June 16, 2020
6:30 Work session
Work Session
Continue review of Ordinances starting at Sec. 42-273
01. Roll Call: Michelli, Farrar, Osterhart, Franklin, Jacobs, Suchecki.
02. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes: April 21, 2020. Minutes were accepted as amended.
03. Approve / Amend Agenda: Agenda accepted as amended (reverse item 6 & 7)
04. Correspondence / Reports
1. Cherette Group – Preliminary informal discussion regarding proposed apartment homes for the Fruitport Golf Course property
Denny Cherette & Larry Hall of the Cherette Group 333 Washington Street Grand Haven.
Mr. Cherette outlined the proposed project on the current golf course and timelines. He handed out representative renderings of the proposed project. Mr. Hall presented a preliminary site plan. The general consensus of the PC was overall concurrence with the concept.
05. Public Comments pertaining to agenda topics: None were heard.
New Business
06. Site Plan – Airline Rd. vacant land –Nesson Cable Engineering
∙ Parcel – 61-15-123-400-0009-00
∙ Purpose – New building and parking lot
Wade Vandenbosch, Westshore Engineering 2454 Black Creek Road. Nesson Engineering is looking to expand to a larger footprint. Wade outlined the proposed project.
1. The motion is made by Osterhart to grant the site plan request for parcel number(s) 61-15-123-400-0009-00
2. The motion is based upon specific findings by the Township relative to the factors specified in Section 42-224 of the Zoning Chapter.
–e. Buildings or groups of buildings are arranged as to permit emergency vehicle access. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Public Safety approval received.
–h. All loading and unloading areas and outside storage areas, including areas for the storage of trash, which face or are visible from residential districts or public thoroughfares are screened by a vertical screen consisting of structural or plant materials no less than six feet in height. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Proper fence and screening
–i. Exterior lighting is arranged so that it is deflected away from adjacent properties and will not impede the vision of traffic along adjacent streets. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Only have wall packs
3. If the motion is to grant approval, the following conditions are established.
–a. The development must comply with the site plan, date 3-18-2020, submitted to the Township, as well as any written material submitted by the applicant to the Township.
–b. The development must comply with all federal, state, and Muskegon County laws, rules, regulations, and requirements.
–c. The development must be acquired, developed, and completed in conformance with the Zoning Chapter, as amended, and the rest of the Fruitport Charter Township Code of Ordinances.
–d. The development must be completed within 2 years. This deadline may be extended by the Township, without going through the entire application process, upon request by the applicant and evidence showing that the applicant is proceeding in good faith toward completion.
–e. If the site plan approval is contingent upon public water service or public sanitary sewer service or both being provided, then no construction of the development may begin until all required easements are in place, all required forms have been completed, and all approvals for service have been obtained.
–f. A digital copy of the site plan as approved shall be provided to the Fire Inspector at brian.michelli@mcd911.net, or such other e-mail address as the Fire Inspector may designate.
–g. Any other conditions placed by the Township upon the site plan approval: Zoning administrator & planning commission chair to approve the siding, add canopy to the front entrance to also be approved by ZA and PCC, and maintain a 15 foot tree buffer in the back. On west, east, and south side of site to have privacy measures (chain-link slats) & handi-cap parking with barrier free curb ramp access directly in front of main entry. Building signage must be presented to the ZA and PCC for approval.
Motion was supported by Jacobs and carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
07. Public Hearing – Special use – outdoor storage
∙ Airline Rd. – vacant property owned by Nesson Cable Engineering
Motion by Jacobs, support by Osterhart to go into a public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Nesson stated they plan to store cable, fiber, coax, utility poles, and similar items. They need to have stock in storage to address poles that are frequently hit.
Motion by Jacobs to close public hearing. Motion supported by Suchecki and carried unanimously.
1. The motion is made by Osterhart to grant the special use request for parcel number(s) 61-15-123-400-0009-00 for the following requested special use: New building and parking lot.
2. The motion is based upon specific findings by the Township relative to the factors specified in Section 42-157 of the Zoning Chapter.
–a. The special use will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objections of the Master Plan. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): similar adjacent uses
–b. The special use will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so as to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity, and it will not change the essential character of the same area. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Similar adjacent uses.
–d. The special use will be a substantial improvement to property in the immediate vicinity and to the Township as a whole. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Within Master Plan
3. If the motion is to grant approval, the following conditions are established as authorized by Section 42-158 of the Zoning Chapter.
–a. The special use must comply with the site plan, dated 3-18-20, submitted to the Township, as well as any written material submitted by the applicant to the Township.
–b. The special use must comply with all federal, state, and Muskegon County laws, rules, regulations, and requirements.
–c. The special use must be acquired, developed, and completed in conformance with the Zoning Chapter, as amended, and the rest of the Fruitport Charter Township Code of Ordinances.
–d. The construction of the special use must be completed within 2 years. This deadline may be extended by the Township, without going through the entire application process, upon request by the applicant and evidence showing that the applicant is proceeding in good faith toward completion.
–e. If the special use approval is contingent upon public water service or public sanitary sewer service or both being provided, then no construction of the special use may begin until all required easements are in place, all required forms have been completed, and all approvals for service have been obtained.
–f. A financial guarantee is required as allowed by Section 42-158(d) of the Zoning Chapter. The details of the financial guarantee are: _______________________ _________________________________________________________________.
–g. A digital copy of the site plan as approved shall be provided to the Fire Inspector at brian.michelli@mcd911.net, or such other e-mail address as the Fire Inspector may designate.
–h. Any other conditions placed by the Township upon the special use: Fiber Optic cable, utility poles, conduit no more than 6’ high. No storage higher than top of fence. Everything to be stored within the screened fence. Work trucks to be parked in back of building.
Motion was supported by Jacobs. On a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
08. Private Road – Vacant land Judson Rd. – Gary Shepherd (owner) & West Shore Engineering & Surveying
∙ Parcel 61-15-134-200-0012-00
∙ Purpose – proposed private road to establish frontage for a single family home
Motion was made by Michelli to allow Osterhart to abstain due to a financial conflict (he is designing the new home proposed for this lot). Motion was supported by Farrar and carried unanimously.
1. The motion is made by Jacobs to grant the site plan request for parcel number(s) 61-15-134-200-0012-00
2. The motion is based upon specific findings by the Township relative to the factors specified in Section 42-224 of the Zoning Chapter.
–a. All elements of the site plan are harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the size and type of lot, the character of adjoining property and the type and size of buildings. The site will not impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for permitted uses. This finding is based upon the following fact(s):Previously approved land division.
–c. Special attention has been given to proper site surface drainage. Removal of stormwaters will not adversely affect neighboring properties. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): retained on site
–e. Buildings or groups of buildings are arranged as to permit emergency vehicle access. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): Fire Department approval receive.
3. If the motion is to grant approval, the following conditions are established.
–a. The development must comply with the site plan, dated _______________, submitted to the Township, as well as any written material submitted by the applicant to the Township.
–b. The development must comply with all federal, state, and Muskegon County laws, rules, regulations, and requirements.
–c. The development must be acquired, developed, and completed in conformance with the Zoning Chapter, as amended, and the rest of the Fruitport Charter Township Code of Ordinances.
–d. The development must be completed within 2 years. This deadline may be extended by the Township, without going through the entire application process, upon request by the applicant and evidence showing that the applicant is proceeding in good faith toward completion.
–e. If the site plan approval is contingent upon public water service or public sanitary sewer service or both being provided, then no construction of the development may begin until all required easements are in place, all required forms have been completed, and all approvals for service have been obtained.
–f. A digital copy of the site plan as approved shall be provided to the Fire Inspector at brian.michelli@mcd911.net, or such other e-mail address as the Fire Inspector may designate.
–g. Any other conditions placed by the Township upon the site plan approval: has a maintenance agreement approved by the Township that includes: the information for the deed restriction in regards to the water main and appropriate hydrants if the parcel is ever divided or developed for more than one home, zoning administrator follows through with a deed restriction on the property.
Support by Franklin. On a roll call vote: ayes 5, nays, 0, abstain 1 (Osterhart).
Old Business
Members discussed changing the density for senior housing at Sternberg and Quarterline. General consensus of the PC was to not make any changes.
09. Public Comments
10. Adjournment: Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:45.