Village of Fruitport Council Meeting Minutes – 03/29/21

MARCH 29TH, 2021

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

2. Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger, Bill Overkamp, Jeff Guiles and Ann LaCroix

3. Approval of March 29th Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Amy to approve the March 29th meeting agenda, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

4. Approval of the January 18th meeting minutes
Motion made by Amy to approve the February council meeting minutes, the March 13th work session minutes, and the March 22nd public hearing minutes, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

5. Public Comment

6. Correspondence
Ann read a letter from the Church of Seventh Day Adventist; students will be canvassing the area this summer. Ann read a letter from Mark Oldenburg, 270 Pine regarding the Temporary Local Watercraft Control Application. He stated the water is down about 3 feet from last year and does not think it is necessary right now. If possible if the permit you are applying for give some discretion that would be ideal.

7. Reports from Officers.
Amy gave an update on the Playground. A public input event will be held in May. Amy gave an update on the Senior Millage. We received approval from our County Commissioner to submit the application for funding this year.
Carl had nothing to report.
Bill had nothing to report.
Jeff questioned the size of the Personnel Committee now that the council size has been reduced. The Personnel Committee needs to be reduced to two members in the Committee.
Roger had nothing to report.

Motion made by Amy at 7:08pm to close the Council meeting, supported by Jeff, with a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Motion made by Jeff to open the Budget hearing, supported by Amy, with a unanimous vote
The motion carried.

8. Budget Hearing
Roger asked if anyone had any questions about the 2021-2022 budget that was discussed in the budget meeting. No one had any questions or comments. Roger questioned if there was any Public Comment, no comments were made.

Motion made by Amy to close the Budget hearing at 7:10pm, supported by Jeff, with a unanimous vote the motion carried.
Motion made by Amy to open the Council meeting, supported by Carl, with a unanimous vote the motion carried.

9. 2021-2022 Budget Adoption
Motion made by Roger to approve the budget as presented, supported by Jeff. Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt. NAYS: None
Budget resolution offered by Roger, supported by Jeff. Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYS: None (Resolution attached).

10. Motto
Amy advised that we need to work on a Village Motto. She will send out an email to council and review suggestions at the next council meeting.

11. Temporary Local Watercraft Control Application/Resolution
Roger and council discussed the input from the Public Hearing. Temporary Local Watercraft Control Resolution offered by Roger, supported by Jeff. Roll call AYES: Haack, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYS: None Absent: Rothenberger (left meeting at 7:19pm) (Resolution attached).

12. 7th & Peach
Roger gave an update on the work at 7th & Peach.

13. Kayak Launch Update and Approval of Purchases
Amy advised of a virtual meeting with Prein & Newhof. Working on submitting information to the DEQ. The parking lot and launch will be completed in the late summer or early fall. Motion made by Amy to approve the purchase of the kayak launch pad and gang way in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, supported by Jeff. Roll call AYES: Haack, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYS: None Absent: Rothenberger.

14. Public Comment

15. Warrants
Motion made by Jeff to approve the warrants, supported by Bill. Roll call AYES: Haack, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt. NAYS: None Absent: Rothenberger

16. Adjournment
Motion made by Jeff to adjourn the meeting at 7:47pm, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix