This meeting was held virtually via due to COVID-19.
A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, December 14, 2020, via Zoom electronic meeting.
Members Present: Todd Dunham, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Jim Fichtel, Greg Hulka, Terry Knoll, David Markgraf
(All members participating remotely from Fruitport, Michigan)
Members Absent: none
At 7:00pm, Todd Dunham opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Also Present: 4- residents; 3- employees; 0- guests; Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli; Director of Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada.
Rose Dillon moved, Greg Hulka seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the minutes of November 23, 2020 as presented.
Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None
Andrea Anderson moved, Jim Fichtel seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the agenda as presented with the following additions requested by the Public Safety Committee:
Item 8-G: Fire Department PTO Payout
Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None
1. Brian Michelli reported that the Public Safety Departments have seen an increase in COVID calls; Fire apparatus repairs will be happening soon; The Police Department is now at full staff with the newest hires on the road.
2. Steve Biesiada reported that the new water main to Nesson Cable is complete; There were lift station power interruptions, but everything is fixed now.
3. Andrea Anderson shared a report on voter turnout for the November 3rd Presidential election.
20-129 Appoint Parks Commissioner
Letters of interest were received from Karen Johnson, Denise Winebarger, and Rick Tice. A unanimous letter of recommendation from the Parks Commission for the appointment of Karen Johnson was received.
David Markgraf moved, Jim Fichtel seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to appoint Karen Johnson to the open Parks Commissioner seat.
Ayes: Markgraf, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: Knoll
20-130 First Reading: Anti-Blight and Junk Vehicles Ordinance
This ordinance would prohibit inoperable vehicles from cluttering property along with buildings that are incomplete without open building permits.
This constitutes the first reading. Final action will take place at the next regular scheduled board meeting on January 11, 2021.
20-131 Budget Amendments
Budget amendments were presented by the Treasurer. All result in a net zero impact on the budget except the road repair and maintenance line that will be filled from fund balance.
Andrea Anderson moved, Greg Hulka seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the budget amendments as presented.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None
20-132 DDA Board and Citizen’s Council
Todd is working on forming the DDA Board and Citizen’s Council and hopes to have them presented for a vote on January 11, 2021.
20-133 Reappoint Steve Paul to ZBA
Greg Hulka moved, David Markgraf seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to reappoint Steve Paul for a three year term on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None
Steve’s term is from January 2021-January 2024.
20-134 Reappoint BOR Members
David Markgraf moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to reappoint David Jacobs, E. David Farhat, and Martin Mieras Jr to the Board of Review and Ronald Becklin as the Alternate.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None
The term is for two years and will be served from January 2021 to January 2023.
20-135 December 28th Meeting
Rose Dillon moved, David Markgraf seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to cancel the regular board meeting on December 28th due to several board members being out of town for the holiday and lack of agenda items.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None
20-136 Senior Services Mileage Funding- Kathy Moore
The township has $18,153.55 of senior millage funding that needs to be spent or committed by the end of the year. It was suggested that the funds be used for meals, snow plowing, and tax assistance.
Rose Dillon moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to commit $2,000.00 to Age Well Services for meals and $16,153.55 to property tax assistance for Fruitport Township seniors.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None
A committee will be formed on which Rose Dillon, David Markgraf, and Jim Fichtel will determine the need and how to distribute.
20-137 Fire Department PTO Payout
The Fire Department staff loses their PTO time if it is not used. The situation with COVID prevented vacations and time off to be used during 2020. If staff attempts to use up their time before the end of the year it will cause scheduling conflicts. The Public Safety Committee would like to create a letter of understanding for the one-time payout of unused PTO time.
Greg Hulka moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to allow Fire Department PTO time to be paid out given the circumstances of 2020.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None
20-138 Payment of bills
Rose Dillon moved, Andrea Anderson seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $10,938.83; Public Safety $9,086.14; Water $72,779.15; Sewer $17,411.46; Trust & Agency $2,050.00
Totaling: $112,265.58
Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None
1. Rose Dillon reported that the IRS is allowing a one-time grace to be able to pay back unused Task/flex spending funds to employees after removing taxes due to the COVID pandemic prohibiting surgeries and other medical procedures.
1. Rick Tice thanked the Board for their consideration of his letter of interest for the Parks Commission; mentioned that the last Parks meeting was inaccessible.
2. Heidi Tice suggested that the Blight ordinance be tabled until the Township Attorney is present.
3. Rose Dillon asked if the Parks Commission could email agendas and minutes to her.
4. Travis Nadeau of the Parks Commission will make sure that meeting access information is posted.
5. Karen Johnson shared that there will not be a Parks Commission meeting in December.
Terry Knoll moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to adjourn the meeting at 8:19pm.
Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None