A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, July 13, 2020, in the township board room.
Members Present: Heidi Tice, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Greg Hulka, Jeff Jacobs, Terry Knoll
Members Absent: Denise Winebarger, excused
At 7:00pm, Heidi Tice opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
Also Present: 6- residents; 3- employees; 2- guests; Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli; Director or Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada.
The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Terry Knoll, was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of June 22, 2020 as presented.
The motion by Terry Knoll, supported by Rose Dillon, was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented with the following addition:
Item 8-G: Approval to purchase tabulator
1. Brian Michelli reported that face covering mandates are being enforced the best they can.
2. Steve Biesiada reported that there have been many broken water services lately; the new valve installed in the smiley water tower is in operation; the purchase of the approved pick-up truck has been delayed.
3. Heidi Tice shared a notification regarding the board of determination for the North Point Drain as well as a notice of public hearing for Consumers Energy.
20-057 First Reading: Prohibition Against Disturbing Public Order and Decency Ordinance
This constitutes the first reading. Final action will take place at the next regular scheduled board meeting on July 27, 2020.
20-058 First Reading: Resisting, Opposing, or Hindering a Law Enforcement Officer Prohibition
This constitutes the first reading. Final action will take place at the next regular scheduled board meeting on July 27, 2020.
20-059 First Reading: Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance
This constitutes the first reading. Final action will take place at the next regular scheduled board meeting on July 27, 2020.
20-060 George Manning Recognition Resolution
George Manning was to be honored for his 25 years of service to Fruitport Township. George served on the Planning Commission from 1992-1994 and on the Board of Review from 1997-2020. He was not able to be present at the meeting.
20-061 Risk and Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan
The Utilities Department is looking to participate with other water customers of the City of Muskegon in contracting with Prein & Newhof to perform the EPA required Risk, Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan. Fruitport’s 1/3 share between Fruitport Township, the City of Norton Shores, and the Water Authority would be $5,666.00. There is a cost savings by doing it as a group.
Jeff Jacobs moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to participate in the cost share for services related to the Risk, Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: none
20-062 Police Department Staffing
Officer Brett Holmes has submitted his resignation effective July 14, 2020.
Terry Knoll moved, supported by Heidi Tice, MOTION CARRIED, to accept the resignation of Officer Brett Holmes.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: None
Terry Knoll moved, supported by Jeff Jacobs, MOTION CARRIED, to give the Public Safety Director authorization to fill the vacancy.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: None
Interviews will be July 22, 2020.
20-063 Fire Department Staff Interviews
The Public Safety Committee interviewed the Full-time fire department staff in regards to community, personnel safety, leadership, and communication. Overall, the feedback was positive. The police department staff will be interviewed in the future.
20-064 Board of Review Resolution
The Board of Review needs to allow for more hours than a typical July BOR.
MCL 211.53B affords the governing body the opportunity to set an alternate start date for the July Board of Review to be during the week of the third Monday in July.
Heidi Tice moved, supported by Andrea Anderson, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt the resolution to move the start date of the July 2020 Board of Review to Wednesday, July 22, 2020.
Ayes: Hulka, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none
20-065 DDA Discussion
Matt Farrar from Muskegon County presented information on tax increment financing. He shared some of the benefits of capturing tax revenue on growth to assist in infrastructure expenses that hinder development.
20-066 Approval to purchase tabulator
The Clerk presented the need for an additional tabulator due to a dramatic increase in absentee ballots. The need was unforeseen due to COVID and the issuance of absentee applications to all registered voters by the State of Michigan. The cost for the tabulator and related equipment is $5,545. The Clerk has applied for a 50% cost share through federal CARES act funding that is likely to be granted. This expense was not budgeted for due to the unforeseen nature.
Terry Knoll moved, supported by Rose Dillon, MOTION CARRIED, to authorize the Clerk to purchase an additional voting tabulator.
Ayes: Hulka, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none
20-067 Payment of bills
Andrea Anderson moved, Heidi Tice seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $16,299.27; Public Safety $34,403.79; Water $56,361.16; Sewer $18,411.59; Street Lights $14,419.37; Trust & Agency $1,595.00
Totaling: $141,490.18
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: none
1. Tim Demumbrum introduced himself as a candidate for Muskegon County Drain Commissioner.
The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Heidi Tice, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm.