Muskegon County Courts Continue to Limit In-Person Access to Courthouse

from the Muskegon County Court Administrators

Due to recent increases in positive COVID-19 cases in Muskegon County, and after
consultation with the Muskegon County Public Health Department, the Muskegon
County Courts have consulted with local public health officials and determined that the
following COVID response directives limiting in-person access will continue through at
least February 14th.

  1. Court offices (District, Probate, Circuit, Family Court and Friend of the Court) will
    not be open to serve the general public on a ‘walk-in’ basis.
  2. Most court hearings will continue to be conducted virtually via Zoom. Other court
    hearings will continue to be held in-person. Instructions on how to appear and
    how to participate for a court hearing will be provided to all parties along with a
    notice to appear. If you have an attorney and you are uncertain about whether
    you should appear in person or to appear remotely, please contact your attorney
  3. Everyone entering the Hall of Justice will be required to self-screen for COVID
    symptoms. Anyone accessing court services will be required to wear a mask at
    all times while inside the building.
  4. Scheduled jury trials will continue to be adjourned at least through the week of
    February 14th. If you have received a juror summons, please follow the
    instructions for contacting the jury hotline for more information regarding your
    term of service.
  5. Other Muskegon County offices are not governed by this action by the courts. All
    other departments remain open, until further notice.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a great many challenges. It has also
proven the resiliency of our citizens, and their institutions of government. We have
found, and continue to find, new and innovative ways to meet these challenges – to
adapt and to respond in a manner that ensures the public’s health and safety while at
the same time preserving access to the justice system. We appreciate your continued
patience and understanding.