Village of Fruitport Council Meeting Minutes – 07/20/20

July 20th, 2020

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

2. Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger, Will Overkamp, Jay Bolt, Jeff Guiles and Ann LaCroix
Absent: Donna Pope (excused)

3. Approval of July 20th Council Meeting Agenda
Roger requested that two additional items be added to the agenda. Downtown Design & Concept under New Business and Buoys under Old Business. Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda with the additional items added, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

4. Approval of the June 15th and June 22nd Council meeting minutes
Motion made by Amy to approve the June 15th minutes, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Motion made by Amy to approve the June 22nd minutes, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

5. Public Comment
Todd Dunham, Fruitport Township resident, introduced himself to council and stated that he is running for Fruitport Township Supervisor in the next election. Todd gave his background information to the Council.

6. Correspondence
Ann reminded council that members that are running in the next election need to get their information to the Township no later than tomorrow before 4pm.
Ann reviewed that due to COVID-19 their will be a decrease in state revenue sharing and MDOT funding. We will need to spend cautiously until more information is received on the financial impact of COVID-19.

7. Reports from Officers
Amy advised that she picked up a check for $7107.00 from Muskegon County for the Senior millage funding. Amy made a motion to allocate $500.00 of the funding to Sue Halter, Dancing into Sunset, supported by Roger.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope
Carl discussed the necessary repair at the curb on Bridge Street. Roger advised the DPW Supervisor is working on quotes. Carl discussed the latest Governor’s Executive order and the mandate of wearing masks. Carl advised that anyone entering the DPW garage is required to wear a mask, including all Village elected officials. The office is closed and access to the building by anyone should be at a minimum due to COVID-19 and OSHA regulations. All employees should wear masks when together and practice social distancing. A discussion took place and council agreed. Carl then questioned if the boat launch attendant/s wears a mask when approaching vehicles and people with less than the 6 feet of social distancing. Roger agreed to ask the boat launch to wear a mask if unable to keep the social distancing of 6 feet.
Bill advised he is researching the cost of a new pick-up truck for the DPW crew.
Jay reviewed the meeting with the resident of 157 8th street regarding driveway flooding. Roger agreed to contact the resident to give feedback. Jay advised he sent out a report on Norris Creek to council. He gave a brief overview of the report. Jay also advised of a meeting regarding a property on 8th Street. There may be a request for land division and a variance.
Jeff working on sidewalks that need to be ripped up.
Roger had nothing to report.

8. Safe deposit box at 5/3rd bank
Roger advised that we have a safe deposit box at 5/3rd bank, and we do not know what is in it or where the key is. Motion made by Roger to have the box opened by the bank of a charge not to exceed $145.00, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope
Motion made by Roger to remove Donna Pope and Carolyn Lemler as authorized parties on the safe deposit box and add Ann LaCroix and Roger Vanderstelt as the authorized parties, supported by Carl.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope

9. Ditch repair on Pontaluna between 4th & 6th
Roger reviewed a quote from Muskegon County to repair a ditch on Pontaluna between 4th & 6th. Motion made by Roger to have the repair done at a cost not to exceed $3500.00 and if a new culvert is necessary the homeowner will purchase it, supported by Bill.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope

10. Guard rails and Curbs quote
Roger shared a quote for guard rails and curbs and suggested to discuss at budget time next year.

11. Bike path and Boat Launch Quote
Roger reviewed quotes to have the bike path, boat launch and 4th Street parking to be sealed and striped. A discussion took place about waiting to do the boat launch when the new kayak launch is in place. Jay made a motion to reseal the bike path at a cost not to exceed $1770.00, supported by Bill.
Roll call AYES: Overkamp
NAYS: Haack, Rothenberger, Jay, Jeff and Roger
Absent: Pope.
The item will be reviewed again next year.

12. Downtown Design and Consultation Services
Jay discussed a conceptual design proposal for the intersection of Third and Park. A discussion took place. Motion made by Roger to contract Horizon Community Planning to perform the services for an amount not to exceed $4700.00, supported by Jay.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: Overkamp
Absent: Pope

13. Village Motto/Logo
Amy reviewed information received from Horizon Community Planning to be the liaison to the Village in creating a new logo. The cost would be $2000.00. It would not include a motto. Amy advised that she recently went through the process at WMSRDC and the pricing was similar. Motion made by Amy to contract Horizon Community Planning for the services at a cost not to exceed $2000.00, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope

14. 2020 Third Avenue
Jay advised that the quotes for the project have been received. The lowest bid was Michigan Asphalt. The cost has increased since the original quotes. A discussion took place and Jay will research more information and a special council meeting will be held next Monday at 6pm to further discuss the project.

15. Bridge Street Grant
The grant was successfully received. It is for Fiscal year 2023.

16. Kayak Launch
Amy received an email from Matt Levandoski, Prein & Newhoff regarding the survey that was recently completed at the proposed kayak launch site. Matt stated that the lake levels will make it difficult or impossible. They will need to change the configuration and reduce the size. Amy advised the funding has been delayed due to COVID. Roger discussed seeking donations towards the Village costs for the new kayak launch.

17. Boat Launch
A. New sign – council reviewed the sign options for the boat launch. Motion made by Roger to purchase the blue sign at a cost not to exceed $500.00, supported by Jay.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope
Roger reviewed the decision to increase the fine for 3 axle trailers at the boat launch. An amendment to the ordinance is required along with publishing the change prior to it becoming effective. Council reviewed the amendment. Motion made by Roger to amend the boat launch ordinance, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope

18. Storage Building at DPW
Roger reviewed the quotes for a new storage building. It was decided to table the item at this time.

19. Buoy Application
Roger reviewed the temporary buoy application. A public hearing is required then council would vote on a resolution. The hearing needs to be published and the timeframe for the process may not be completed for this boat season. Roger will check with the DNR to see if an application should still be completed this year or if we need to wait until next year. This will be tabled until the special council meeting on Monday July 27th.

20. Public Comment

21. Warrants
Motion made by Roger to approve the warrants, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Pope

22. Adjournment
Motion made by Bill to adjourn the meeting at 8:58pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix