from the Muskegon County Circuit & Probate Courts
By order of the Michigan Supreme Court, Muskegon Probate Court Judge Gregory C. Pittman has been appointed to serve as Chief Judge of both the Circuit and Probate Courts of Muskegon County.
Judge Pittman’s appointment begins January 1, 2022 and continues through until December 31, 2023.
Judge Pittman has served in the local Probate and Circuit Court Family Division since his appointment to the bench by Governor John Engler in 1998.
Judge Pittman has, in the past, served on the Michigan Task Force for Children’s Justice, by appointment of both former Governors Jennifer Granholm and Rick Snyder.
In 1998, Judge Pittman founded the Muskegon Responsible Fathers Initiative in recognition of the need to help non-custodial Fathers to reduce and eliminate the systemic barriers that help separate children from meaningful relationships with their fathers.
In 2013, Judge Pittman was tasked by Governor Snyder with developing systemic solutions to stemming the “School to Prison Pipeline” in the County of Muskegon. That effort resulted in the development of the School Teams Assisting Youth Project (STAY Project). Local school districts have since adopted STAY principles in the effort to keep students connected to their educational program and present in school.
In 2016, under Judge Pittman’s leadership as Presiding Judge of the Family Division, the Family Court worked with the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute to revamp its juvenile justice system. After successfully implementing a new model over several years, it has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of youth in detention and out-of-home placements and a decrease in the number of days in care.
Judge Pittman currently serves on the Michigan Supreme Court’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Workgroup, that is tasked with making Michigan’s One Court of Justice mission accessible and accountable to all Michigan citizens.
Judge Pittman has been recognized as the 2001 recipient of the prestigious Michigan Family Forum “Champion of the Family” Award, and the 2018 Michigan CASA “Jurist of the Year” Award. In 2014, Judge Pittman was honored with the 103.7 The Beat “Living Legend” Award.
Judge Pittman has and continues to serve in leadership roles on local, state, national and international levels, outside of judiciary centered endeavors.
Judge Pittman is the proud husband of Theresa Kay, and father of Cherish and Jared.
“It has been my great fortune to have served under remarkable judicial leadership during my time on the bench here in Muskegon County. It is my sincere prayer that I will be blessed to humbly continue in like manner of those Chief Judges who’ve preceded me in this esteemed role.”