A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, June 22, 2020, in the township board room.
Members Present: Heidi Tice, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Terry Knoll, Denise Winebarger
Members Absent: Jeff Jacobs, Greg Hulka; excused
At 7:00pm, Heidi Tice opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
Also Present: 10- residents; 1- employees; 1- guests; Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli; Attorney Ron Bultje.
The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Terry Knoll, was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of June 8, 2020 and June 15, 2020 as presented.
The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Heidi Tice, was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented.
1. Brian Michelli reported that call volumes are normalizing as fear of COVID decreases.
2. Heidi Tice reported that the water main coming from Lake Michigan is still holding; there was a Board of Determination for the North Point Drain; JC Penny filed for bankruptcy; Muskegon Area First has produced an industrial directory.
3. Rose Dillon shared current financials.
20-049 Kris Collee presenting senior services plan
Kris Collee was not present.
20-050 Donna VanderVries with an update from Muskegon County Equalization
The Muskegon County Equalization Director, Donna VanderVries, presented updates. By Executive Order 2020-87, the opportunity for property tax appeals has been extended to the July Board of Review due to COVID, however appeals must still be based on values before December 31, 2019. Donna also reviewed pending and recently settled tax appeals including:
• Stellar Hospitality- 1951 & 1989 E. Sternberg (Pending)
• JC Penny- 5690 S. Harvey (Pending)
• Muskegon Wings- 5648 S. Harvey (Pending)
• GMRI- 1651 E. Sternberg (Pending)
• TF Muskegon MI LLC (Sears)- 5500 S. Harvey (Settled)
• Stellar Hospitality- 1951 & 1989 E. Sternberg (Settled)
• Lakes Mall (Younkers)- 5580 S. Harvey (Settled)
• Lakes Mall (The Lakes Mall)- 5500 S. Harvey (Settled)
• JC Penny- 5690 S. Harvey (Settled)
• FHVK- 1720 E. Sternberg (Settled)
• CD2007- 1720 E. Sternberg (Settled)
• Bonstores (Younkers)- 5580 S. Harvey (Settled)
• Arby’s- 5560 S. Harvey (Settled)
• Mercy Health- Personal Property (Settled)
20-051 Disturbing the peace ordinance discussion
Brian Michelli presented 3 ordinances that are general policing ordinances and are consistent with state law. The following ordinances will come to the board for first readings at the next meeting:
• Prohibition Against Disturbing Public Order and Decency Ordinance
• Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance
• Resisting, Opposing, or Hindering a Law Enforcement Officer Prohibition Ordinance
20-052 MTA online training membership
The general consensus was that it would not be utilized enough to justify the cost.
20-053 Blue Care Network COVID relief medical insurance adjustment
Rose Dillon reported that the Township received a COVID relief insurance adjustment in the amount of $483.60 for dental and $11,241.76 for medical from Blue Care Network.
20-054 Water shut-offs and penalties
The extension of the State of Emergency also extends the restrictions on penalties and shut-offs.
Rose Dillon moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to resume normal procedures in regards to water & sewer penalties and shut-offs once the executive order is lifted.
Ayes: Knoll, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Winebarger
Nays: none
20-055 City of Muskegon beach parking pass
The Township has been given the opportunity to purchase beach parking passes from the City of Muskegon at a discounted rate of $15.00. The Township would then have them available for purchase at town hall.
Heidi Tice moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to purchase 50 passes to make available for sale.
Ayes: Knoll, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Winebarger
Nays: none
20-056 Payment of bills
Terry Knoll moved, Denise Winebarger seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $6,948.97; Public Safety $19,280.96; Water $70,493.70; Sewer $628.96; Street Lights $14,361.51; Trust & Agency $736.62
Totaling: $112,450.72
Ayes: Knoll, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Winebarger
Nays: none
1. Brian Michelli reported that the July slip ‘n slide community day will be cancelled due to COVID social distancing guidelines.
1. A group of residents and interested parties including Tim & Linda Wright, Barb Griffith, Steve Jones, Meggan Johnson, and Alison McKee were present to share their displeasure with the condition of Kendra Road.
The motion by Terry Knoll, supported by Andrea Anderson, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:53pm.