News from the Huizenga Huddle – December 21, 2021

Let’s Start with Some Great News
The Christian Missionaries who were being held captive in Haiti are back in the United States. This is the day we have been both hoping and praying for. I think more will come to light about their journey, captivity, and return home in the coming days, but their safe return marks a great day for families in Michigan and across the nation who have been worried about their loved ones.


Strengthening the Role Parents Play in Education
Parents play a critical role in making sure their children receive a quality education. We need more parental involvement not less. That is why earlier this month, I announced my support for the Parents Bill of Rights Act. This legislation will empower parents to help achieve the best outcome for their children. You can read the Parents Bill of Rights Act here.

Correct the Record: HR 550 is not a vaccine passport or federal database
There has been a lot of misinformation about a vote on HR 550 that I took earlier this month and I wanted to clarify what the bill does and does not do.

The Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act HR 550 is in no way, shape, or form related to a federal vaccine database or vaccine passport. In fact, the data contained in these state run systems has had all personally identifiable information removed from it.

I have consistently opposed federal vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. In fact, I am an original cosponsor of H.J. Res 65, which would overturn OSHA’s vaccine mandate. I have also help lead efforts to overturn the CMS vaccine mandate as well as support legislation blocking mandates for federal employees and contractors.

This legislation is necessary because when President Biden’s first multi-trillion dollar proposal called the American Rescue Plan, which I voted against, was enacted it included funding to modernize IIS databases. However that bill lacked explicit legal definitions for what “modernization” meant. The Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act actually limits what the Biden Administration can do using American Rescue Plan funding.

The state-level IIS databases have been in use for decades. This legislation actually bolsters their cyber defense, enhances the privacy of Americans, and prevents the Biden Administration from repurposing the IIS and using it to enforce vaccine mandates.

Protecting personal liberties and stopping an overbearing government are two of the main reasons I ran for Congress in the first place. I will continue to stand up for West Michigan workers, families, small business owners, and healthcare providers by fighting against these coercive mandates.

You may find this short 91 second video from Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw on H.R. 550 insightful as well.

Merry Christmas!
Last but certainly not least, I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope the holidays are filled with laughter, joy, and new memories whether you chose to spend time with family or friends.