A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, May 24, 2021, in the township board room.
Members Present: Todd Dunham, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Jim Fichtel, Terry Knoll, David Markgraf
Members Absent: Greg Hulka, excused
At 7:03pm, Todd Dunham opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Also Present: 4- residents; 1- employees; 5- guests; Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli; Director of Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada.
The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Rose Dillon was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of May 10, 2021 as presented.
The motion by Rose Dillon, seconded by Todd Dunham was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of:
Item 8-F: SCBA Breathing Air System
1. Steve Biesiada announced that the DPW Assistant will be retiring in October and they will begin seeking a replacement.
2. Brian Michelli shared roadway stipulations placed on the anticipated Memorial Day parade; shared a note of thanks for the police department from a resident; 800mhz radio system is expected to go live July 17th; invoices are being issued in reference to the Cost Recovery Ordinance.
3. Todd Dunham shared that he will be performing at Pin Crest to raise funds for the flag fund on June 5th; shared that the Fruitport Regulator Run, together with the Fruitport Lions Club, donated $500 to the flag fund.
4. Heidi Tice shared that the street corner mint sale was a successful fundraiser for the Lions Club.
21-046 Presentation Regarding Senior Services Funding: Kris Collee and Chris Cross
The Muskegon County Board of Commissioners has given municipalities an opportunity to use Senior Services Millage funds again this year, allocating approximately $43,987.00 to Fruitport Township.
Kris Collee presented on services offered by AgeWell Services including non-emergency medical transport, wellness program, and meals for seniors. With their programs comes tracking and accountability of funds.
A representative from the Muskegon County Prosecutor’s office shared the need for an additional detective for the Safe Seniors program.
Chris Cross from Living Word Church shared an opportunity to provide Fruitport’s senior residents with lawn care and snow removal.
Rose Dillon moved, Andrea Anderson seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to pledge $15,000 to AgeWell Services, $15,000 to Safe Seniors, and $13,430 for lawn care in 2021.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: None
21-047 Discussion on Proposed Sand Borrow Pit- Dangl Rd.
The Planning Commission saw no issues with the proposed project and no negative public comments were heard during a public hearing on April 20th. The current zoning is R-4 and would allow for 2 homes on the property, which is the plan of West Michigan Dirt Works for the end of the project. They also plan to preserve the trees in the center of the property. The project is awaiting a condition of approval from the Muskegon County Road Commission. It is the board’s request that a paved entrance on Dangl Rd. be placed to preserve the edge of the roadway.
The motion by Rose Dillon, seconded by Jim Fichtel, was carried unanimously, to authorize the Planning Commission to complete the process, exercising their discretion, and share with them the board’s recommendations.
21-048 Local Road Project Contract- Sheridan Rd.
A 1.5” overlay and gravel shoulders on .675 miles of Sheridan Road, from Hile to Airline, is part of a multi-year road plan that began in 2019. The $80,000 cost will be split 50/50 between the Muskegon County Road Commission and Fruitport Township.
Rose Dillon moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to sign the presented contract for the improvement of Sheridan Rd.
Ayes: Fichtel, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None
21-049 DPW Purchase of Brass, Meters, Copper, and Iron
The lowest bid for 2021/2022 brass water service material was received from Core and Main, $37,547.39. The 2021/2022 iron quote from East Jordan Iron Works is $15,250.16. The quote from Ferguson Waterworks for water meters is $25,114.19. This $77,911.74 purchase was budgeted for.
Terry Knoll moved, David Markgraf seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the request as presented.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: None
21-050 Fire Department Equipment Donation
The Public Safety Committee has recommended that an old set of extrication tools be donated to a fire department in the Upper Peninsula where many departments are in desperate need of equipment that their municipalities cannot afford to purchase. The tools are from 1976 and were not of value for trade-in or sale when replaced with a new set approximately 2 years ago. The department will still have a back-up set. Shipping/transport costs will be the responsibility of the recipient.
The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Andrea Anderson, was carried unanimously, to accept the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee and donate the equipment.
21-051 SCBA Breathing Air System
The current breathing air system used to fill breathing air bottles after an emergency is 33 years old and beyond its serviceable life. The system is in need of repair, but due to its age and lack of parts available it needs to be replaced. This $32,455.00 purchase was not expected and it is requested that the funds be taken from the restricted Public Safety fund balance. Funds shall be replaced at a rate of $10,820.00 per year for 3 years. This purchase and repayment plan was approved by the Public Safety Committee.
Terry Knoll moved, Jim Fichtel seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the purchase with the repayment plan as proposed.
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: None
21-052 Payment of bills
Terry Knoll moved, Dave Markgraf seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $23,755.99; Public Safety $42,479.86; Water $10,313.75; Sewer $1,744.99; Trust & Agency $2,534.00; Street Lights $14,902.53
Totaling: $95,731.12
Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: None
1. Andrea Anderson shared a pay-in-full option for election equipment maintenance.
1. Heidi Tice shared that she was pleased with the decision to allocate funds for Safe Seniors.
The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Rose Dillon, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm.