public Comment (Limited to 3 minutes each)
19. Warrants
20. Adjournment