Swearing In of 14th Circuit Court Judges Kacel & McNeill

Please join in the Investiture and Swearing in of:

Hon. Matthew R. Kacel & Hon. Jenny L. McNeill as 14th Circuit Court Judges
of the State of Michigan on
Friday, January 6th, 2023

2:00 pm- Hon. Matthew R. Kacel
4:00 pm- Hon. Jenny L. McNeill

Michael E. Kobza Hall of Justice 6th Floor
Hon. Hoopes’s Courtroom

Overflow available in Judge Smedley’s Courtroom
990 Terrace St., Muskegon MI

This event is open to the public.

If you’re unable to attend in-person, you may livestream the Investitures at:
Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 895 703 9873
Passcode: 1234

One tap mobile
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